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Analysis of the market of injectable cosmetology drugs in India

Analysis of the market of injectable cosmetology drugs in India Analysis of the market of injectable cosmetology drugs in India
Release date 23.09.2021
Number of pages 46
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Injection cosmetology allows not only to improve the general condition of the skin, to increase its tone and elasticity. It provides an opportunity to correct age-related changes, change the volume of the lips, restore the oval and contours of the face, etc. The advantages that characterize injection techniques have ensured their high demand and great popularity.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for injectable cosmetology drugs in India, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market for injectable cosmetology drugs


Part 1. Overview of the Indian market for injectable cosmetology products

1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Dynamics of the market volume of injectable cosmetology products in 2014-2020 Potential market capacity
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.4. The stage of the life cycle of the market for injectable cosmetology drugs
1.5. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Competitive analysis in the market of injectable cosmetology drugs

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players

Part 3. Analysis of the production of injectable cosmetology products

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of injectable cosmetology preparations
3.2. Share of exports in the production of injectable cosmetology products
3.3. Segmentation of production of injectable cosmetology products by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
3.3.2. Production by states of India

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade deliveries of injectable cosmetology preparations

4.1. The volume and dynamics of imports of injectable cosmetology products
4.2. Import structure
4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of injectable cosmetology products
4.4. Export structure

Part 5. Analysis of the consumption of injectable cosmetology products

5.1. Dynamics of the volume of consumption of injectable cosmetology products
5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories
6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 8. Market development forecast for injectable cosmetology products until 2025

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Overview of the Indian market for injectable cosmetology products

1.1. Main characteristics of the market 

Injection cosmetology is a branch of aesthetic medicine that studies various methods of influencing the skin in order to combat signs of aging and skin defects. It is carried out by introducing drugs or cocktails with a needle or a special cannula.

Injection cosmetology allows not only to improve the general condition of the skin, to increase its tone and elasticity. It provides an opportunity…
The industry traditionally understands five types of procedures as cosmetic injections: botulinum therapy, …, ... At the same time, … (…%), … (…%) and … (…%) are leading in terms of the number of drug brands presented.
These services share the thematic market with…
Further in the study, medical products ""fillers"" for contour plastics will be considered in more detail. Filler - ...

The main types of fillers for the face: ...
The most popular contour plastic fillers ... Hyaluronate is ...

Diagram 1 shows the dynamics of the shares of imported and domestic products in the considered filler market.

One of the main features of the Indian filler market is the predominance of … products. The share of domestic goods during the period under review …%. The average indicator is …% for 2014-2020. The share of imported products ranges from …% to …%.
Indian filler manufacturers have …

The second distinctive feature of the filler market in India is the high share of … – in 2018, the share of products that do not have … amounted to about …% according to the estimate … However, in this indicator there is …
In July 2020, an underground production of cosmetic injections was discovered in the city. …

According to experts … the share of the “gray” segment was decreasing up to … a year, which would give the right to talk about the “whitewashing” of the market, however, …
However, in 2020 the trend was…
Another feature of the market is the high ... 

1.2. Dynamics of the market volume of injectable cosmetology products in 2014-2020 Potential market capacity 

Consider the volume dynamics of the filler market in India.

It should be noted that the assessment and calculation of almost all indicators for this market is extremely difficult due to the following circumstances:
- Missing …;
- Production of fillers and other preparations for injectable cosmetology…;
- ...;
- Foreign trade operations of export and import are carried out according to ...;

According to experts, the market has been developing …% annually up to … a year. Even despite the crisis in the economy, the demand for procedures, ... Since 2014, the injectable cosmetology market annually ... India has been a leader for many years, at least among European countries, in ... According to a survey conducted in 2016 year, more than …% of respondents-cosmetologists for each category of services noted that the market …

However, in 2017 … in physical terms (by the number of services/procedures provided) amounted to about …%, but in value terms due to … the market …% according to GidMarket. In 2018, …%, in value terms …% was observed, which at the end of 2018 led to …
Also, the slowdown and decline of the market, which happened against the background of …, aggravated … and the grocery … According to … “going …”.
On the other hand, experts noted the following trend in 2017-2018: during a crisis, consumers ... 
The most obvious effect of realization of pent-up demand against the background of getting used to a higher level of prices compared to the pre-crisis period manifested itself in … year – according to the results of the period …% by … year. 

