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Analysis of the gel polish market in India

Analysis of the gel polish market in India Analysis of the gel polish market in India
Release date 12.11.2018
Number of pages 55
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The gel polish market currently holds a strong position in the global market and is one of the fastest growing products in the nail industry. This is due to ease of use, long wearing life, resistance to damage and good appearance.

Purpose of the study:

Analysis and forecast of the development of the gel polish market, competitive analysis: assortment analysis, price positioning, terms of cooperation, active communication policy, comparative characteristics of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the analyzed competitors
The analysis of five competitors within the framework of the study was carried out on the basis of the analysis of price lists and terms of cooperation obtained through interviews under the legend. The appendices to the study provide primary information: the result of the conversation, price lists, presentation materials (if available).
As a bonus, the study is accompanied by primary information (price lists, terms of cooperation) for two additional large operators that were not included in the main study. The name of the competitors for which the information is collected and analyzed is provided upon request.


Part 1. India Gel Polish Market Overview 

1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Volume of production
1.3. Share of exports in production
1.4. Market share of imports
1.5. Dynamics of market volume 2015-2017 
1.6. Market structure by types of gel polishes

Part 2: Competitor Analysis 

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of analyzed competitors
2.3. Assortment of gel polishes of competitors
2.4. Key/unique features of competitors' products
2.5. Points of contact with the audience of analyzed competitors
2.6. Sales channels of competitors
2.7. Analysis of the design and convenience of sites, assessment of the level of service when communicating by phone with the analyzed competitors
2.8. SWOT analysis - a map of the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor. Conclusions regarding consumer choice of different gel polish brands

Part 3. SWOT analysis of the gel polish market in India

Part 4. Consumption forecast until 2022  

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions 

Research excerpt

Part 1. India Gel Polish Market Overview 
1.1. Main characteristics of the market
Gel polish is a nail polish that combines the properties of nail polishes and gels. Gel polish is one of the fastest growing products in the nail industry today, and its popularity continues to grow at a significant pace. According to distributors of such well-known brands as OPI, CND, Harmony, it is decorative coatings, and in particular gel polish, that are the locomotive of both wholesale and retail sales. To date, more than 80% of manicure and pedicure masters use or have used gel polish in their work.
Table 1. The main components of gel polishes
With the advent of gel polishes on the market, this product has replaced the traditional product for decorative manicure - nail polish. This is due to the presence of significant competitive advantages over conventional varnishes in gel polishes ...

1.2. Volume of production
According to GidMarket, based on the analysis of statistical data on the production of manicure and pedicure products, the volume of services in the beauty industry in India …
Chart 1. Volume of gel polish production in India, 2015-2017

1.3. Share of exports in production

1.4. Market share of imports
The speed of development of the global industry is due to the presence of a large number of participants in the market, high competition forces manufacturers to introduce new solutions to the market with high frequency. In India, we can talk about similar trends.
Diagram 3. Dynamics of imports of gel polishes to India, 2015-2017, mln cond. units 

1.5. Dynamics of market volume 2015-2017
According to Rosstat, the volume of services provided by beauty salons in India in 2017 …
Diagram 5. Beauty industry market in India, 2012-2017, billion Rs. 

The main trends in the gel polish market:
Table 2. Size of the gel polish market in India, 2015-2017, mln cond. units 

1.6. Market structure by types of gel polishes
Speaking about the different types of gel polish, we can distinguish three product groups ...
Diagram 8. Market structure by types of gel polishes

Part 2: Competitor Analysis 
2.1. Major players in the market

2.2. Market shares of analyzed competitors
As noted earlier, the gel polish market is represented by several dozen brands, while the share of each of them, even among the market leaders, is small.
Diagram 9. Market shares of analyzed Indian gel polish competitors in 2017 

2.3. Assortment of gel polishes of competitors
Often, gel polish manufacturers have two or four related brands in their portfolio, presented for different price segments.

2.4. Key/unique features of competitors' products
When characterizing the criteria for choosing a brand of gel polish, it is important to understand the difference in selection criteria for beauty salons, craftsmen and the end consumer. 
The result of a survey of representatives of companies of the main competitors of gel polishes shows that each of the manufacturers considers their product to be the best in terms of price and quality 

2.5. Points of contact with the audience of analyzed competitors

2.6. Sales channels of competitors
In the gel polish market, the supplier is engaged in both wholesale sales and direct sales to beauty salons and specialized stores. Retail sale of gel polishes, carried out in company stores, is focused on private craftsmen. Some supplier companies are engaged in training in nail service using their exclusive cosmetics, which allows us to constantly expand the circle of end users.
The sale of gel polishes through specialized multi-brand online stores is mainly designed for private craftsmen who make a durable coating at home.

