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Analysis of the market for electrical equipment components of voltage class up to 0,4 kV

Analysis of the market for electrical equipment components of voltage class up to 0,4 kV Analysis of the market for electrical equipment components of voltage class up to 0,4 kV
Release date 16.01.2018
Number of pages 43
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The object of this study is air circuit breakers, molded case circuit breakers, modular circuit breakers, motor protection circuit breakers, contactors and overload relays of voltage class up to 0,4 kV, further in the study, the combination of the above product groups is referred to as ""components of electrical equipment within the object research"".

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for electrical equipment components of the voltage class up to 0,4 kV, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of electrical equipment components of the voltage class up to 0,4 kV.


Part 1. 0,4 kV Electrical Equipment Market Overview in India, 2015-2016

1.1. Key Features of the 0,4kV Electrical Equipment Components Market in India 
1.2. The market volume of electrical equipment components of voltage class 0,4 kV in 2016 by types of products (estimated): 
1.2.1. air circuit breakers 
1.2.2. molded case circuit breakers 
1.2.3. modular circuit breakers 
1.2.4. motor protection devices 
1.2.5. contactors and overload relays 

Part 2. Analysis of imports of 0,4 kV electrical equipment components to India, 2016 

2.1. Volume of imports to India 
2.2. Import structure: 
2.2.1. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms) 
2.2.2. by types of products (in physical and value terms) 

Part 3. Analysis of competitors (manufacturers) in the 0,4 kV electrical equipment component market in India  

3.1. Main competing companies (TOP-10) 
3.2. Market shares of the largest players (TOP-10) 

Part 4. Conclusions from the analysis of the market analysis of electrical components of the voltage class 0,4 kV in India    

Research excerpt

Part 1. 0,4 kV Electrical Equipment Market Overview in India, 2015-2016                  
1.1. Key Features of the 0,4kV Electrical Equipment Components Market in India
Automatic switch - a contact switching device (mechanical or electronic) capable of making currents, conducting them and turning them off under normal conditions in the circuit, as well as turning on, holding for a rated (specified) time and automatically turning off currents under normalized abnormal conditions in the circuit, such like short circuit currents.
Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of switching devices or protection of electrical circuits for a voltage of not more than 1 kV, 2012-10 months. 2017, billion Rs.

1.2. The volume of the market of electrical equipment components of the voltage class 0,4 kV for 2016. by product types (estimated)
The volume of production within the specified object of study is determined based on the volume of revenue of the largest manufacturers in India (according to Rosstat) with the allocation of the share of the studied products in the total range of leading manufacturing enterprises (according to GidMarket). The volume of production in 2016 for the object of this study amounted to … billion Rs.
In 0,4, the volume of the electrical equipment component market of the voltage class up to 2016 kV in India amounted to … billion Rs., having increased by …% compared to 2015. The main driver of the growth in the market volume was the growth in import volumes, the second in importance was the moderate growth in production in 2016 (Diagram 2).
Diagram 2. Market size of electrical equipment components of voltage class 0,4 kV (air circuit breakers, molded case circuit breakers, modular circuit breakers, motor protection circuit breakers, contactors and overload protection relays of voltage class up to 0,4 kV), billion Rs.

1.2.1. air circuit breakers
According to GidMarket, the volume of air circuit breakers segment in India in 2016 is …

1.2.2. molded case circuit breakers
Molded case circuit breakers are designed to protect electrical circuits with high operating currents and high short circuit current. 

1.2.3. modular circuit breakers
Modular circuit breakers are the most common among all types of circuit breakers, as they are used to protect the vast majority of electrical wiring, including domestic and industrial wiring.
Chart 5. Volume and share of the MCB segment in India, 2016

1.2.4. motor protection devices 
Motor protection circuit breakers are special devices for protecting power circuits that have both protection and control functions.
Basically, these devices are used for manual switching of motors in order to protect them from short circuits, phase failure and switching. Protection with a fuseless motor-protective circuit breaker saves costs and space, and provides fast response in the event of a short circuit, shutting down the motor in a fraction of a second.

1.2.5. contactors and overload relays
Contactors of both direct and alternating current contain: an electromagnetic system, a contact system consisting of movable and fixed contacts, an arc-extinguishing system, an auxiliary contact system (auxiliary contacts that switch signaling and control circuits during contactor operation). Unlike circuit breakers, contactors can only switch rated currents, they are not designed to break short-circuit currents.