Estimated market volume at current prices in 2020, the crisis year …% compared to 2019, but at the same time, the level of 2016-2018 at current prices ... If we take into account the price dynamics in 2020 by industry, then ...
The volume of the filler market presented in the diagram reflects …

In 2020, the market has noticeably changed seasonality. If before the pandemic, the ""peak"" months were ...
In addition, as noted by Ivan Parunin, General Director of First Aid Kit Cosmetologist, against the backdrop of a decrease in consumer demand, service operators began to give preference to …

As for the potential capacity of the filler market, for example, in … more than … million injections of botulinum toxin and fillers are performed annually, which in relation to the size of the population is about …%. In India, more than … of such injections are made every year, which is approximately …% of the population. Thus, the potential capacity of the market of fillers is not reached by at least …%, GidMarket estimates it at the level of “plus” …% to the current market volume.

Diagram 3. Revenue (net) from the sale of injectable cosmetology products by union territories for 2014 - 2020, %

The estimation of the federal districts' shares in the received revenue was made on the basis of import data according to the above TNVED code. Note that the distribution of regions by revenue in this case is determined by ...

The vast majority of importers are registered in … Union Territories (…% of imports in 2020), … Union Territories (…% in 2020) and …
The real demand for fillers and other preparations for injectable cosmetology by region can be estimated, for example, by the distribution of cosmetologists practicing the provision of such types of services.

Injection cosmetology procedures are most in demand in …Union Territories – in total, the region occupies a share of almost … – …% in terms of the number of practicing cosmetologists, with … a share of …%. Next comes … Union Territories – …%, and closes the top three …

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market 

Macroeconomic factors influence the dynamics of all sectors of the Indian economy, including the considered market of injectable cosmetology drugs. The main groups of factors are: economic, political, social and technological.


GDP (gross domestic product) is used to determine the rate of economic development of any state. GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the total value of goods, works and services that were produced and provided in the country in a year. Gross domestic product is the main indicator on the basis of which the level and pace of the country's economic development are determined.

Chart 5 shows India's GDP growth rate from 2007 to 2020 at comparable prices (at 2016 prices). 
The impact of the crisis, which began in 2008, led to a decrease in GDP by …% in 2009, however, further growth rates ...
Further, until 2014, the growth rate was …, but constantly …, and in 2015 it was … In 2015, which was the peak of the crisis in the state, the decline in GDP was …% compared to the previous year …

In 2016, GDP …, at the end of 2017, this indicator shows …
The physical volume index of gross domestic product in 2020 by … amounted to …% compared to 2019.

Social (demographic)
Let us summarize the data on the influence of factors in the framework of the Step-analysis.

Table 4. STEP-analysis of factors influencing the market of injectable cosmetology drugs

In general, the impact of macro factors on the filler market can currently be assessed as... Negative influence is exerted by... Positive influence is exerted by... All groups of factors influence the market...

1.4. The stage of the life cycle of the market for injectable cosmetology drugs 
The goal is…
To achieve the goal ... it is necessary to apply ... 

1.5. Competition from substitute products 

Part 2. Competitive analysis in the market of injectable cosmetology drugs

2.1. Major players in the market

The table shows the Top 5 imported filler companies and 2 companies from India in the Top 20...
Top 5 Manufacturers in the Indian Filler Market - ... These companies are ... Of the Indian manufacturing companies, only 2 made it into the Top 20 market companies: ...

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors 

The diagram shows the market shares of the leading manufacturers (Top 20) whose fillers were produced/imported in 2020. When determining market shares, data on ...
The top 20 manufacturers whose fillers were produced/imported in 2020 included 2 Indian and 18 foreign companies. The Herfindahl-Hirschman index is …, which indicates that this market is … Top-5 manufacturers occupy …% market share. At the same time, the market is…

The top 5 manufacturers include the following companies ... occupies ...% of the market, in second place with a share of ...% is the company ..., in third place ..
Since some companies are manufacturers of several brands of fillers, we will also present a separate rating by brand.

Diagram 17. Shares of the largest competitors (brands) in the market of injectable cosmetology products (fillers) in 2020, %

Top-20 brands include ... Top-5 brands occupy a market share of …%. The top 5 include the following brands: ...

Indian fillers...
Considering that only … hyaluronic acid-based products are available on the Indian market, the choice of domestic products is still … The main reasons are low …
… said that “many consumers are skeptical about …

In turn, experienced cosmetologists do not agree that this is only ...

