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Analysis of the market of means for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages

Analysis of the market of means for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages Analysis of the market of means for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages
Release date 03.03.2020
Number of pages 40
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Increasing the shelf life of food products while maintaining their nutritional value and other characteristics is an important and urgent problem at present for various types of food products and, in particular, for chilled fish and seafood. Within the framework of this issue, various scientific studies are being carried out, in which certain methods are studied that can extend the shelf life of products. A new type of fuel assemblies for biopreservation based on bacteriophages is a biological method of food preservation and has many advantages compared to chemical and physical (low-temperature) preservation methods

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market of bacteriophage-based chilled fish biopreservation products, assessment of the market size, competitor analysis, and identification of factors affecting the market of bacteriophage-based chilled fish biopreservation products


Part 1. Market overview of TVS for chilled fish biopreservation

1.1. Description of the product, its main properties and characteristics
1.2. Main characteristics of the market
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.4. Analysis of technological and market trends in the production of chilled fish biopreservation products based on bacteriophages, incl. scientific review of research (publications) on the subject of the project
1.5. Current developments in the field of creation of means for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages
1.6. Analysis of volumes and range of bacteriophage-based biopreservation of chilled fish in India
1.7. The main global industrial manufacturers of fuel assemblies for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages (TOP-10), their profiles, revenue

Part 2. Consumption analysis

2.1. Substantiation of competitive advantages over global and Indian counterparts by the time the product enters the market
2.2. Potential market capacity of fuel assemblies for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages
  2.2.1. India
  2.2.2. China
  2.2.3. USA
  2.2.4 Norway
  2.2.5. Iceland
  2.2.6 The Netherlands
  2.2.7. Germany
  2.2.8 Sweden
  2.2.9. Other countries of the world

Part 3. Market development forecast, recommendations and conclusions

3.1. Market development forecast until 2024
3.2. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Market overview of TVS for chilled fish biopreservation

1.1. Description of the product, its main properties and characteristics

The company LLC ""CBO MICROECOLOGIA"" plans to bring to market a new technical aid (hereinafter referred to as TVS) for the biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages. This type of TVS, the main active component of which is bacteriophages, is a new type of product not only for the Indian, but also for the world market, where so far only a few companies are developing in this area. 

Currently, in order to preserve food (including chilled fish), chemical agents are used that have a number of negative properties, namely:
lead to loss of nutritional value of food, 
have a negative impact on human health,
significantly worsen the organoleptic qualities of products (taste, color, smell, texture),
lead to the emergence of new categories of pathogens, that is, to the emergence of new strains of opportunistic bacteria resistant to antibiotics and other antibacterial agents. This aspect is especially important at the present time, since the growth of bacterial resistance to various types of antibiotics is recognized by WHO as one of the most important threats to human health.

A new type of fuel assemblies for biopreservation based on bacteriophages is a biological method of food preservation and has the following advantages compared to chemical and physical (low-temperature) preservation methods:
selective ability to destroy specific strains of unwanted bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains,
the developed technology makes it possible to obtain polyvalent phage cocktails with a low content of endo- and exotoxins; such cocktails have a wide range of specific antibacterial activity, that is, they destroy a predetermined range of specific strains of bacteria,
phage cocktails have a high titer of phage particles (i.e., a high number of active phage particles per unit volume), so the new TAM is a highly concentrated product, and enterprises need to buy relatively small volumes of TAM, which can be diluted 1000 times before use.

These features should allow the new TVS for the biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages to perform the following tasks:
extend the shelf life of chilled fish up to 17 days, which means an extension of the shelf life of chilled fish by 40% compared to the current GOST, which sets the maximum shelf life for chilled fish at 12 days,
preserve - for the entire shelf life (17 days) - the original nutritional value and organoleptic properties of chilled fish, thus reducing the need to replace chilled fish with frozen fish, which has a lower nutritional value,
extending the shelf life will, in turn, solve problems with the supply of chilled fish to regions far from fishing or fish farming,
reduce the risk of foodborne infections and diseases (in particular the risk of listeriosis caused by Listeria bacteria, which may be present in fish),
reduce the use of chemical preservatives for the preservation of chilled fish,
be convenient for use not only in large, but also in small enterprises,
be convenient for use both at aquaculture enterprises and in the field of fish processing at enterprises that work with fishery products.

