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Analysis of the market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India

Analysis of the market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India Analysis of the market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India
Release date 27.09.2021
Number of pages 36
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Over the past few decades, there has been a systematic increase in the pace of human life, the lack of time makes it necessary to save on everything, including cooking. This leads to an increase in the popularity of fast food products - semi-finished products, among which a significant volume is occupied by semi-finished meat products - chilled, frozen.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of frozen semi-finished products 


Part 1. Overview of the Indian market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.)

1.1. Product Description
1.2. List of main products
1.3. Main characteristics of the market
1.4. Volume of production
1.5. Share of exports in production
1.6. Market share of imports
1.7. Assessment of the dynamics of the market volume in 2018-2020 Potential market capacity
1.8. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.9. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.9.1. Social factors
1.9.2. Technological factors
1.9.3. Economic forces
1.9.4. Political factors
1.9.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
1.10. Market structure of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, chebureks, pancakes, dumplings, etc.)
1.10.1. By product type
1.10.2. across union territories
1.11. Assessment of the dynamics of average Indian prices of frozen semi-finished products in 2018-2020, forecast until 2025

Part 2. Analysis of competitors in the market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market
2.2. Major players in the market
2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors
2.5. Analysis of the product range (product description, packaging, weight, composition)
2.6. Sales channels / distribution channels (federal chains, public catering, tourism facilities, wholesale, small wholesale)
2.7. Marketing activity and channels for promoting market players
2.8. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 3. Analysis of consumption in the market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India

3.1. Market saturation
3.2. Key consumer trends in India
3.3. Main consumers TOP-10

Part 4. Forecasts and conclusions

4.1. Barriers in the market
4.2. Prospects and market growth drivers
4.3. Market development forecast until 2025
4.4. Key conclusions of the study (main conclusion about the prospects of the market, promising products)

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Overview of the Indian market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.)

1.1. Product Description

A semi-finished product in the food industry is, as a rule, culinary semi-finished products - food products that need ...
The largest group of semi-finished products is ...
Meat semi-finished products are products from ...

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleaned of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-sized semi-finished products also include meat and bone ...

Semi-finished products in the test. In the technical specifications, a traditional and new assortment of dumplings are presented, as well as other semi-finished products in the test: ..
Chopped semi-finished products. They are made from…

1.2. List of main products 

It is customary to refer to frozen semi-finished products products that have undergone a preliminary processing process and require ...
Natural semi-finished products include ...

The most popular frozen semi-finished products are dumplings, …
Pelmeni are dough products stuffed with…
Despite the fact that dumplings are the undisputed market leader in frozen semi-finished products, pancakes also have a strong position. Often frozen pancakes are sold ...
Khinkali is a Georgian dish from …

1.3. Main characteristics of the market

The market for meat and meat products in general is one of the largest food markets in India. It has a very strong tradition and its fortune has a significant impact on other food markets. 

Market analysts have formed the following conditional scheme for the distribution of meat for further use:

…% is sold in its raw form;
…% is processed for the production of sausages;
…% goes to the production of semi-finished products;
…% of meat is canned.

Meat products are agri-food products of animal origin. The importance of meat and meat products for the usual consumer diet is very ...

The subject of this study is the Indian market for frozen convenience foods. The market for frozen semi-finished products in this study refers to a set of …
Producers of frozen semi-finished products: …
The main consumers of frozen semi-finished products: …

1.4. Volume of production

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of frozen semi-finished products in 2017-2020, tons

According to …, the volume of production of frozen semi-finished products in 2020 amounted to … million tons with …% compared to 2019 and reached … for the study period. For the period 2017-2020 volume of production of frozen semi-finished products in India … and shows …%. Considering …, since these markets and the agricultural industry provide … An important role here is played by the program … It should also be noted that …

1.5. Share of exports in production

Share of exports in the production of frozen convenience foods in India in 2018-2020 …%. In 2019, the share of exports is …%. … 
During 2018-2020 The volume of exports of frozen semi-finished products from India in physical terms shows …, the maximum value falls on … Indian producers supply …

1.6. Market share of imports

The market for frozen semi-finished products in India is represented by the products of … manufacturers, the share of imports … This fact is due to …

Diagram 5. Dynamics of imports in physical terms in 2018-2020

1.7. Assessment of the dynamics of the market volume in 2018-2020 Potential market capacity

Consider the dynamics of the volume of the Indian market of frozen semi-finished products in 2018-2020.
The market volume of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms correlates with the volume of …

In general, during the study period, there is a … trend - the average annual increase in 2018-2020. amounted to …%. The minimum value of the market volume is in … yr – … mln t. The maximum indicator of the market volume of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms was … mln t in … yr.

Industry experts believe that the market may continue ... Potential market capacity of about ... million tons will be reached in ... years.

1.8. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

1.9. Assessment of factors affecting the market 

Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, demand.

Table 1. STEP analysis of factors influencing the market 

1.9.1. Social factors
1.9.2. Technological factors
1.9.3. Economic forces
1.9.4. Political factors
1.9.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market

The market for frozen semi-finished products is influenced by ... The most significant factors are related to ... These factors have ... On the other hand, the negative impact of economic factors is offset by ... The negative factor affecting the market of frozen semi-finished products is a slight ...

A group of political factors is due to ...

