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Analysis of the market for weight loss and correction services

Analysis of the market for weight loss and correction services Analysis of the market for weight loss and correction services
Release date 08.04.2020
Number of pages 56
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Being overweight causes many diseases. With an increase in the amount of adipose tissue in the body, its destructive effect on many organs and systems intensifies. This often leads to serious complications that pose a threat to performance and even human life. Many people cannot cope with such a set of problems on their own, so they turn to specialists. One of the areas of the market that specializes in solving the above problems is medical support for weight loss.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for services for weight loss and correction, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market for services for weight loss and correction 


Part 1. Overview of the Indian market for weight loss and correction services

1.1. Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Weight Loss and Correction Market
1.2. Dynamics of the Indian market for weight loss and correction services, 2014-2018
1.3. The structure of the market for weight loss and correction services by type
1.4. The structure of the market for weight loss and correction services in the Union Territories
1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Weight Loss and Correction Market in India

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players

Part 3. Analysis of consumption of weight loss and correction services

3.1. Estimated consumption of weight loss and correction services per capita
3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
3.3. Description of consumer preferences
3.4. Price analysis

Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 5. Forecast for the development of the market for weight loss and correction services until 2023

Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations for current market operators

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the Indian market for weight loss and correction services

1.1. Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Weight Loss and Correction Market

Not everyone can constantly maintain their body in perfect shape, which leads to serious consequences in the future - obesity. As a result, … In 2019, the world population amounted to … million people, of which obese: … million people. Most of the world's obese people live...

In 2018, according to ... India, more than ... million people were under the supervision of doctors. with obesity – ..% of the population, including … thousand children. In June 2019…

Being overweight causes many diseases. With an increase in the amount of adipose tissue in the body, ...

Many people cannot cope with such a set of problems on their own, so they turn to specialists. One of the areas of the market that specializes in solving the above problems is ..., which has its own subgroups. The first group of specialists promotes ... In this regard, the development has received the second direction - ...

The main players in this market segment can be conditionally divided into groups:

As for the last two groups...

The players discussed below feel most comfortable in this service market: ...

The Indian market for weight loss and correction services is characterized by the following features:…

1.2. Dynamics of the Indian market for weight loss and correction services, 2014-2018

According to the GidMarket calculation, based on the data of …, the volume of the market for weight loss and correction services in India in 2018 amounted to … million Rs., … relative to 2017 by …%, which is ... At the same time, minus inflation ( increase in the cost of services) market in 2018 …

Throughout the analyzed period, … is observed, with the exception being … year, which is also confirmed by the growth rate of ... 


According to the data of … in 2018, these cities account for …% of commercial medicine markets. Next comes …Union Territories – …%, the third place is occupied by …%.

Leaders in relation to … across India in 2018:…

As of 2019, the average population density in India was … people/km². The lowest population density among the states of India (less than 1 person / km²): ... (... person / km²), ... The highest population density is in ... (... person / km²), ...

The level of well-being of residents … in 2018 is quite high …

1.3. The structure of the market for weight loss and correction services by type

Considering the high saturation of the weight loss services sector, we will consider the methods and their combinations offered to the consumer by the players in this market segment:
Liposuction is...

Figure 3 shows the structure of the weight loss and correction services market in India.

The structure of the analyzed market segment is conditionally divided into 6 groups according to weight loss methods and their combinations. The leader is the group in which the players combining … are represented, the share of this group is …%. The second place went to the group uniting…

1.4. The structure of the market for weight loss and correction services in the Union Territories 

The structure of the market for weight loss and correction services by union territories ... The leader in this segment of commercial medicine is ... the federal district, which accounts for approximately ...% of the total market for weight loss and correction services in India, the second is occupied by ... Federal district and third place - ... federal district. According to many experts, most of the private medical centers and clinics are concentrated in …, …% of the total market for weight loss and correction services in India. This will be explained by the high ... And, as you know, ... Outsiders are ...

Diagram 4. The structure of the provision of services for weight loss and correction in India in 2018 by Union Territories, %


1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market


1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, demand. Among such factors are: economic, demographic, socio-cultural, technological, political and legal.

Economic forces

GDP (gross domestic product) is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation. 

India's GDP is...