Part 2. Analysis of imports of 0,4 kV electrical equipment components to India, 2016 
2.1. Volume of imports to India
The volume of imports of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 amounted to … billion Rs., having increased relative to the level of 2015 by about …%.
Diagram 8. The structure of imports in value terms of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 by countries of departure, %

2.2. Import structure:
2.2.1. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
When analyzing the import structure by manufacturing companies, DEKRAFT, which is part of SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, is singled out as a separate manufacturer, since products supplied under the DEKRAFT TM are fundamentally different from the main SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC products, being a budget brand of products: it has a much lower cost, is produced mainly in China.

2.2.2. by types of products (in physical and value terms)

Part 3. Analysis of competitors (manufacturers) in the 0,4 kV electrical equipment component market in India                                                  
3.1. Main competing companies (TOP-10)
3.2. Market shares of the largest players (TOP-10)
The share structure of the market was assessed on the basis of market value data. According to the assessment of market shares of electrical equipment components of the voltage class up to 0,4 kV, carried out by GidMarket according to Rosstat, FCS, the leader of the studied market is …, occupying 37,0% of the market volume. ... imports products for this Indian market, manufactured at its own factories in France, Italy, India, Poland, Thailand, China, and manufactures electrical components in India ...

Part 4. Conclusions from the analysis of the market analysis of electrical components of the voltage class 0,4 kV in India


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of switching devices or protection of electrical circuits for a voltage of not more than 1 kV, 2012-10 months. 2017, billion Rs. 
Diagram 2. Market size of electrical equipment components of voltage class 0,4 kV (air circuit breakers, molded case circuit breakers, modular circuit breakers, motor protection circuit breakers, contactors and overload protection relays of voltage class up to 0,4 kV), billion Rs. 
Chart 3. Volume and share of air circuit breakers segment in India, 2016 
Chart 4. Volume and share of molded case circuit breakers segment in India, 2016 
Chart 5. Volume and share of the MCB segment in India, 2016 
Chart 6. Volume and share of motor protection circuit breakers in India, 2016 
Chart 7. Volume and share of contactor and overload relay segment in India, 2016 
Diagram 8. The structure of imports in value terms of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 by countries of departure, % 
Diagram 9. Structure of imports in kind of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 by countries of departure, % 
Diagram 10. The structure of imports in value terms of electrical equipment components within the framework of the object of study in 2016 by type of product,% 
Diagram 11. The structure of imports in physical terms (kilograms) of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 by type of product,% 
Diagram 12. The structure of imports in physical terms (conventional units) of electrical equipment components within the framework of the object of study in 2016 by type of product,% 
Diagram 13. Shares of the largest players in value terms of the market for electrical equipment components of voltage class up to 0,4 kV within the object of study, 2016, % 


Table 1. The structure of imports in value terms of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 by manufacturing companies, million Rs. 
Table 2. Structure of imports in physical terms of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 by manufacturing companies, kg and conv. units
Table 3. Detailed structure of imports in value terms of electrical equipment components within the framework of the object of study in 2016 by manufacturing companies and types of imported products, million Rs.  
Table 4. Detailed structure of imports in physical terms of electrical equipment components within the object of study in 2016 by manufacturing companies and types of imported products, arb. units and kg 
Table 5. Basic information about the market participant Schneider Electric (Schneider Electric JSC)
Table 6. Basic information about the market participant CJSC ""Electroshield Group of Companies -TM Samara"" (one of the manufacturing enterprises of Schneider Electric) 
Table 7. Basic information about the market participant ABB (LLC ABB) 
Table 8. Basic information about the market participant Legrand Group (including Kontaktor JSC) 
Table 9. Basic information about the market participant KEAZ (KURSK ELECTRIC APPLIANCE PLANT LLC) 
Table 10. Basic information about the Siemens market participant (Siemens LLC) 
Table 11. Basic information about the market participant IEK (IEK HOLDING LLC) 
Table 12. Basic information about the market participant LSIS (Representative office of Joint Stock Company ""LSIS"") 
Table 13. Basic information about the market participant CHEAZ JSC 
Table 14. Basic information about the market participant Eaton (ITON LLC) 
Table 15. Basic information about the EKF market participant (EKF ELECTROTECHNIKA LLC)

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