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Analysis of the dry milk permeate market in the B2B segment in India

Analysis of the dry milk permeate market in the B2B segment in India Analysis of the dry milk permeate market in the B2B segment in India
Release date 29.09.2021
Number of pages 36
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Dairy ingredients are important components of many products. They are widely used in the production of sports, children's, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, confectionery, bakery, dairy products, functional foods and drinks, pharmaceutical products.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the dry milk permeate market in India, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors


Part 1. India B2B Powdered Milk Permeate Market Overview

1.1. Description of dry milk permeate
1.2. Main characteristics of the market
1.3. Estimated production volume for 2020
1.4. Estimated share of exports in production in 2020
1.5. Estimated share of imports in the market in 2020
1.6. Assessment of market volume dynamics, 2018–2020 (2020 - forecast). Potential market capacity
1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.8. Assessment of the market structure in B2B in 2020
1.8.1. by type of fat used (100% milk fat, mix of milk and vegetable fat, 100% vegetable fat)
1.8.2. by types of dry milk permeate

Part 2. Analysis of competitors-manufacturers of the TOP-10 in 2020

2.1. The level of competition in the market
2.2. Major players in the market
2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors
2.5. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 3. Consumption analysis

3.1. Market structure by consumption sectors
3.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase in 2020
3.3. Main consumers of TOR-30

Part 4. Price analysis in 2021

4.1. Prices of domestic producers
4.2. Analysis of prices for imported products

Part 5. Forecasts and conclusions

5.1. Barriers in the market
5.2. Market Growth Drivers
5.3. Market development forecast until 2025
5.4. Go-to-Market Recommendations
5.5. Key findings from the study

Research excerpt 

Part 1. India B2B Powdered Milk Permeate Market Overview

1.1. Description of dry milk permeate

Dry milk permeate is...
Milk permeate is a product obtained ...
Milk permeate can be a by-product…
Dry milk permeate contains …
The use of dry milk permeate is quite wide, it is used in: ...

In appearance, lactose is...
Lactose has a number of useful properties, consider ...
In fact, lactose is used mainly in…

In the food industry, lactose is used primarily in the production of ...

1.2. Main characteristics of the market

Consider the characteristics and features of the dry milk permeate market in India. 
The dry milk permeate market in this study refers to a set of …

The production of dry milk/milk sugar/lactose permeate in India is accounted for under code …
Foreign economic activity is carried out according to the code ...

Dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose are mainly used...

The following companies are manufacturing the products of the studied market – dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose in India on an industrial scale.

Тtable 2. Producers of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose  

Currently, the dairy industry is focusing more on ... Therefore, in India, permeate is predominantly produced from ...

1.3. Estimated production volume for 2020

For the analyzed period 2018-2020. According to Rosstat and GidMarket estimates, the volume of production of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose in India … from … t to … t. 
In 2018 the volume of production was ... t.

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of dry milk permeate, milk sugar / lactose in India, 2018-2020, tons 

In 2019, volumes increased by …% compared to 2018. and amounted to … t, due to the growth of production in general and the launch of …

According to GidMarket at the end of 2020. volume of production of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose in India …% compared to 2019 and amounted to ... t in connection with ...

1.4. Estimated share of exports in production in 2020

The share of exports of dry milk permeate, milk sugar / lactose at the end of 2020. equal to …%, dry milk permeate is not …
In monetary terms, the volume of exports in 2020. amounted to … thousand US dollars, including … thousand US dollars on TN VED …, and … thousand US dollars on …

1.5. Estimated share of imports in the market in 2020

A feature of the Indian market for dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose is that it ... 
In 2020 the share of imports of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose in the volume of the Indian market was equal to …%. 

In total, … t was imported, of which … t was dry milk permeate, … t lactose according to TN VED …, and … t according to …
The total volume of imports in monetary terms amounted to at the end of 2020. … thousand US dollars, including .. thousand US dollars – dry milk permeate, … thousand US dollars – lactose according to …

1.6. Assessment of market volume dynamics, 2018–2020 (2020 - forecast). Potential market capacity

The volume of the Indian market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar / lactose in 2018. amounted to … t. During the period under review, the market volume of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose …% and in 2020 made ... t.
In 2019 market volume … t - by …% compared to 2018, because this year importers …

In 2020 market volume …% and amounted to … t. … of the Indian market is mainly due to …
The Indian market for dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose is at …, there is potential …

Potential market capacity

Potential market capacity is the maximum volume of sales that can be achieved within a certain period. Potential market capacity is…
… The potential capacity of the Indian market of B2B dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose is … thousand tons. For the most part, the achievement of the market potential and its qualitative development is hindered by …

1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

Consider the current trends in the market under study.
The prospects for the development of the studied market include:

1.8. Assessment of the market structure in B2B in 2020
1.8.1. by type of fat used (100% milk fat, mix of milk and vegetable fat, 100% vegetable fat)

Let's assess the structure of the B2B market by type of fat used.
According to Rosstat and GidMarket estimates, the following types of fats are used in the B2B market: margarine, milk and vegetable fat, vegetable fat, milk fat, and …

The largest share in the B2B market is occupied by … fat, its share at the end of 2020. amounted to …%. …fats find many uses in…industry. Fat for chocolate products and sweets is ...

The second place is occupied by …, which occupies a share of …%. ... is an emulsifiable fat product with ...
The third position is occupied by … fats, which account for …%.