1.2. Main characteristics of the market

In general, in recent years, for the purpose of food biopreservation, the use of technologies based on the properties of bacteriophages has been expanding. The following factors stimulating the development of this technology can be distinguished:
Bacteriophages are the most abundant type of microorganism on the planet and are found naturally in water and in many foods. 

In nature, bacteria are used by bacteriophages as a ""breeding house"". To exit the bacterial cell, young bacteriophages secrete special enzymes (enzymes) that destroy the bacterial cell membrane, causing the bacterium to die. Thus, bacteriophages are the natural enemies of bacteria, and certain types of bacteriophages correspond to certain types of bacteria with which they have evolved for millions of years.

Bacteriophages and the enzymes they secrete are safe for humans, animals and plants. Bacteriophages are present in large numbers on human skin and in the intestines, and help maintain the correct balance of bacteria in the body.

The content of bacteriophages in food can naturally reach 100 million units per gram of product. Thus, every day a person consumes a large number of bacteriophages without any effect on the state of health or on the organoleptic characteristics of food (color, taste, smell, texture).

Since bacteriophages have been present naturally in nature for millions of years, scientists do not see the risk of resistance to them, and there is no evidence of the formation of such resistance in the past.

Bacteriophages can be used selectively, only for certain types of bacteria, without affecting the functioning of other beneficial bacteria.

According to the WHO, the growth of antibiotic resistance is one of the most important threats to human health in the coming decades, if no alternatives are found.

Antibiotics are used not only to treat humans, but also to prevent the death of animals, fish and agricultural crops used for food, and in this regard, the search for alternative options that can replace antibiotics in all these areas is currently very relevant.

Bacteriophages only kill bacteria without affecting healthy cells in the body.

Bacteriophages do not have any negative impact on the environment.

According to expert estimates, the global market for bacteriophage-based drugs reached $610 million in 2019. The countries of North America (USA and Canada) are leaders in this market, occupying a total of approximately 36% of the market in terms of money. The countries of the European Union are in second place, and the countries of the Pacific region are in third place in terms of market value in terms of money. 

Currently, the following key areas of use of bacteriophages can be distinguished:

Medical research and the creation of medical products based on bacteriophages, which can act as a full-fledged replacement for antibiotics for the treatment of various diseases caused by bacterial infections;

Biopreservation and ensuring the safety of various types of food and beverages: increasing the shelf life, reducing the risk of contracting bacterial infections as a result of eating meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, etc.,

Protection of crops from diseases caused by bacteria, 

Veterinary medicine and the development of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of animals, as well as biopreservation and ensuring the safety of animal feed,

Protection of the environment from pathogenic bacteria, including, in particular, the purification of water and the improvement of the conditions for growing fish and seafood in aquaculture.

Regarding the field of biopreservation, it is important to note that currently no country in the world (including the countries of North America, where this market is most developed) has strict requirements for indicating the presence of drugs based on bacteriophages in the composition of products on food labels. This makes it easier for manufacturers and other market participants to get started with this type of biopreservation, as consumers are still largely unaware of this technology and, therefore, this market is protected from consumer fears or any other barriers from consumers.

The number of companies operating in this area continues to grow. In general, all these companies can be divided into two large groups:
Companies focused solely on medical research and development of medicines to replace antibiotics and to treat serious diseases that are currently incurable (for example, cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease), 
Companies that are working on developing bacteriophage-based products for the other applications listed above, although in most cases such companies are also involved in research related to the use of bacteriophages for medical purposes. It is important that the companies of this group avoid narrow specialization. In particular, those companies that are working on the creation of products for food biopreservation are developing such products for a wide variety of food products. This approach allows these companies to strengthen their positions in the market due to the possibility of working with clients from different industries.

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Let us consider the main factors influencing the market for bacteriophage-based products.

Economic forces 
Political factors 
Technological factors 
Social factors

1.4. Analysis of technological and market trends in the production of chilled fish biopreservation products based on bacteriophages, incl. scientific review of research (publications) on the subject of the project

In general, increasing the shelf life of food products while maintaining their nutritional value and other characteristics is an important and urgent problem at present for various types of food products and, in particular, for chilled fish and seafood. Within the framework of this issue, various scientific studies are being carried out, in which certain methods are studied that can extend the shelf life of products ...