2.3. Profiles of major players 

Part 3. Analysis of the production of injectable cosmetology products 

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of injectable cosmetology preparations
The dynamics of changes in the production of fillers in India has … character. Until 2015, … was observed, which is associated with the emergence of ... The crisis phenomena of 2016-2017, as well as ... led to ... However, in 2018, the production volume again ... According to GidMarket's calculations, it amounted to ... million Rs., which more…

Further production...

We also note that the volume of filler production in India is almost …, since the share of domestic products in the market is …%.
Since the Top 20 companies whose fillers are represented in the Indian market included only 2 domestic companies, the dynamics of total revenue is presented only for them. 
The dynamics of the total revenue of the two leading Indian manufacturers has … character, in 2020 the revenue amounted to … million Rs.

3.2. Share of exports in the production of injectable cosmetology products

3.3. Segmentation of production of injectable cosmetology products by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
3.3.2. Production by states of India 

Since there are few filler manufacturers in India, production data by region is combined in one table.
Production is concentrated in ..., because ...

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade deliveries of injectable cosmetology preparations

4.1. The volume and dynamics of imports of injectable cosmetology products 

Diagram 21. Volume and dynamics of imports of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in physical terms in 2014-2020, tons

…, caused by …, which began in …, had a noticeable impact on … – it was noted in physical terms … Further, during 2017 and 2018, … was observed.

The most complete demand for imported fillers is …, as evidenced by …% for both considered import indicators. And although the volume of imports of goods in value terms in 2019 exceeded …%, the level of imports in tons ...
A combination of negative factors in 2020 led to …

4.2. Import structure

The largest volumes of fillers supplied to India in 2020 were carried out from … (…%), … (…%) and …
For this filler market, it is noteworthy that the country of origin is often not …
Almost half of the fillers imported to India are produced in … – …%, …

4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of injectable cosmetology products 

Please note that the export volumes of fillers in value and physical terms are … 

Diagram 26. Balance of exports and imports in 2014-2020, million rubles

Throughout the entire period, the trade balance…

4.4. Export structure

The structure of exports by country is ... Most likely, the supply of fillers was carried out mainly in ... 

Part 5. Analysis of the consumption of injectable cosmetology products

5.1. Dynamics of the volume of consumption of injectable cosmetology products

The volume of consumption is calculated by GidMarket based on the ratio of the volume of the filler market to the population of India.

Diagram 28. Dynamics of consumption of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in monetary terms 2014 - 2020, Rs./person

In general, the consumption of fillers per capita during the period under review ... In 2020, consumption amounted to ... Rs./person, which is ...% less than the value of ... year, but ...% more than the value of ... year.

5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase 

According to the UIS in the field of procurement and IS Fira.Pro, in 2020 (January-December) and 2021 (January-March), according to Federal Law-44, ... contracts were concluded for the purchase of injectable cosmetology drugs. 
We present detailed information on contracts in the form of a table.

Table 10. Tenders for the purchase of drugs for which contracts were concluded in the period from 01.01.2020/31.03.2021/ to / /

Analysis of information on contracts under Federal Law-44 for the supply of drugs showed that:

- The contracts indicated in the table are concluded for the amount from ...
- All tenders under Federal Law-44, containing the supply of drugs in their subject matter, have been announced ...
- Data on contracts are placed in a single system ...
- Part of the contracts are concluded in the way ...
- In general, following the results of the procedures, the final discount can reach …% of the original price. Average discount...
- Under the terms of the procedures, customers may be interested in ...

In 2020-1 quarter. In 2021, tenders for the purchase of intradermal fillers most often represented ... - in ...% of cases, and were also carried out quite often ... - in ...% of tenders. The third most popular was...

Part 6. Price Analysis 

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories

Import prices for fillers of leading brands vary several times. If TM … was supplied on average for … dollars per 1 kg net, then … for … dollars per 1 kg. Difference …
It is obvious that some brands of fillers in the database of foreign trade operations were imported in separate deliveries to India at a price of …
In 2020, several deliveries of the drug were noted ...

6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India

Table 12. Consumer prices for selected fillers in online stores in 2021, Rs.

Although, in general, prices vary in different online stores, but the trends ... The most expensive of the reviewed goods are ... - their cost exceeds ... thousand. Rs. on the …

If we consider a conditional filler with an average cost in India of … rupees, then the prices by region will be as follows: …
Prices in the states of India can vary quite a lot. The maximum price is … thousand rupees, it is marked in … Also in the list of regions with high prices …
The minimum price is observed in…

The maximum price is above the average by …%, and the minimum is below the average for India by …%.

