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Analysis of the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings in India

Analysis of the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings in India Analysis of the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings in India
Release date 16.03.2020
Number of pages 49
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Under the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings in this study is understood as a set of enterprises that sell / rent out anti-splash and anti-slip coatings; enterprises that form the offer of this market; organizations and individuals (IP) using the above product, generating demand; as well as their relationships arising between sellers and consumers of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings within the geographical framework of India

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings for indoor and outdoor use, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings for indoor and outdoor use


Part 1: Market Overview of Indoor and Outdoor Anti-Slip and Stain-Resistant Coatings in India

1.1. Key Features of the Indian Market
1.2. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Part 2. Analysis of competitors (TOP-10)

2.1. The largest players in the market, their profiles, positioning features, range of goods and services
2.2. Ranking of the largest competitors by revenue

Part 3. Analysis of consumption in the Irkutsk region

3.1. Description of the target audience
3.2. Analysis of consumer preferences

Part 4. Price Analysis

4.1. Competitor prices for products/services

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions

5.1. Analysis of successful practices of Indian companies
5.2. Recommendations for choosing promotion channels
5.3. Recommendations for the development of affiliate programs
5.4. Recommendations for choosing promising types of consumer companies

Research excerpt

Part 1: Market Overview of Indoor and Outdoor Anti-Slip and Stain-Resistant Coatings in India  

1.1. Key Features of the Indian Market

Consider the characteristics and features of the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings. 

Under the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings in this study is understood as a set of enterprises that sell / rent out anti-splash and anti-slip coatings; enterprises that form the offer of this market; organizations and individuals (IP) using the above product, generating demand; as well as their relationship between sellers and consumers of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings within the geographical framework of India with an in-depth study of consumer preferences in the Irkutsk region.

Properly selected and well-mounted anti-splash and anti-slip coatings are important factors in preventing injuries to people, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the premises. 

Large public premises and structural structures, where there is a constant movement of a large flow of people, are classified as traumatic. To minimize the risk of injury to visitors, crowded places are equipped with special wear-resistant coatings.

Dirt-proof carpets are called carpets, the purpose of which is to protect the premises from dirt and moisture from the street. The undoubted advantages of these coatings are their following functions:
- providing a reliable barrier to street moisture and dirt;
- a guarantee of integrity and durability of floors and an interior of the room;
- saving up to 30% on the cost of cleaning the premises.

Dirt-protective carpets can be divided into three groups, three degrees of protection, three steps of protective action. Each of these types of carpets is laid in its own zone, where it is most effective.

The first step is coarse cellular coatings. Door anti-splash grilles, aluminum, plastic with large holes, well retain large contaminants: clods of earth, snow, ice, grass, etc. Place of laying: pit street, floor with perimeter fencing. Cleaning efficiency 50%, removal of coarse dirt.

Cellular rubber mats and floor mats are often used - these are prefabricated structures that, due to their unique design, perform a number of important functions:
- protect people from falling even on a wet surface;
- provide an anti-noise barrier;
- clean shoes from street dirt, preventing its further spread.

Dirt-resistant rubber coatings have the following characteristics:
- high strength and wear resistance;
- resistance to mechanical damage and deformation;
- good adhesive properties;
- resistance to chemicals, sunlight, temperature extremes, dirt and moisture;
- non-slip surface;
- shock-absorbing properties;
- attractive appearance.

Cellular anti-splash coatings, due to their unique structure and wide range of models, are used for finishing public and industrial buildings.

The second step is fine-mesh coatings. Up to 25% of dirt is removed on these coatings. The combination of aluminum and bristle, corrugated rubber, textile inserts are spectacular. Modular designs that allow you to change the configuration of the carpet are in high demand.

The third step - pile dirt-protective carpets.
Nylon, vinyl, composite carpets can have different textures. They retain sand, dirt and a large amount of moisture. The underlay adheres well to the floor and is waterproof.

This three-stage protective carpet system is very effective and is ideal for maintaining cleanliness in the room. Moreover, the service of renting and cleaning dirt-protective carpets to the maximum will facilitate this process and make it economical.

Pile dirt-protective carpets on a rubber basis are durable moisture-absorbing coatings that provide comprehensive dirt protection of buildings at the third and final stage of cleaning rooms. These products can be used as an independent element of the interior.

Dirt-protective pile carpets are placed at the entrance area to the building.

For example, in lobbies, foyers, hallways, lobbies, vestibules, corridor passages and other places through which an intense flow of people passes. Productivity (absorbency) 1 sq. meters of such coverage is up to 4 liters of moisture.

