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Analysis of the condensed milk market in India

Analysis of the condensed milk market in India Analysis of the condensed milk market in India
Release date 26.02.2018
Number of pages 48
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Condensed milk is one of the main components of the state food reserve. Condensed milk is used for the preparation of confectionery products (cakes, wafer rolls). Often they drink tea and coffee with condensed milk, instead of milk, cream and sugar.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the condensed milk market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the condensed milk market.


Part 1. Overview of the Indian Condensed Milk Market 

1.1. Main characteristics of the market 
1.2. Dynamics of the condensed milk market volume in 2012-2017 Market volume 
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market 
1.4. Life cycle stage of the condensed milk market 
1.5. Competition from substitute products 

Part 2. Competitive analysis in the condensed milk market 

2.1. Major players in the market 
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors 
2.3. Profiles of major players 

Part 3. Analysis of the production of condensed milk 

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of condensed milk 
3.2. Export share in condensed milk production 
3.3. Segmentation of condensed milk production by regions 
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories 
3.3.2. Production by states of India 

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of condensed milk 

4.1. Volume and dynamics of condensed milk imports 
4.2. Import structure 
4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of condensed milk 
4.4. Export structure 

Part 5. Condensed milk consumption analysis 

5.1. Condensed milk consumption dynamics 
5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase of condensed milk

Part 6. Price Analysis 

6.1. Average Producer Prices by Union Territories 
6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India 

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market 

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the condensed milk market until 2021 

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions 

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the Indian Condensed Milk Market
1.1. Main characteristics of the market
Condensed milk is milk made by evaporating the liquid to form a thick mass and adding granulated sugar. 
In the condensed milk market in India during 2012-2017. the share of products of domestic producers was at the level of …%. In 2017, the share of imported products in the market increased to …%.
Diagram 1. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the condensed milk market,%

At the end of 2017, the volume of the condensed milk market in monetary terms was estimated at … billion Rs., having increased by …% compared to 2016. On the other hand, in 2016 
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the volume of the condensed milk market in 2012 - 2017, billion Rs.

In physical terms, in 2017 the volume of the condensed milk market in India amounted to … thousand tons, which is by …% … the level of 2016. 
The potential capacity of the condensed milk market in monetary terms in 2017 amounted to … billion Rs., while the actual market capacity reached … billion Rs. Potential market capacity is estimated at …% of the existing volume. To date, the achievement of potential capacity is constrained mainly by economic factors.
Demand for condensed milk is formed by both the B2B sector (confectioneries, manufacturers of goods containing condensed milk) and the population. Demand from the population is falling to a lesser extent - condensed milk remains one of the favorite delicacies of Indians, although purchases are made less often due to rising prices for products. 

1.2. Dynamics of the condensed milk market volume in 2012-2017 Market volume
At the end of 2017, the volume of the condensed milk market in monetary terms was estimated at ... billion Rs., having increased by ...% compared to 2016. 

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Consider the main factors affecting the market and, accordingly, demand ...

1.4. Life cycle stage of the condensed milk market
The condensed milk market is at the stage of … . This is evidenced by:…

1.5. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Competitive analysis in the condensed milk market
2.1. Major players in the market 
The strongest players in the condensed milk market in India are ZAO “…”, ZAO “…”, JSC “…”, ZAO “…” and OAO “…”.
Table 1. Main companies participating in the condensed milk market

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
As of 2017, the largest operators of the condensed milk market in India remain … 

2.3. Profiles of major players
CJSC ""Korenovsky Milk Canning Plant""
Korenovskiy Milk Canning Plant is one of the oldest and largest, efficiently operating enterprises of the processing industry in the Krasnodar Territory.
The “visiting card” of the plant is condensed milk under the trademark “Korovka from Korenovka”, which in 2005 received the title of “Brand of the Year”. Now whole-milk products are also produced under this trademark, the range of which has significantly expanded with the commissioning of a new whole-milk shop in 2005.
Player #2
Player #3
Player #4
Player #5
Player #6

Part 3. Analysis of the production of condensed milk
3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of condensed milk
During 2012-2017 The volume of condensed milk production in India has been declining every year. The exception is 2016, when there was a ... indicator by ...% compared to 2015. Unlike some other segments of the food market (cheese, pork, etc.), there is no import substitution factor in the condensed milk segment, since the key importer of this product is Belarus. Therefore, if in some other segments production increased due to imports (against the background of reduced consumption), then there was no such “lifesaver” in the production of condensed milk. As a result, the Indian production of condensed milk in 2014 decreased by …% compared to 2013, and in 2015 … amounted to -…% compared to the previous year. In 2017, according to the estimates of GidMarket analysts, the production of products … by …% compared to 2016 and amounted to … mln cond. cans.
Diagram 11. Dynamics of condensed milk production in India for 2012 - 2017, mln kl. cans

3.2. Export share in condensed milk production
The key recipient countries of Indian exports are … (57,7%), … (11,2%), … (7,8%) and … (4,9%).
Based on the data presented in Diagram 13, it can be seen that for the period 2012-2017. share of exports…
Diagram 13. The share of exports in the production of condensed milk for 2012 - 2017

3.3. Segmentation of condensed milk production by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
The largest volumes of condensed milk are traditionally produced in … Union Territories (about 57,5% of total India), … Union Territories (18,9%), … Union Territories (11,9%) and … Union Territories (7,4%) , which is due to the concentration of consumers, on the one hand, and favorable conditions for the dairy industry, on the other...

