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Analysis of the maritime passenger transportation market

Analysis of the maritime passenger transportation market Analysis of the maritime passenger transportation market
Release date 17.01.2020
Number of pages 41
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The length of the maritime border of India is 38,8 thousand km (with the length of the land border of only 14,5 thousand km), India has direct access to three oceans. Also, a positively influencing factor is the unlimited capacity of sea routes. Unlike all other modes of transport, sea vessels serve not only as a means of delivering passengers to a place of rest, but can also be directly a place to rest.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the maritime passenger transportation market, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the maritime passenger transportation market


Part 1. An overview of the Indian maritime passenger market

1.1. Definition and characteristics of the Indian maritime passenger transport market
1.2. Dynamics of the volume of the Indian maritime passenger transport market, 2014-2018
1.3. Market structure by type of service provided in India
1.4. Structure of the maritime passenger transportation market in the Union Territories
1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Indian Ocean Passenger Transport Market

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players

Part 3. Analysis of maritime passenger traffic consumption

3.1. Estimated per capita maritime passenger transport consumption
3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
3.3. Description of consumer preferences
3.4. Price analysis

Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 5. Forecast for the development of the maritime passenger transportation market until 2023

Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations for current market operators

Research excerpt

Part 1. An overview of the Indian maritime passenger market

1.1. Definition and characteristics of the Indian maritime passenger transport market

In this study, maritime passenger transportation refers to the transportation of passengers in the sea and coastal waters of India by all modes of transport carried out on a schedule or not on a schedule, with the exception of fishing.   

This type of activity in India…
Types of maritime passenger transportation:
- Trump, ...
- Linear, ...

Specific features. 

All ships of India are listed on the Register of Ships of India. Vessels used for the international transport of goods...

The maritime boundary of India is...
Unlike all other modes of transport, ships serve ... 
The disadvantages of the sphere of maritime transport include the lack of ...

1.2. Dynamics of the volume of the Indian maritime passenger transport market, 2014-2018

… the dynamics of the maritime passenger transportation market development (volume at the peak of the market in … year in … exceeds the average indicators …) is caused by … when the sea crossing … After the launch of road traffic, the market dynamics shows … Accordingly, …% of the market (for 2018 ) is transportation to ... the Union Territories. In other directions (…) the market dynamics is … in nature: a slight increase shows the direction of … the Union Territories (+…% over 4 years) and slight fluctuations in traffic on …

Decrease... also caused by... 

1.3. Market structure by type of service provided in India 

Segmentation of the maritime passenger transportation market by type of service can be carried out as ...

Diagram 2. Structure of the maritime passenger transportation market by types, %


A small number of international passenger traffic ... It should also be noted that part of the international traffic is carried out by Indian companies ... At present, …% of the merchant fleet owned by Indian companies sails under “… flags” (in 2010 this figure was …%, ...).

The current market structure in terms of sailing regularity tends to be partial… 

1.4. Structure of the maritime passenger transportation market in the Union Territories

Certainly, Indian passenger traffic is more related to... Therefore, transportation to the ... Union Territories in the ... region remains a key market segment. The underdevelopment of the port infrastructure of ... the region limits the development of the market in these areas, despite the fact that the potential ...

At the same time, in … the region, despite the most developed port infrastructure, …

Diagram 3. Dynamics and structure of passenger turnover of sea passenger ports in the union territories of India, thousand people


1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market


Cruise shipping in India is characterized by ... The average increase in the number of sea cruises in 2018 amounted to …%. Meanwhile, the use of ships ... A positive feature of the cruise type of recreation lies in its …
There is significant potential for the development of shipping in ..., but this requires an accompanying ...
The popularity of … sailing to … is also growing. The demand for sea travel departing from … increased by about …% in 2019. If in 2018 there were ..., then in 2019 ...
Some positive results...


The negative dynamics of the market after the peak values ​​in ... years is ... and in fact is ...
Great potential for the development of cruise tourism in India on ... In 2019, the port …
Within the framework of the FTP … cruise tourism …

1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market


Data on the dynamics of GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation. 

India's GDP is …

As shown in Chart 4, for the period 2013-2014. observed … GDP, and in 2015-2016. GDP dynamics ... In general, the decline in GDP - ... 

According to the results of 2017 - 2018, and 3 quarters of 2019 (growth …%), the dynamics of GDP …

Demographic. …

Level of real incomes of the population. Over the past five years, the dynamics of real incomes of the population …, so in 2014 real incomes …% compared to 2013, in 2015 - by …% compared to 2014, in 2016 …

As noted above, in 2018 the downward trend in real incomes of the population …%. Contrary to … forecasts, real incomes of the population in the first half of 2019 …

Chart 7. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2012-2018



Table 3. STEP analysis of factors influencing the maritime passenger transportation market

Conclusions of STEP analysis.

