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Analysis of the Indian market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies

Analysis of the Indian market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies Analysis of the Indian market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies
Release date 27.09.2021
Number of pages 42
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Raw smoked sausage is one of the types of smoked sausage products, characterized by high nutritional value and long shelf life, and deli meats occupy a special place in the diet of Indian consumers

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies market in India, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies


Part 1. Overview of the market for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.) in India

1.1. Product Description
1.2. List of main products
1.3. Main characteristics of the market
1.4. Volume of production
1.5. Share of exports in production
1.6. Market share of imports
1.7. Assessment of the dynamics of the market volume in 2018-2020 Potential market capacity
1.8. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.9. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.9.1. Social factors
1.9.2. Technological factors
1.9.3. Economic forces
1.9.4. Political factors
1.9.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
1.10. Market structure of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.)
1.10.1. By product type
1.10.2. across union territories
1.11. Assessment of the dynamics of average Indian prices in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2018-2020, forecast until 2025

Part 2. Analysis of competitors in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.) in India TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market
2.2. Major players in the market
2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors
2.5. Analysis of the product range (product description, packaging, weight, composition)
2.6. Sales channels / distribution channels (federal chains, public catering, tourism facilities, wholesale, small wholesale)
2.7. Marketing activity and channels for promoting market players
2.8. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 3. Analysis of consumption in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.) in India

3.1. Market saturation
3.2. Key consumer trends in India
3.3. Main consumers TOP-10

Part 4. Forecasts and conclusions

4.1. Barriers in the market
4.2. Prospects and market growth drivers
4.3. Market development forecast until 2025
4.4. Key conclusions of the study (main conclusion about the prospects of the market, promising products)

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Overview of the market for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.) in India

1.1. Product Description

Raw smoked sausage is one of the types of smoked sausage products, characterized by high nutritious …
Dry-cured sausage is a meat delicacy, one of the types of sausage products, made with …
Deli meats occupy a special place in the diet of Indian consumers. Classic meat delicacies include…

1.2. List of main products 

Raw smoked sausages are produced of the highest and first grades. Assortment of raw smoked sausages in the Indian market: ...
Assortment (grades and names) of dry-cured sausages:
top grade: ...;
first grade: ... and others.

Basturma is…
A wide range of gourmet products is produced today from poultry meat. The production of poultry delicacies has …
Chicken delicacies are...
These products can be made using...
Main meat delicacies:
Balyk is a delicacy that has…
Boiled pork is a fairly common…
The smoked neck is made from…

1.3. Main characteristics of the market

The market for meat and meat products in general is one of the largest food markets in India. It has a very strong tradition and its fortune has a significant impact on other food markets. 

The system of production and distribution of meat and meat products has been formed for many years. The meat industry has always been...

Market analysts have formed the following conditional scheme for the distribution of meat for further use:
…% is sold in its raw form;
…% is processed for the production of sausages;

Meat products are agri-food products of animal origin. The importance of meat and meat products for the usual consumer diet is very ...
The subject of this study is the Indian market for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies. The market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in this study is understood as a set of …

The market for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in India is represented mainly by products of ... manufacturers. In a situation where the market is saturated with domestic products, competition among manufacturers ...

1.4. Volume of production

According to …, the volume of production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2020 amounted to … thousand tons. from … 11% compared to 2019 and reached … for the period under study. In 2018-2019 production of uncooked, dry-cured sausages and deli meats in India is …slightly (…%), due to the relatively high ... Given the increase in demand with increased household consumption during the lockdown in 2020, and also taking into account the decrease in …, production in 2020 ... This is also due to the stable position in the markets ...

1.5. Share of exports in production

Share of exports in the production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in India in 2018-2020 …%. In 2019, the share of exports reaches …%, while the decrease in the share of exports to the minimum value is observed … 
… the share of exports with an increase in production in 2020 suggests that manufacturers are primarily …

Diagram 3. Dynamics of exports in physical terms in 2018-2020 

During 2018-2019 the volume of exports of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies from India in physical terms showed …, the maximum value falls on … year – … thousand tons … of export volumes in 2020 is primarily due to …

1.6. Market share of imports

Diagram 4. Ratio of imported and domestic products on the market, %

The market of uncooked smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in India is represented mainly by products of … manufacturers, the maximum share of imports is observed in … and amounts to …%, followed by …%. This fact is due…

1.7. Assessment of the dynamics of the market volume in 2018-2020 Potential market capacity

Consider the dynamics of the volume of the Indian market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2018-2020.
The volume of the market for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in physical terms differs by …%, then it is observed ... This fact indicates that the existing demand ... can be satisfied ... 
In general, during the study period, the market volume …: the decrease of …% against the indicators of … was only partly covered by … 

Industry experts believe that the market may continue ... The potential market capacity of about ... thousand tons will be reached approximately in ...
Basically, the market...

1.8. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

In the sausage market over the past 5-10 years, not only the number of players has increased, but also the number of … 
It should be noted that the import of sausages in recent years …
Some manufacturers (especially regional plants) have been actively developing …

Experts and market participants assess the trends that have developed in the market in the context of raw smoked sausages, dry-cured sausages and delicacies as …

1.9. Assessment of factors affecting the market 

Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, demand.

Table 1. STEP analysis of factors affecting the market for pork products

1.9.1. Social factors
1.9.2. Technological factors
1.9.3. Economic forces
1.9.4. Political factors
1.9.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market

The market for raw smoked sausages, dry-cured sausages and delicacies is influenced by ... The most significant factors are related to ... These factors have ... On the other hand, the negative impact of economic factors is offset by ... Residents of India ...