As shown in Diagram 5, in 2016, compared to 2015, there was ... In general ... According to the results of 2017-2018. GDP dynamics …, but, contrary to optimistic forecasts, …
Demographic factors
Sociocultural factors
Technological factors
Political and legal factors

Table 6. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Weight Loss and Correction Market in India


According to the results of the performed STEP-analysis, macro-environmental factors have a greater influence on the market for weight loss and correction services, while a group of … factors has a determining influence on the development of the market. 

Economic factors such as … have a negative impact on the development of the weight loss and correction services market in India. Complicates the development of the market for weight loss and correction services is almost zero ...

1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity 

Table 7 presents data on the profit (loss) from the sale of weight loss and correction services in India by union territories in the period 2014-2018. The analyzed indicator in 2018 compared to 2014 for all Union Territories .. At the same time, in 2015 compared to 2014 and in 2017 compared to 2016 it …

According to GidMarket, at the end of 2018, the gross profitability of the weight loss and correction services sector amounted to …%, … the same indicator for all sectors of the Indian economy as a whole. Throughout the analyzed period, the gross margin of the weight loss and correction services sector was …
… gross margin during 2015-2016 testifies to…

At the same time, the profitability of profit before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the sphere of weight loss and correction services … is the same indicator for all sectors of the Indian economy for the entire study period. In 2014−2018 The analyzed indicator was in the range from …

Chart 12. Profitability before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the sphere of weight loss and correction services in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, %, 2014-2018


Values ​​of current liquidity in 2014−2018 weight loss and correction services industries in India are in the range of … We can consider the volatility of this financial indicator …

It should be noted that for Indian companies the normative value of the absolute liquidity ratio is in the range of K_(al.) > 0,2 - 0,5. In Weight Loss and Correction Services in India 2014-2018 absolute liquidity ratio...

In the analyzed period, business activity (average period of receivables turnover) in the sphere of weight loss and correction services averaged … days. days, there is a small ...

According to ... the normal value of the ratio of own working capital is higher than .... Otherwise, we can talk about the probability of recognizing the balance sheet structure as unsatisfactory, and the economic state itself - ... The coefficient is ... throughout the entire analyzed period, ...

Overall, an analysis of the industry financial ratios of the weight loss and correction services industry in India shows…

Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Weight Loss and Correction Market in India

2.1. Major players in the market 

Among the clinics and centers that implement programs for weight loss and correction in India, five major players can be identified: ...

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors 

Conducting a competitive analysis in the market for weight loss and correction services is complicated by the fact that networks ...

Thus, according to GidMarket, the market leaders in weight loss and correction services are the following players: … – …%; medical Center … - …%; ... Other market players account for …% of the weight loss and correction services market in India.

Diagram 16. Shares of the largest competitors in the market for weight loss and correction services in 2018


The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is an indicator of the level of market monopolization, defined as the sum of the squares of the percentage of market shares occupied by each participant. The value of the indicator for the 100 most prominent players in the analyzed market segment is …, therefore, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index for all players in the weight loss and correction services market, ... So, the weight loss and correction services market in India is …

2.3. Profiles of major players 

Clinic ""…""

Table 11. Basic information about participant No. 5 of the market for weight loss and correction services



Diagram 17. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest operators in the market for weight loss and correction services (TOP-5) in India, million Rs., 2014-2018


Higher growth rates ... relative to ... allow us to state processes ...

Part 3. Analysis of consumption of weight loss and correction services

3.1. Estimated consumption of weight loss and correction services per capita 

Estimation of the volume of consumption of services for weight loss and correction per capita was made by GidMarket on the basis of the ratio …

As can be seen in Chart 18, per capita consumption of weight loss and correction services in India … during 2014-2016. and 2017-2018 Invisible…

If we consider in more detail the dynamics of the volume of consumption of services for reducing and correcting weight per capita during 2014−2018, then the chain growth rates give the following dynamics: 2015 – …%; 2016 – …%; 2017 this indicator ... Thus, during the analyzed period, the volume of consumption of services for weight loss and correction per capita in India, having experienced ... in 2017, in 2018 showed ...

3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India


3.3. Description of consumer preferences 


3.4. Price analysis 

The dynamics of prices for weight loss and correction services is due to … The dynamics of consumer price indices for weight loss and correction services in India coincides with …

According to … in 2014, the consumer price index for goods and services amounted to …%, which is less by …% of the index … In 2016, the indicator for weight loss and correction services was …% against the indicator for goods and services – …

Table 17. Average prices for weight loss and correction services by Union Territories, Rs., 2018


According to GidMarket analysts, the average prices for certain types of weight loss and correction services in India, discussed in Table 17, do not contradict ...