According to the results of the performed STEP-analysis, macro-environment factors have a greater influence on the maritime passenger transportation services market. Each of the groups of factors under consideration has … influence on the development of the market, while a group of … factors has a decisive influence on the development of the market. Of course, the key event for the development of the market was …

The next most important group of ... factors. …

Technological factors…

Demand-forming … factors generally have …

1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

When considering the segmentation of profits by Union Territories, it must be taken into account that in fact ...

In general, the low … market is associated with a significant share of …

High level …

Chart 8. Gross margin of the maritime passenger transportation industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2014-2018, %


The dynamics of the gross margin of the industry as a whole ... The peak falls on ... the year when ...

Significant fluctuations in profitability before tax of the maritime passenger transportation market can be explained by ...
… market liquidity trend is provided by …

For Indian companies, the normative value of the absolute liquidity ratio is within Kal > 0.2-0.5. ... absolute liquidity in the passenger transportation market with the transition from the category ... may indicate ...

Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Indian Ocean Passenger Transport Market

2.1. Major players in the market 

It should be noted that for the majority of market participants, with the exception of state-owned companies, passenger transportation …

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors

… LLC “…” currently occupies …% of the maritime passenger transportation market in India. At present, the urgency of the purpose of establishing a company ...
The second, third and fifth market participants in terms of revenue also carry out transportation to …: LLC “…” - …%, …
The fourth company in terms of revenue, LLC “…”, with a share of …%, is ...  

Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the maritime passenger transportation market in 2018  


2.3. Profiles of major players

OOO ""…"" (…)

Table 7. Basic information about participant No. 1 of the maritime passenger transportation market


When analyzing the cumulative result of the five largest market participants ..., a trend is revealed ... 

Part 3. Analysis of maritime passenger traffic consumption

3.1. Estimated per capita maritime passenger transport consumption

… per capita consumption in monetary terms … evidenced by … Liner tariffs …

3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India


3.3. Description of consumer preferences 

price preferences. 
General preferences. 

3.4. Price analysis

Marginal tariffs for maritime transport and services in the seaport are approved ... Companies providing services in the seaport have the right to establish ...

Tariffs for maritime transport, such as the carriage of passengers and goods by water, are set by …

For successful work in the open maritime passenger market, it is important to correctly determine ...

When setting tariffs for local passenger transportation, in addition to the cost of maintaining the fleet, …

Excursion (cruise) transportation is carried out ...

Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

… the investment climate factors of the maritime passenger market in India dominate …. A comprehensive assessment of the factors of investment attractiveness is ... points - ... investment climate. 

The most significant positive factors are…
The most significant negative factors are…

Part 5. Forecast for the development of the maritime passenger transportation market until 2023


Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations for current market operators 



Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of the maritime passenger transportation market, 2014-2018
Diagram 2. Structure of the maritime passenger transportation market by types, %
Diagram 3. Dynamics and structure of passenger turnover of sea passenger ports in the union territories of India, thousand people
Diagram 4. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2012-2018, % to the previous year
Chart 5. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2014-2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Chart 6. Population change in India, 2012-2019
Chart 7. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2012-2018
Chart 8. Gross margin of the maritime passenger transportation industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2014-2018, %
Diagram 9. Profitability of profit before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the field of maritime passenger transportation in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2014-2018, %
Diagram 10. Current liquidity (total coverage) in the field of maritime passenger transportation for 2014-2018, times
Chart 11. Business activity (average turnover period of receivables) in the field of maritime passenger transportation, for 2014-2018, days days
Diagram 12. Financial stability (security of own working capital) in the field of maritime passenger transportation, in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2014-2018, %.
Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the maritime passenger transportation market in 2018
Diagram 14. The volume of consumption of maritime passenger traffic per capita, 2014-2018, Rs./person
Diagram 15. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest participants in the maritime passenger transportation market (TOP-5) in India, thousand Rs, 2014-2018
Diagram 16. Forecast of the volume of the maritime passenger transportation market in 2019-2023


Table 1. Structure of the maritime passenger transportation market by types, people
Table 2. Age structure of sea passenger and cargo-passenger ships (at the end of the year; in % of the total)
Table 3. STEP analysis of factors influencing the maritime passenger transportation market
Table 4. Profit (loss) from the sale of maritime passenger traffic in the Union Territories of India, 2014-2018, million Rs.
Table 5. Absolute liquidity in maritime passenger transportation in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2014-2018, times
Table 6. Main companies participating in the maritime passenger transportation market in 2018
Table 7. Basic information about participant No. 1 of the maritime passenger transportation market
Table 8. Basic information about participant No. 2 of the maritime passenger transportation market
Table 9. Basic information about participant No. 3 of the maritime passenger transportation market
Table 10. Basic information about participant No. 4 of the maritime passenger transportation market
Table 11. Basic information about participant No. 5 of the maritime passenger transportation market
Table 12. Consumer price indices for shipping in India in 2014-2019 (available period), %
Table 13. Marginal Tariffs for Maritime Passenger Transportation in the Union Territories
Table 14. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the maritime passenger transportation market

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