Advantages of pile moisture-absorbing rubber-based carpets:
- the ability to remove and retain small fractions of dirt from the shoes of visitors;
- carpet pile is elastic, color-resistant, with a low level of flammability;
 - good cleanability and easy maintenance;
- the coating has an anti-slip effect;
- reliable fixation on the floor;
- resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity.

Subject to the operating conditions and periodic cleaning, the product does not lose its qualities throughout the entire service life.

Dirt-resistant pile moisture-absorbing rubber-based carpet is a functional wear-resistant coating that is used as passive cleaning in the general system of dirt protection of premises. Completes the cleaning of the soles of visitors from moisture and mud fractions in high traffic areas. Manufactured using special technology for professional use.

Pile carpets with a high level of moisture absorption are used at the entrance group, foyer, vestibules:
- shopping and entertainment complexes,
- educational institutions,
- offices,
- medical centers,
- public catering establishments, etc.

Thanks to the reinforced construction of the carpet, a high degree of cleaning from dirt getting into buildings is achieved. Their use ensures safety in high humidity outdoors: it will prevent wet soles from slipping on the floor and eliminate the possibility of injury in the event of a fall.

These products have a special composition of two layers, which provides reliable retention of dirt and moisture:
- the top layer - twisted polyamide threads of increased rigidity with absorbent characteristics, soldered onto a tufted fabric.
- base - high-strength rubber, on which the top layer is soldered by vulcanization.

Carpets with moisture absorption function are professional products that can absorb a large amount of wet dirt per day. To achieve maximum effect, periodic cleaning using special products is recommended.

Moisture-absorbing rubber-based carpet has the following distinctive features:

Companies providing services for the production, sale, rental of anti-dirt-resistant anti-slip coatings operate mainly according to the following OKVED:
- 22.19.7 Manufacture of products from vulcanized rubber, not included in other groups;
- 96.01 Laundry and dry cleaning of textile and fur products; 
- 81.22 Other cleaning and cleaning activities of residential buildings and non-residential premises;
- 46.4 Wholesale trade in non-food consumer goods;
- 47.78.9 Retail sale of non-food products, not included in other groups, in specialized stores;
- 77.29.9 Rental of other household and personal items for households, enterprises and organizations not included in other groups.

Enterprises operating in the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings can be classified into:
- manufacturers of anti-splash coatings;
- trade enterprises selling mud-protective coatings;
- companies providing matservis services (rental and replacement of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings).

If the first and second degree of dirt protection are more often bought and replaced as they are used, then the third stage of protection is both bought by enterprises and matservis services are in demand.

The business of renting replacement carpets can be safely called near-cleaning - the technological process of cleaning directly depends on how much dirt remains outside the serviced premises. Cleaners have long understood that dirt and sand that do not get inside allow not only to keep the floors clean longer, but also to reduce the cost of cleaning by saving on the payroll of cleaners, as well as on consumables (chemistry, inventory). And the realization of the fact that you can earn money on mud protection was not long in coming. Cleaning companies have begun to offer customers an extended package of their services, increasing customer loyalty and earning extra. 

GidMarket analysts estimate the capacity of the Indian market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings in 2019 …

Also, such a distribution of revenue is influenced by a factor - holding tenders and public procurement, where large and medium-sized enterprises, due to economies of scale and the possession of large resources, can offer lower prices with better product quality compared to micro-enterprises, which contributes to winning competitions and tenders.

For the most part, the achievement of the market potential and its qualitative development is hindered by the limitations of effective demand and the low level of knowledge about special dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings and replacement carpet services. 

1.2. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market  

The key trends in the Indian anti-slip and anti-slip coatings market include:
Prospects for the development of the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings:

On the one hand, companies operating in the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings benefit from cooperation with cleaning companies, because the latter aggregate the demand for the service, replacing sales managers in fact. On the other hand, having felt the taste of ""easy money"", cleaning companies are gradually reformatted from Customers into Intermediaries. They go to tenders and win them at the expense of prices that they negotiated from enterprises specializing in the sale and rental of anti-splash and anti-slip mats. Then they come to the same enterprises and offer subcontracting. Having won the tender at the cost level, the cleaning company tries to “resell” the performance of such a disadvantageous contract directly to carpet and service companies, which is certainly not profitable, and this trend is becoming more common in the market.

Counterfeiting and scams have become increasingly common in the anti-slip and anti-slip market, selling or renting low-quality materials under the name of a well-known quality product.

Businesses need to develop additional measures to protect their product and inform consumers, which leads to additional costs.

Sanctions and the appreciation of the dollar lead to the replacement of imported anti-splash and anti-slip coatings with domestic ones, which reduced the demand for foreign carpets and coatings in general. In 2019 continued decline in sales of products of foreign companies (without their own factories in India) and increased demand for dirt and anti-slip materials produced in India. It should be noted that today domestic developments are able to replace more expensive foreign counterparts, which is in line with the import substitution program adopted by the Government of India.