Average prices for some types of weight loss and correction services and the place of the federal district in the ranking ...

Next, consider the prices for weight loss programs for key players in the market for weight loss and correction services. Pricing policy of the network of clinics ""…"": ..

The Medical Center … offers …

Offers on the market of services for weight loss and correction in their price characteristics are extremely ... 

Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

… factors of the investment climate of the market for weight loss and correction services in India dominate over ... A comprehensive assessment of the factors of investment attractiveness is ... points - ... investment climate.

The most significant negative factors. …
The most significant positive factors. …

Part 5. Forecast for the development of the market for weight loss and correction services until 2023 


Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations for current market operators



Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of the market for weight loss and correction services in India, million Rs., 2014−2018
Diagram 2. Structure of commercial medicine in India in 2018 by Union Territories, %
Diagram 3. Structure of the market for weight loss and correction services by type, %
Diagram 4. The structure of the provision of services for weight loss and correction in India in 2018 by Union Territories, %
Chart 5. India's GDP, million Rs., 2014-2018, 2019 (9 months)
Diagram 6. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Rs. for 1 US dollar, 2014-2019
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the population of India, million people, 2012-2019
Chart 8. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, %, 2014-2018, 2019 (Q2)
Diagram 9. The share of physical culture and sports services in the volume of paid services to the population, %, 2013−2018
Diagram 10. Dynamics of the population of cities with a permanent population of 1 million people or more, million people, 2014−2019
Diagram 11. Shares of the largest pharmaceutical importing countries, %, 2014-2018
Chart 12. Profitability before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the sphere of weight loss and correction services in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, %, 2014-2018
Diagram 13. Current liquidity (total coverage) for the weight loss and correction services industry, times, 2014-2018
Diagram 14. Business activity (average period of receivables turnover) in the sphere of weight loss and correction services, days. days, 2014
Chart 15. Financial sustainability (capacity of own working capital) in the industry of weight loss and correction services, in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, %, 2014-2018
Diagram 16. Shares of the largest competitors in the market for weight loss and correction services in 2018
Diagram 17. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest operators in the market for weight loss and correction services (TOP-5) in India, million Rs., 2014-2018
Diagram 18. Volume of consumption of services for weight loss and correction per capita, Rs./person, 2014−2018
Chart 19. Forecast of the volume of the market for weight loss and correction services in India, million Rs., 2019−2023
Figure 1. Pathological changes and syndromes associated with overweight
Figure 2. The ratio of median income to the cost of a fixed set of goods and services in 2018
Figure 3. Population density of Indian regions as of 01.01.2019
Figure 4. Dynamics of changes in electricity consumption and capacity across the UES of India
Figure 5. Healthy lifestyle monitoring in India in 2019
Figure 6. Market structure of paid medical services in India, %, 2018


Table 1. Top 10 countries by number of obese people, million people, 2019
Table 2. Classification of obesity by body mass index
Table 3. US dollar against rupee, Rs. for 1 US dollar, 2014-2019
Table 4. Consumer price index for electricity in India, %, 2014-2018
Table 5. Cities with a permanent population of 1 million or more
Table 6. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Weight Loss and Correction Market in India
Table 7. Profit (loss) from the sale of weight loss and correction services in the Union Territories of India, 2014-2018, million Rs.
Table 8. Gross Margin of the Weight Loss and Correction Services Industry Compared to All Industries in India, 2014-2018, %
Table 9. Absolute Liquidity of the Weight Loss and Correction Services Industry Compared to All Sectors of the Indian Economy, 2014-2018, times
Table 10. The main companies participating in the market for weight loss and correction services in 2018
Table 11. Basic information about participant No. 5 of the market for weight loss and correction services
Table 12. Basic information about participant No. 3 of the market for weight loss and correction services
Table 13. Basic information about participant No. 4 of the market for weight loss and correction services
Table 14. Basic information about participant No. 2 of the market for weight loss and correction services 
Table 15. Basic information about participant No. 1 of the market for weight loss and correction services 
Table 16. Consumer price indices for weight loss and correction services in India, %, 2014-2018, 2019 (January - November)
Table 17. Average prices for weight loss and correction services by Union Territories, Rs., 2018
Table 18. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market for weight loss and correction services

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