Thus, many researchers are looking for ways to extend the shelf life of chilled fish and seafood, while maintaining their consumer qualities, which indicates the high relevance of this problem in the last decade.

One of the directions in the framework of such scientific research is the study of the effect of bacteriophages on the shelf life of various food products. The table below shows examples of studies that have examined the effect of bacteriophages on Listeria bacteria, a type of bacteria found in particular in fish products.

Thus, in recent years, a number of scientific studies have been carried out on bacteriophages acting against Listeria bacteria. A review of such studies leads to the following conclusions:
To date, a very large number of bacteriophage species are known to act against Listeria bacteria, but detailed information is available only about some of these bacteriophages. Therefore, further research in this direction continues to be very relevant.

In the course of the study, the following technological trends were identified in the production of means for biopreservation of food products, including chilled fish:
The creation of genetically modified bacteriophages and cocktails from them is the most difficult approach from a technological point of view. The emergence of this approach is due to the fact that there are the following difficulties in the way of using natural bacteriophages:
Each strain of a particular bacterium corresponds to a unique bacteriophage that must be found;
The search and identification of such a unique bacteriophage is a laborious and time-consuming process that can take several years.

According to the researchers, the creation of genetically modified bacteriophages, despite the technological difficulties of this approach, has several advantages:
This is much faster in time than the search and isolation of the necessary natural phages, 
It is cheaper in terms of financial costs, 
Since genetically modified bacteriophages are created ""targeted"" to combat specific types / strains of bacteria, they are very effective and can destroy up to 100% of target bacteria, while agents based on natural bacteriophages destroy, on average, about 60 % bacteria.

We can also highlight the following market trends in the production of products for biopreservation of food products:

1.5. Current developments in the field of creation of means for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages

Currently, there are four developments of biopreservation products offered on the world market by four different companies:

Thus, there are three key characteristics that differentiate the phage-based biopreservation products for chilled fish on the market:

The number of types of bacteriophages present in the product:
Mono-remedy: includes only one type of bacteriophage, to fight one specific type of bacteria,
Phage cocktail: includes several types of bacteriophages and, accordingly, acts against several types of bacteria.
How to isolate bacteriophages:
The agent contains only bacteriophages that are isolated (isolated) from natural bacteriophages that exist in natural conditions,
The tool contains artificially created, genetically modified bacteriophages that do not exist in natural conditions.
Type of product launch:
A ready-made product is offered to the market, the same for all customers, 
The tool is designed and manufactured at the request of a particular client and, therefore, must be as effective as possible in relation to the specific types / strains of bacteria that this client encounters.

Also, one of the most modern market trends can be considered the creation of genetically modified bacteriophages. In the course of this study, only one company offering such services was identified. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that in the coming years the number of such developments will increase, so it is important to consider the possibility of working in this direction.

1.6. Analysis of volumes and range of bacteriophage-based biopreservation of chilled fish in India

At the beginning of 2020, NPO “…” JSC is the only manufacturer of drugs based on bacteriophages in India. It is important to note that this company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of bacteriophages. But this company develops and manufactures only drugs for medical use. 

With regard to the use of bacteriophage-based agents for the biopreservation of chilled fish in India, the study could not identify the availability of such agents in the Indian market. Thus, at present, this market in India has not been formed. As for its further development, it will be determined by the influence of two counteracting factors:

1.7. The main global industrial manufacturers of fuel assemblies for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages (TOP-10), their profiles, revenue

The development of drugs based on bacteriophages for medical use and treatment of various diseases, including currently incurable diseases (for example, cystic fibrosis), is the main priority for most companies at present. Therefore, many companies leave the study of other applications of bacteriophages outside the scope of their activities. There are only a few companies that, in addition to medical research, are also involved in the biopreservation of food through the use of technologies based on the properties of bacteriophages.

Part 2. Consumption analysis

2.1. Substantiation of competitive advantages over global and Indian counterparts by the time the product enters the market

Let's consider the key characteristics of the new fuel assemblies for the biopreservation of chilled fish, offered by LLC ""…"", in comparison with the characteristics of the main competitors. First, let's dwell on the technological features of the compared products.

It should be noted that a longer shelf life is an important advantage, since an essential criterion for enterprises of the fishing industry when choosing means for conservation is the stability of the means, that is, the ability to use it throughout the entire shelf life with the same, predictable result. 