2.7. Analysis of the design and convenience of sites, assessment of the level of service when communicating by phone with the analyzed competitors
The design and functionality of websites of competing brands differ depending on the segment of the target audience they are targeted at.

2.8. SWOT analysis - a map of the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor. Conclusions regarding consumer choice of different gel polish brands
Due to the fact that gel polish is a typical product, the quality and intensity of the promotion campaign is of great importance: from the successful choice of the “brand legend” to updating the news feed on social networks and the quality of the published content.
Diagram 14. Comprehensive assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the main competitors

For success in the market, it is very important to match the price to the positioning segment, the absence of defective quality and highly active advertising support, since the level of competition is high, you can stand out from competitors only with a highly active and interesting (unique, not hackneyed) promotion campaign.

Part 3. SWOT analysis of the gel polish market in India
The weaknesses of the gel polish market in India are formed by the “competition” component - the growth in the number of participants, insignificant barriers to entry. The most significant weaknesses of the gel polish market in India are: an increase in the level of competition, the difficulty of switching a master, salon to a new brand, a typical product.

Part 4. Consumption forecast until 2022  

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions 


Diagram 1. Volume of gel polish production in India, 2015-2017 
Diagram 2. Share of exports in the production of gel polishes (in value terms), 2015-2017 
Diagram 3. Dynamics of imports of gel polishes to India, 2015-2017, mln. units 
Diagram 4. Share of imports in the Indian gel polish market structure, 2015-2017 
Diagram 5. Beauty industry market in India, 2012-2017, billion Rs. 
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the gel polish market in India, 2015-2017, mln. units 
Figure 7. Stage of the life cycle of the gel polish market
Diagram 8. Market structure by types of gel polishes
Diagram 9. Market Shares of Analyzed Gel Polish Competitors in India in 2017 
Diagram 10. The structure of the assortment of gel polishes of XX company, %
Diagram 11. The structure of the assortment of gel polishes of the XXXX company,%
Diagram 12. The structure of the assortment of gel polishes of the XXXXX company,%
Diagram 13. The structure of the assortment of gel polishes of the company XXXXXX,%
Diagram 14. Comprehensive assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the main competitors
Diagram 15. Strengths of the gel polish market in India
Diagram 16. Weaknesses of the gel polish market in India
Diagram 17. Gel Polish Market Opportunities in India
Diagram 18. Threats to the gel polish market in India
Diagram 19. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011-January-July 2018 
Diagram 20. Forecast of the volume of the gel polish market in India, 2018-2022, mln. units 


Table 1. The main components of gel polishes
Table 2. Volume of the gel polish market in India, 2015-2017, mln. units 
Table 3. Key information about XX Indian gel polish market participant
Table 4. Basic information about the participant of the XXX gel polish market in India
Table 5. Basic information about the participant of XXXX gel polish market in India
Table 6. Basic information about the participant of XXXXX gel polish market in India
Table 7. Basic information about the representatives of XXXXXXX gel polish market
Table 8. Unique properties of the products of the main competitors (according to company representatives) 
Table 9. Points of contact with the audience of the main competitors
Table 10. Representation of competitors in social networks
Table 11. Sales channels of the main competitors
Table 12. Price positioning of gel polishes XX
Table 13. Terms of cooperation for brands XX for retail stores, online stores and training centers
Table 14 Price positioning of gel polishes XXX
Table 15. Price positioning of gel polishes XXXX
Table 16. Price positioning of gel polishes XXXXX
Table 17. Price positioning of gel polishes XXXXXXX
Table 18. Impressions about the usability and design of competitor websites
Table 19. Impressions of telephone conversations with competing companies
Table 20. SWOT analysis - a map of the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor XX
Table 21. SWOT analysis - a map of the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor XXX
Table 22. SWOT analysis - a map of the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor XXXX
Table 23. SWOT analysis - a map of the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor XXXXX
Table 24. SWOT analysis - a map of the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor XXXXXXX
Table 25. Quantifying the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the Indian Gel Polish Market External Environment
Table 26. Problem field of SWOT-analysis

Research benefits

The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.

Directions for using the results of the study

To bring a new product to the market, organize a new production, correct the current strategy of the company or develop a new one, to make various decisions.


For senior and middle managers, marketing specialists, investors, business owners.

Additional options

Create a customized ppt presentation 
Extended update of the report ""according to the goals and objectives of the Customer"" 
Business plan development

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