The tasks of increasing efficiency and the trend of digitalization of the economy, industries, regions, cause additional demand for the digitalization of sales of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings and related services. In this regard, in the near future, the demand for online purchases will increase significantly, the introduction of the latest CRM systems that allow you not to lose a single lead, and ultimately increase the level of service and the competitiveness of enterprises as a whole. 

Companies selling dirt and anti-slip coatings, as well as providing a replacement carpet service, are increasingly diversifying their activities, expanding the range of products and services offered in order to increasingly meet the needs of their customers. In the next five years, companies in the industry will also develop the following types of services:
- professional cleaning;
- industrial cleaning;
- Goods for hygiene and sanitation;
- equipment and consumables for toilet rooms;
- equipment for garbage collection - municipal cleaning equipment;
- professional and household chemicals;
- overalls and means of labor protection;
- training and consulting centers;
- dry cleaning machines;
- washing and squeezing machines;
- drying and ironing equipment;
- finishing equipment;
- equipment for dyeing;
- Packaging equipment;
- chemicals, technologies, accessories;
- scientific and software;
- rent of textiles.

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market   

Consider the main factors affecting the market and, accordingly, demand.

Economic forces

Dynamics of India's Gross Domestic Product
GDP dynamics is a determining factor in the development of the country's economy, determines the main trends in consumer effective demand and economic activity.
Industries - the main consumers of services
Dollar rate
Bank of India Key Rate and Corporate Mortgages
The key rate of the Bank of India directly affects the value of money in the economy. The higher the key rate, the higher the mortgage lending rates of banks and credit institutions become, which in turn affects the solvency of legal entities and demand in the real estate market.

Social factors

Real disposable income of the population
The real disposable income of the population is one of the most important factors influencing the development of the Indian economy in general and each industry in particular.

Political and legal factors

Increasing VAT to 20%

Technological factors

There are many opportunities for the smudge and anti-slip business today. The introduction of IT technologies, online sales, CRM systems, mobile applications allow you to increase sales and not miss a single client. In the framework of intense competition, the introduction of the latest technologies will allow enterprises in the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings to remain at a competitive level.

Table 1. STEP analysis of factors influencing the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings


Macro-environment factors have both positive and negative impact on the market of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings, however, the decisive influence is exerted by …

Part 2. Analysis of competitors (TOP-10)

2.1. The largest players in the market, their profiles, positioning features, range of goods and services

To the largest players in the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings based on the results of 2019. in India include the following companies.

Profiles of major players

2.2. Ranking of the largest competitors by revenue

According to GidMarket, based on a retrospective of data, the total revenue of the TOP-10 largest manufacturers of mud-protective and anti-slip coatings in India in 2019 amounted to … billion Rs. 

Let us consider what positions in terms of market share by revenue are occupied by the largest enterprises in the industry in 2019.
The largest suppliers of dirt and anti-slip coatings and matservice services in the Indian market are: ...

Part 3. Analysis of consumption in the Irkutsk region

3.1. Description of the target audience

The target audience of the service for the rental of mud protection coatings is very blurred - these are people (decision makers (DMs)), working in various business areas, having completely different ages, income levels, social status, they are also completely different companies operating in different industries. Therefore often marketers find it difficult to concretize it, in comparison with other goods and services.

In terms of market segmentation criteria for anti-splash and anti-slip coatings…

Representatives of the pharmaceutical business, bakeries and mobile phone stores are actively dismantling small areas in residential buildings under construction. Small medical centers and clinics are mastering a new attractive format, since the areas of average size meet the requirements of the current legislation.

3.2. Analysis of consumer preferences

In order to identify consumer preferences in the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings, a telephone survey was conducted among enterprises in Irkutsk. The sample consisted of 30 companies from various industries.

Based on the answers of enterprises to the questions of the questionnaire, it follows that in Irkutsk in various business areas there is a different penetration of the use of anti-splash coatings. 

Accordingly, enterprises operating in the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings need to pay attention to enterprises in industries that are not covered by this product or service of replacement carpets.

Consider what factors are decisive when choosing a dirt-protective coating. 

In this and subsequent questions, respondents could choose several factors.

According to the results of the survey, it was revealed that the main factors that influence the most, the respondents include:

For the majority of respondents, it is absolutely not important what kind of production the anti-splash coating is: imported or Indian-made, as well as the possibility of branding.

Based on the study conducted by the survey method, the factors influencing the choice of a supplier of anti-splash coatings were also identified. 

In the first place - the quality of service (quality of service, speed of response to letters, reaction to wishes, comments, availability of a personal manager) was noted by ...% of respondents.