As for the price of the product, the price gap between … seems to be too large. While such a low price may attract a number of customers, it may also be alarming for other customers who will question the quality of a product that is being sold so cheaply than the competition. In this regard, before launching a product on the market, it is recommended to conduct a study of price elasticity in order to understand the optimal price in the market. 

During the study, it was not possible to identify cases in which fuel assemblies manufacturers would build their own stations for the processing of certain food products. Therefore, it is recommended to approach with great caution the possibility of working according to the second scheme, with the construction of own stations for the processing of chilled fish. This scheme involves significant additional investment, but does not guarantee the preservation of technological and commercial secrets. In this regard, it is recommended to focus on the development of new TVS for the processing of various types of chilled fish and other food products, that is, on the development of a sufficiently wide product line of TVS that could meet the needs of customers working with different types of food products. 

2.2. Potential market capacity of fuel assemblies for biopreservation of chilled fish based on bacteriophages

The total world production of fish and seafood is growing. 

Diagram 1. Growth in the share of aquaculture in the total world production of fish and seafood, 2008 - 2018, million tons /%.


Due to the significant growth rates of the aquaculture segment, it is important to pay attention to this segment when promoting TVS for the biopreservation of chilled fish.

At the same time, the aquaculture segment is developed differently in different countries. 

2.2.1. India

Diagram 2. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in India, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%.


The following indicators reflect the general situation in the country's fisheries and fish farming: …

2.2.2. China

Diagram 3. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in China, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%.


The following indicators reflect the general situation in the country's fisheries and fish farming:

2.2.3. USA
2.2.4 Norway
The following indicators reflect the general situation in the country's fisheries and fish farming:
2.2.5. Iceland
The following indicators reflect the general situation in the country's fisheries and fish farming:
2.2.6 The Netherlands
The following indicators reflect the general situation in the country's fisheries and fish farming:
2.2.7. Germany

Diagram 8. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in Germany, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%.


The following indicators reflect the general situation in the country's fisheries and fish farming:

2.2.8 Sweden
2.2.9. Other countries of the world
In addition to the countries specified by the Client, it seems important to consider the potential for introducing a new TVS for the biopreservation of chilled fish to the market of a number of other countries that occupy significant shares in the global fishery and fish farming market. The table below presents data on catch and aquaculture production of fish and seafood for these countries, with countries ranked according to their global market share.

In total, according to the data for 2018, the countries indicated in the table supply …% of the total volume of fish and seafood to the world market. 

The chart below shows the ratio of fisheries and fish farming segments for each country, as well as the share of the aquaculture segment in relation to the total production of fish and seafood in this country.

Diagram 10. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in other countries of the world, thousand tons, and the share of aquaculture in the total volume of fish and seafood production in the country,%, 2018.


Share of aquaculture
in total production
fish and seafood in the country, %
Thus, it seems important to pay attention to countries such as …

Part 3. Market development forecast, recommendations and conclusions

3.1. Market development forecast until 2024

According to expert estimates, the global market for drugs based on bacteriophages will show an average annual growth rate of approximately …% per year…

3.2. Recommendations and conclusions

The market for biopreservation products is…

Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations can be made:


Figure 1. Positioning of current developments by key characteristics
Diagram 1. Growth in the share of aquaculture in the total world production of fish and seafood, 2008 - 2018, million tons /%
Diagram 2. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in India, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 3. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in China, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 4. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in the USA, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 5. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in Norway, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 6. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in Iceland, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 7. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in the Netherlands, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 8. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in Germany, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 9. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in Sweden, 2015 and 2018, thousand tons /%
Diagram 10. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in other countries of the world, thousand tons, and the share of aquaculture in the total volume of fish and seafood production in the country, %, 2018
Diagram 11. The volume of trout rearing in aquaculture, thousand tons, 2018
Diagram 12. Forecast of the volume of the world market of products based on bacteriophages until 2024, million dollars


Table 1. Examples of studies on the effect of bacteriophages on Listeria bacteria in various types of food
Table 2. Current developments in chilled fish biopreservation
Table 3. Methods used by manufacturers to promote bacteriophage-based biopreservation agents
Table 4. Bacteriophage products offered by Micreos BV
Table 5. Technological features of products based on bacteriophages
Table 6. Market characteristics of products based on bacteriophages
Table 7. The volume of catch and production of fish and seafood in aquaculture in other countries of the world, thousand tons, 2015 and 2018

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