Milk fat occupies …% on the B2B market. Milk fat is a milk product in which the mass fraction of milk fat is not less than ...
Baking fats are used in the manufacture of…

1.8.2. by types of dry milk permeate

Consider the segmentation of the Indian market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose by types. 
In 2020 in the structure of the studied market, the largest share is occupied by …, which accounts for …%.

The share of dry milk permeate in the Indian market, according to GidMarket, amounted to …%, a similar share (…%) is occupied by …

Part 2. Analysis of competitors-manufacturers of the TOP-10 in 2020

2.1. The level of competition in the market

Assess the level of competition in the market. To determine the degree of market concentration, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is used. 
The Herfindahl-Hirschman index takes values ​​from 0 (in the ideal case of perfect competition, when there are infinitely many sellers on the market) to 1 (when there is only one firm producing 100% of the output on the market). 

The HНI index in the market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose is … in connection with which we can state the fact that the market of dry milk permeate belongs to …

2.2. Major players in the market 

The largest companies in the Indian market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose are presented in the table below.

Table 3. Main companies participating in the dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose market, 2020 

2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors

To conduct a competitive analysis in the dry milk, milk sugar/lactose permeate market and determine the market shares of competitors, …
The leading positions in the dry milk/milk sugar/lactose permeate market in India are occupied by … – “…” LLC, whose share is …%.

The share of lactose importer LLC “…” is …%, the third share is occupied by …
In fourth place...

Diagram 7. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose, 2020, % 

TOP-5 companies occupy …% of the market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose. 
In sixth place is … which has a market share of …%. In seventh position... In eighth place...

TOP-10 companies own …% of the market.

2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors

The market under study is …, so the table presents …
The TOP-10 companies on the market of milk permeate, milk sugar (lactose) mainly include …, because …% of the Indian market. ... mainly supplied to India .... Imports, as well as the production of milk permeate ... To India in 2020. dry milk permeate ...

2.5. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

We will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

Table 5. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 3. Consumption analysis 

3.1. Market structure by consumption sectors

The main consumers of the dry milk permeate market in India are enterprises of … industry. The largest market share is occupied by enterprises operating in the field of … (…%).
The second place is occupied by enterprises of … The third position is occupied by companies of … industry (…%). 
TOP-5 industries-consumers of dry milk permeate occupy …% of the market. 
The TOP-10 industries account for …%.

3.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase in 2020

We will analyze the results of tenders for the purchase of dry milk permeate, milk sugar / lactose in India in 2020.
In 2020 tenders for the purchase of dry milk permeate ...

According to ... in 2020. … tons of milk sugar/lactose were purchased for the amount of … mln Rs. 

Diagram 9. Results of conducted tenders for the purchase of milk sugar / lactose, India, 2020

The initial maximum contract price amounted to … mln Rs. Price drop - …%.

3.3. Main consumers of TOR-30

The largest consumers, including the largest distributors of TOP-30 dry milk, milk sugar/lactose permeate in India are presented in the table below.

Table 6. Top 30 largest consumers 

Part 4. Price analysis in 2021

4.1. Prices of domestic producers

In 2021 the price of Indian producers for dry milk permeate is shown in the diagram. 
In 2021 The average producer price for dry milk permeate without VAT is … Rs./t.
The average producer price for milk sugar/lactose without VAT is … thousand Rs./t in 2021.

4.2. Analysis of prices for imported products

Let's analyze the price of imported products.
The average price for imported dry milk permeate in 2021 was … USD/t. 
The average price for imported milk sugar/lactose is … USD/t.

Part 5. Forecasts and conclusions

5.1. Barriers in the market
5.2. Market Growth Drivers
5.3. Market development forecast until 2025

The market is experiencing a deficit in …, because it is dependent on ... The share of … dry milk permeate, milk sugar / lactose in India is …% at the end of 2020, which creates ...
GidMarket analysts predict that…

5.4. Go-to-Market Recommendations
5.5. Key findings from the study


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of dry milk permeate, milk sugar / lactose in India, 2018-2020, tons
Chart 2. Share of exports in the production of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose, India, 2020, %
Chart 3. Share of imports in the market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose, India, 2020, %
Diagram 4. Dynamics of market volume of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose, India, 2018-2020, t
Diagram 5. B2B market structure by type of fat used, 2020, %
Diagram 6. Market structure of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose in India, 2020
Diagram 7. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose, 2020, %
Diagram 8. Market structure of dry milk permeate by consumption sectors, India, 2020, %
Diagram 9. Results of conducted tenders for the purchase of milk sugar / lactose, India, 2020
Chart 10. Average producer price for dry milk permeate (without VAT), India, 2021, Rs./t
Chart 11. Average producer price for milk sugar/lactose (without VAT), India, 2021, Rs./t
Diagram 12. Average price for imported dry milk permeate, India, 2021, USD/t
Chart 13. Average price of imported milk sugar/lactose, India, 2021, USD/t


Table 1. Composition of dry milk permeate
Table 2. Manufacturers of dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose
Table 3. Main companies participating in the dry milk permeate, milk sugar/lactose market, 2020
Table 4. Volumes of production or import of TOP-10 market participants of dry milk permeate, milk sugar, lactose, 2020, t11
Table 5. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors
Table 6. Top 30 largest consumers
Table 7. Market forecast for dry milk permeate in India until 2025

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