These two answers state that …% of enterprises have conservative purchasing behavior and do not change the chosen supplier for many years, they may be serviced at archival high prices, it is possible to pass with attractive commercial offers for this category of enterprises and offer their services with a free demo period .

Part 4. Price Analysis

4.1. Competitor prices for products/services

To compare prices, the study included ten companies offering matservice services, seven of them are the largest enterprises in India from the TOP-10, as well as three enterprises from the city of Irkutsk.

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions

5.1. Analysis of successful practices of Indian companies

The international company …, has become the largest company in India operating in the market of anti-dirt and anti-slip coatings for indoor and outdoor use, after the purchase of the company … in July 2019. 

Successful and unsuccessful practices, conclusions based on their application
- Development of a formula for determining the frequency of carpet replacement. This practice does not make sense. Such a formula is too complex to take into account the individual needs of each client. … gives recommendations on how often carpets should be replaced, but the decision is up to the customer, depending on needs, available budget, etc. If customers feel that the mats should be changed more often, they simply report it. 
- Creation of intermediate warehouses. It can be implemented when opening a large carpet cleaning factory or in order to more efficiently operate a logistics scheme with remote large settlements. 
- Efficient work of the call-center is very important for the company. 
- Not everything is decided by the price, sometimes personal cooperation, gifts and congratulations are more important. You can increase the value of the service provided, reduce the time spent by the client. You can offer free testing of carpets instead of compensation, more frequent replacement of carpets for a standard period.

5.2. Recommendations for choosing promotion channels

Promotion of anti-splash coatings for the purpose of their sale and the service of renting carpets as an independent service is quite specific, because. it is difficult to isolate the core, to find advertising media that would focus on the target audience. The use of standard advertising promotion channels designed for the masses does not bring any effect and will not justify the costs. 

Internet advertising
Advertising on the radio
co-branded advertising companies
Various industry exhibitions are a good opportunity to tell about your company, if it is impossible to arrange a stand, then we send sales specialists to look for new customers.
Events for existing and potential clients
Free trial service or demo samples
Quality of service for chauffeurs 

5.3. Recommendations for the development of affiliate programs

From the point of view of administrative managers and heads of the AHS, mud-protective coatings and matservis services are one of the types of cleaning or near-cleaning services. 

5.4. Recommendations for choosing promising types of consumer companies

The main consumer segments include three major areas:
- Retail and shopping centers;
- office real estate of large and medium-sized businesses, business centers;
- banks;
- hotels;
- Beauty Salons;
- catering establishments;
- pharmacies, private medical centers;
- public sector (government agencies, multifunctional centers, medical institutions, educational institutions, etc.);

The public sector is another key segment for the anti-slip and anti-slip market…

An analysis of government contracts in the field of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings in the city of Irkutsk showed that …


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the history of queries ""dirt-protective carpets"" in the Yandex search engine, 2019
Diagram 2. Regional structure of queries ""mud protection carpets"", Yandex, 2019
Diagram 3. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2015-2019, % to the previous year
Chart 4. Monthly dynamics of the average monthly exchange rate of the US dollar against the rupee, 2014-2019, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 5. Dynamics of real disposable income of the population in India, 2015-2019, % to the previous year
Diagram 6. Market shares by revenue of enterprises in the industry of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings in India, 2019, %
Diagram 7. Market structure of anti-splash and anti-slip coatings, %
Diagram 8. Main consumers of the Street retail format, 2019
Diagram 9. Application of mud-protective coatings in Irkutsk, %
Diagram 10. Structure of the use of anti-splash coatings by industry, %
Diagram 11. Factors determining the choice of dirt protection coating, %
Diagram 12. Factors influencing the choice of supplier, %
Diagram 13. Methods for choosing a supplier of anti-splash coatings, %
Diagram 14. Identification of consumer preferences of advertising media and promotion methods for enterprises using anti-splash coatings, %


Table 1. STEP analysis of factors influencing the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings
Table 2. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 3. Basic information about the participant No. 2 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 4. Basic information about the participant No. 3 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 5. Basic information about the participant No. 4 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 6. Basic information about the participant No. 5 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 7. Basic information about the participant No. 6 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 8. Basic information about the participant No. 7 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 8 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 10. Basic information about the participant No. 9 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 11. Basic information about the participant No. 10 of the market of dirt-protective and anti-slip coatings
Table 12. Positioning features and assortment of the main companies participating in the market of dirt-resistant and anti-slip coatings in India, 2019
Table 13. Ranking of the largest competitors by revenue, 2019
Table 14. Comparison of service of replacement carpets by price when changing carpets once a week, Rs.
Table 15. Industry exhibitions of Sibexpocentre recommended for visiting by sales specialists in order to find potential customers
Table 16. Approximate scheme of remuneration (motivation) of dealers

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