Such a spread of prices in the regions is due to different reasons for each of them: the level of …

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

… factors of the investment climate of the fillers market dominate over… A comprehensive assessment of the factors of investment attractiveness is … points – … investment climate, but on the border with … investment climate. This means that within the industry in question…

The most significant positive factors. …
The most significant negative factors. …

Part 8. Market development forecast for injectable cosmetology products until 2025

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions


Diagram 1. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the market of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in 2014-2020, %
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the volume of the market for injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) 2014 - 2020, billion Rs.
Diagram 3. Revenue (net) from the sale of injectable cosmetology products by union territories for 2014 - 2020, %
Diagram 4. Structure of demand for drugs for injectable cosmetology based on data on the number of cosmetologists in the Union Territories, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2007-2020, % to the previous year
Chart 6. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2021 (Jan-Mar), Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 7. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011 - 2020, % to the previous year
Diagram 8. Dynamics of India's IPP in 2014 - 2020, % to the previous year
Diagram 9. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, 2013 - 2020, % to the previous year
Diagram 10. Population dynamics in India as of January 1, 2010-2021, million people, %
Diagram 11. Population forecast in India for the period 2021-2024, million people
Diagram 12. Dynamics of the number and share of the population over working age in the total population of India in 2014-2020, million people, %
Chart 13. Index of production of chemicals and chemical products in India, 2015-2020, % to the previous year
Chart 14. Dynamics of the size of the average interest rate on loans, 2015-2020 (Jan-Nov), years, %
Figure 15. Product life cycle
Diagram 16. Shares of the largest competitors (manufacturers) in the market of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in 2020, %
Diagram 17. Shares of the largest competitors (brands) in the market of injectable cosmetology products (fillers) in 2020, %
Diagram 18. Dynamics of production volumes of injectable cosmetology preparations (fillers) in India for 2014 - 2020, million Rs.
Diagram 19. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest manufacturers of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in India, 2014-2020, million Rs.
Diagram 20. The share of exports in production for 2014 - 2020,%
Diagram 21. Volume and dynamics of imports of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in physical terms in 2014-2020, tons
Diagram 22. Volume and dynamics of imports of injectable cosmetology preparations (fillers) in monetary terms in 2014-2020, billion Rs.
Chart 23. Structure of imports of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) by importing countries (countries of origin/manufacturing) in 2020, %
Diagram 24. Dynamics of exports of injectable cosmetology products (fillers) in physical terms in 2014-2020, tons
Diagram 25. Dynamics of exports of injectable cosmetology preparations (fillers) in monetary terms in 2014-2020, million Rs.
Diagram 26. Balance of exports and imports in 2014-2020, million Rs.
Diagram 27. Export structure of fillers by countries in 2020, %
Diagram 28. Dynamics of consumption of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in monetary terms 2014 - 2020, Rs./person
Chart 29. Distribution of the number of purchases containing intradermal fillers in the subject in India depending on the type of procurement procedure (by number of purchases) in 2020 and Jan.-Mar. 2021, %
Diagram 30. Forecast of the market size of fillers in 2021 - 2025, billion Rs.


Table 1. Classification of drugs for injection cosmetology
Table 2. Forecasts of various sources for real GDP in India in 2021-2023 (baseline scenario, data for January-April 2021), %
Table 3. Weighted average interest rates of credit institutions on credit operations in rupees, excluding PJSC Sberbank (% per annum), 2015-2020 (Jan-Nov)
Table 4. STEP-analysis of factors influencing the market of injectable cosmetology drugs
Table 5. Main companies participating in the market of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in 2020
Table 6. Profiles of companies participating in the market of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) in 2020
Table 7. The range of fillers of the company ...
Table 8. Dynamics of production of injectable cosmetology preparations (fillers) in India by union territories in 2014-2020, million Rs.
Table 9. Structure of imports of injectable cosmetology drugs (fillers) by importing countries (sending countries) in 2020, %
Table 10. Tenders for the purchase of drugs for which contracts were concluded in the period from 01.01.2020/31.03.2021/ to / /
Table 11. Average producer (import) prices for injectable cosmetology products (fillers) in 2020, USD/kg
Table 12. Consumer prices for selected fillers in online stores in 2021, Rs.
Table 13. Average consumer prices for injectable cosmetology preparations (fillers) by states of India in 2020, Rs./pc.
Table 14. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market for injectable cosmetology preparations
Table 15. Main indicators of the forecast for the socio-economic development of India until 2023 (base case), units rev.

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