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Analysis of the glulam market in India

Analysis of the glulam market in India Analysis of the glulam market in India
Release date 22.03.2016
Number of pages 40
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹


The boom of wooden housing construction in our country increases the demand for auxiliary materials. But the success of the respective business depends on an accurate assessment of the situation. Experienced specialists of the GidMarket agency can perform a professional analysis and provide reasonable recommendations.

Wooden cottages are a fashionable and optimal type of private housing. However, until now, some materials and technologies used in their construction are elite and expensive. This constrains demand and raises the question for investors and manufacturers about the feasibility of investing in this area. To dispel doubts by providing objective facts and forecasts, a marketing research of the glulam market in India will help.

The results of such an analysis, conducted in 2016, are reflected in the report of the GidMarket company.

In it you will find the following information:

  1. The main parameters of the industry.
  2. The structure of export deliveries (by manufacturers, shippers, country of destination, specific recipients). The appendix to the section contains data on all transactions for the last year, including their value, counterparties, etc.

Conditions for conducting market research on the market of glued laminated lumber in India

For a detailed analysis of the situation in the relevant area, information is used from various sources, including open and insider information. So, we study:

  • databases on the websites of the Federal Customs Service, the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat;
  • articles and expert reviews;
  • prices;
  • financial statements of investors, factories producing relevant building materials, etc.;
  • technical literature and reference books;
  • other available data.

The next step in the marketing research of the glulam market in India is, as a rule, a survey of its main participants.

Upon completion of the collection and analysis of information, experts draw conclusions about the situation and give a forecast for the near future.

In addition to the finished report, you can order the study of the issue, based on your own interests, or updating the available information at the current time.

To obtain information in the required form, fill out the relevant application online. You can also contact us by phone, chat or email.

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