A group of political factors determines the influence of…
In the current situation and under the influence of the above factors, industry experts recommend that processors and manufacturers of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies pay attention to …

1.10. Market structure of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.)
1.10.1. By product type 

The Indian market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies differs ... In the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies, the shares were distributed as follows: the largest share is ... - ...%, then - ... sausages with a share of ...% and ... with a share of ...%. Experts believe that due to the trend towards ... in the coming years, the share of ...

The Indian market for delicacies, including raw smoked, dry-cured sausages, can also be segmented by types of meat raw materials. Most delicacies are made from …, they are well-deservedly popular with consumers (…), their share is …%. Next, with a share of …%, go delicacies from … – ... Delicacies from … occupy small shares – …% and …%, while most of them are ...

1.10.2. across union territories

Diagram 9. Market structure / production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies by union territories

In general, the distribution of shares between the federal districts in terms of production volume is ... Traditionally, the leader is ... the Union Territories, which occupies a share of ...% during the period under review. 

At the same time, an increase in the share, in addition to ... the Union Territories, was not recorded in other federal districts - here the trend is towards ... 
The distribution and dynamics of the shares of federal districts in terms of production volume in physical terms can be explained by several factors: …

1.11. Assessment of the dynamics of average Indian prices in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2018-2020, forecast until 2025 

Table 2 shows the prices of the distributor CJSC ""Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant"" for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies. Often, manufacturers do not directly sell their own products. According to the depth of the assortment, ZAO Mikoyanovsky MPK is …

Table 3. Dynamics of average producer prices for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies 2018-2020

It is worth noting that the prices for these categories of products vary depending on ... The table shows the average (average annual) prices in India, taking into account the average annual change. The … segment has the smallest price change, there may be several reasons for this: ... Producer prices show …, which is related to … According to analysts, … will continue in the future.
Consumer prices depend on…

Part 2. Analysis of competitors in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.) in India TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market

The market for the production of sausages and delicacies is ..., represented mainly by the products of ... - there are about such enterprises on the market today ... Strongly expressed ... types of competition due to the fact that in most regional cities preference is given to ...
Among the main competitors of the meat semi-finished products market, we can single out companies ... - from growing ... to ...
The level of competition in the market ... and in this case, the end consumer makes a choice according to several parameters: ...

2.2. Major players in the market

JSC ""..."" ...

2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors

Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2020

The shares of the largest companies in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies are calculated in proportion to ...
The leader is JSC “…” with a share of …%. The main line of business is … CJSC “…” is in second place, the market share is …%, the main line of business is …

2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors

The volume of production of the largest companies in the market of smoked, dry-cured sausages and meat delicacies is …%, the share of other enterprises is …%, the production volume of such enterprises is less than … per year. At the same time, there are about ... enterprises in India that produce raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and meat delicacies, and there are also small ones on the market ...

2.5. Analysis of the product range (product description, packaging, weight, composition)

Table 6. The range of the largest competitors in 2020 

The main product range of the market leaders is …, the difference is …
The composition and methods of manufacturing products also differ slightly, the composition of the main assortment items is given in table 10.

2.6. Sales channels / distribution channels (federal chains, public catering, tourism facilities, wholesale, small wholesale)
2.7. Marketing activity and channels for promoting market players 
2.8. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Table 11. Strengths and weaknesses of manufacturers

All major manufacturers have been on the market for a long time, many have their own ... The largest player ... Also, many players ...

Part 3. Analysis of consumption in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies (including jamon, prosciutto, etc.) in India

3.1. Market saturation

The market is saturated with products ..., the structure of the market of manufacturers ..., high shares of large ..., while prevailing in the market ..., production volume ... The breadth also speaks of market saturation ...
For the period 2018-2020 volume of production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in India …: 2018-2019 are characterized by a slight (…%) … followed by … In addition, India has a policy of …
At the moment, the market is estimated by industry experts as …, close to …, respectively, the growth of the market volume is …%. Potential market capacity, according to analysts, is about … thousand tons and will be reached by … yr. 

3.2. Key consumer trends in India

3.3. Main consumers TOP-10

The main consumers who purchase raw smoked, dry-cured sausage and delicacies from manufacturers are …
The end consumer of sausages and delicacies has the following behavioral features: ...

Part 4. Forecasts and conclusions 

4.1. Barriers in the market
4.2. Prospects and market growth drivers
4.3. Market development forecast until 2025
4.4. Key conclusions of the study (main conclusion about the prospects of the market, promising products)


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2018-2020, tons
Diagram 2. The share of exports in the production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2018-2020,%
Diagram 3. Dynamics of exports in physical terms in 2018-2020
Diagram 4. Ratio of imported and domestic products on the market, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of imports in physical terms in 2018-2020
Diagram 6. Dynamics of market volume, 2018–2020
Diagram 7. Market structure / production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies by type of product 
Diagram 8. The structure of the production of delicacies by types of meat raw materials
Diagram 9. Market structure / production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies by union territories
Diagram 10. Forecast of average prices for raw smoked sausages until 2025
Diagram 11. Forecast of average prices for dry-cured sausages until 2025
Diagram 12. Forecast of average prices for delicacies until 2025
Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies in 2020
Diagram 14. Forecast of market size in 2021-2025


Table 1. STEP analysis of factors affecting the market for pork products
Table 2. Distributor prices for products of ZAO Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant, June 2021
Table 3. Dynamics of average producer prices for raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies 2018-2020
Table 4. Main companies participating in the market in 2020
Table 5. Production volumes of the largest competitors in 2020
Table 6. The range of the largest competitors in 2020
Table 7. Products ""...""
Table 8. Products ""...""
Table 9. Products ""...""
Table 10. Composition of the main assortment positions
Table 11. Strengths and weaknesses of manufacturers
Table 12. TOP-10 consumers of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages and delicacies

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