In the current situation and under the influence of the above factors, industry experts recommend that processors and manufacturers of frozen convenience foods pay attention to …

1.10. The structure of the market for frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, chebureks, pancakes, dumplings, etc.)
1.10.1. By product type 

The Indian market for frozen convenience foods is different ... The consumer will be able to pick up ... According to market experts and the results of ongoing research ... are the most popular product. The share of this product, ...%. Most often ... About ...% of Indians buy in the store ... In second place with a share of ...% ...

1.10.2. across union territories

Diagram 8. Market structure / production of frozen semi-finished products by union territories

In general, the distribution of shares between the federal districts by production volume in physical terms ... Traditionally, the leader is ... the Union Territories, which occupies a share of ...% during the period under review. 

At the same time, an increase in the share, in addition to ... the Union Territories, is typical of ... from ...% in 2017 to ...% in 2020. In the ... federal district, ...% is observed in 2020, the share of ...
The distribution and dynamics of the shares of federal districts in terms of production volume in physical terms can be explained by several factors: …

1.11. Assessment of the dynamics of average Indian prices of frozen semi-finished products in 2018-2020, forecast until 2025 

Table 3 shows the average (average annual) prices in India for minced meat and a group of the most popular frozen semi-finished products. Consumer prices show a small …, which is connected with ... According to analysts, …% will continue in the future.

Diagram 8 shows the forecast of average prices for frozen semi-finished products, compiled by GidMarket analysts based on ... According to GidMarket analysts, ... will continue in the coming years, which is primarily due to ...

Part 2. Analysis of competitors in the market of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market

According to GidMarket analysts, … and … types of competition are more pronounced due to the fact that in most regional cities preference is given to …
Among the main competitors of the market of semi-finished meat products are the companies …

The relative ease of production of semi-finished meat products leads to ...
To date, the number of enterprises producing frozen semi-finished products is, according to various estimates, ... up to ... thousand. In addition, the direction is currently developing ...

2.2. Major players in the market

The company “…” is the manufacturer of frozen semi-finished products with the widest range in India. Currently releasing…
""..."" India's leading enterprise for the production of ...

2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors

Diagram 10. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of frozen convenience foods in 2020

The shares of the largest companies (TOP-10) in the market of frozen semi-finished products are calculated in proportion to ...
LLC “…” is in the lead with a share of …%. The main line of business is ... In second place is LLC “...”, the market share is ...%, the main line of business is ... The rest of the enterprises have a share of ...%.

2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors

The volume of production of TOP-10 companies in the market of frozen semi-finished products is …%, the share of other enterprises is …%, the volume of production of such enterprises is less than … thousand tons per year. At the same time, there are more than ... enterprises in India producing ...

2.5. Analysis of the product range (product description, packaging, weight, composition)

Table 6. The range of the largest competitors in 2020 (TOP-5)

OOO ""…"":
OOO ""…"":

2.6. Sales channels / distribution channels (federal chains, public catering, tourism facilities, wholesale, small wholesale)

Consider the main channels for the sale of semi-finished meat products to the population:
About …% of semi-finished meat sales are accounted for by … 
About …% of semi-finished meat products are sold through the HoReCa segment. This segment is evolving... 

Markets account for … % of sales …
To other distribution channels...
In addition, it should be noted that in most regions, preference is given to products …

Thus, according to experts, among the most promising in terms of sales volumes and growth rates, the segment of consumers of semi-finished meat products includes: ...

2.7. Marketing activity and channels for promoting market players 
2.8. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

All major manufacturers of frozen semi-finished products operate in the market …

Part 3. Analysis of consumption in the market of Frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, chebureks, pancakes, dumplings, etc.) in India

3.1. Market saturation
3.2. Key consumer trends in India
3.3. Main consumers TOP-10

Table 9. TOP-10 consumers of frozen semi-finished products

The main consumers who purchase frozen convenience foods from manufacturers are ... The largest of them are listed in the table above. This is where end users buy…
The end consumer of semi-finished products has the following behavioral features:

Part 4. Forecasts and conclusions 

4.1. Barriers in the market
4.2. Prospects and market growth drivers
4.3. Market development forecast until 2025
4.4. Key conclusions of the study (main conclusion about the prospects of the market, promising products)


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of frozen semi-finished products in 2017-2020, tons
Diagram 2. The share of exports in the production of frozen semi-finished products in 2018-2020,%
Diagram 3. Dynamics of exports in physical terms in 2018-2020
Diagram 4. Ratio of imported and domestic products on the market, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of imports in physical terms in 2018-2020
Diagram 7. Market structure / production of frozen semi-finished products by type of product
Diagram 8. Market structure / production of frozen semi-finished products by union territories
Diagram 9. Forecast of average prices until 2025
Diagram 10. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of frozen convenience foods in 2020
Diagram 11. Forecast of market size in 2021 - 2025


Table 1. STEP analysis of factors influencing the market of frozen convenience foods
Table 2. Dynamics of average producer prices for semi-finished products in 2018-2020
Table 3. Dynamics of average consumer prices for semi-finished products in 2018-2020
Table 4. Main companies participating in the market in 2020
Table 5. Production volumes of the largest competitors in 2020
Table 6. The range of the largest competitors in 2020 (TOP-5)
Table 7. Features of interaction in sales channels
Table 8. Strengths and weaknesses of manufacturers
Table 9. TOP-10 consumers of frozen semi-finished products

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