3.3.2. Production by states of India
The leader in the production of condensed milk among the states of India is … region (…%). The share of … accounts for …% of production, for … - …%. The TOP-5 regions also include … oblast (…%) and … oblast (…%).
Diagram 14. Structure of condensed milk production by Indian states, %

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of condensed milk
4.1. Volume and dynamics of condensed milk imports
In 2017, the volume of condensed milk imports to India increased by …% compared to 2016 and reached the level of … thousand tons. there was a significant reduction in product imports to the level of … thousand tons in 2015, which is …% lower than in 2016.
Diagram 15. Volume and dynamics of imports in physical terms, 2012-2017

The dynamics of imports of condensed milk to India in value terms is similar to imports in physical terms: in 2012-2014. there has been an increase in imports since …. USD million in 2012 to … USD million in 2014 For the period 2015-2016 there was a decline in imports to … million US dollars in 2016. In 2016, the volume of imports of condensed milk to India in value terms increased by …% compared to 2016 and amounted to … million US dollars.
Diagram 16. The volume and dynamics of imports of condensed milk in monetary terms, 2012-2017

4.2. Import structure
In the structure of condensed milk imports to India by sending countries in 2017. …
Diagram 17. Structure of condensed milk imports by countries in 2017

4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of condensed milk
The volume of exports of condensed milk from India in monetary terms in 2017 showed … dynamics, despite the decline in exports of products in physical terms. … exports in monetary terms are due to the devaluation of the rupee. However, the average export price of condensed milk…
The volume of exports of condensed milk in 2017 amounted to … million US dollars. Growth compared to 2016 amounted to …%. The lowest export value for the period 2012-2017. noted in 2015. The volume of exports amounted to … million US dollars, … relative to 2014 amounted to …%.
Diagram 18. The volume and dynamics of exports of condensed milk in monetary terms, 2012-2017

The dynamics of exports of condensed milk from India in physical terms …
Annual export volumes for the period 2012-2017 are within … thousand tons and do not have a significant impact on the volume dynamics of the condensed milk market in India.

4.4. Export structure
The volume of Indian exports of condensed milk in 2017 amounted to … thousand tons worth $ … 
The largest share in the export structure of condensed milk in 2017 belongs to …

Part 5. Condensed milk consumption analysis
5.1. Condensed milk consumption dynamics
During 2012-2017 dynamics of condensed milk consumption in physical terms was … . The volume of product consumption in India in 2013 had a positive trend and increased by … thousand tons, but in 2014-2016. there was a drop in demand and in 2016 amounted to … thousand tons. 
Diagram 22. Dynamics of consumption of condensed milk in physical terms, 2012 - 2017

Reduction of consumption volumes in physical terms in 2014-2016 was caused by a reduction in the purchasing power of real incomes of the population, high inflation rates, in particular, for food, which led to a change in the structure of the consumer basket towards cheaper products. In addition, due to the increase in the number of falsified dairy products, since 2014 there has been a gradual reduction in the consumption of many dairy products, including condensed milk.
Diagram 23. Dynamics of consumption of condensed milk in monetary terms, 2012 - 2017

In monetary terms, consumption in the Indian condensed milk market for the period 2012-2017. shows an extremely positive trend. Thus, in 2015 there was a significant jump in the consumption of condensed milk in monetary terms by … % and reached the level of … billion Rs. In 2017, the volume of consumption of products in monetary terms amounted to … billion Rs., having increased relative to 2016 by …%. 

5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase of condensed milk
For the period from 01.02.18/05.03.18/ to / / . (inclusive) … tenders were announced for the purchase of condensed milk worth from … Rs. up to … million Rs.
Organizers of procurement through tenders are mainly government organizations, whose share is …% of the total number of announced tenders for the purchase of condensed milk, …% of purchases are commercial tenders. About …% of the tenders assume the supply of condensed milk only, the remaining …% - condensed milk in one batch with other goods.

Part 6. Price Analysis
6.1. Average Producer Prices by Union Territories
In general, in India in 2017, the average prices for the products of condensed milk producers increased by 3,6% compared to 2016, compared to 2012, the increase was ...%. The largest increase in prices in 2017 was observed in … Union Territories and … Union Territories, the smallest – in … Union Territories and … Union Territories (by 0,4% and 3,3%, respectively). …

6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India
At the same time, average consumer prices are on average 2,4 times higher than producer prices. The average price for condensed milk in India in 2017 was … Rs./std. bank, having increased by …% compared to 2016 and by …% compared to 2012...

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the condensed milk market until 2021

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions


Diagram 1. Ratio of imported and domestic products in the condensed milk market, % 
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the volume of the condensed milk market in 2012 - 2017, billion Rs.
Diagram 3. Revenue (net) from the sale of condensed milk in the union territories for 2012 - 2017, % 
Chart 4. Population change in India, 2011-2017 
Diagram 5. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2012-2017, % to the previous year 
Chart 6. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2017, Rs. for 1 US dollar 
Chart 7. Dynamics of the inflation rate in India, 2011-2017 
Chart 8. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011-2017 
Diagram 9. Dynamics of the average interest rate on loans to legal entities, 2013-2017 
Diagram 10. Shares of major competitors in the condensed milk market, % 
Diagram 11. Dynamics of condensed milk production in India for 2012 - 2017, mln kl. cans 
Chart 12. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest producers (TOP-5) of condensed milk in India, 2012-2016 
Diagram 13. The share of exports in the production of condensed milk for 2012 - 2017 
Diagram 14. Structure of condensed milk production by Indian states, % 
Diagram 15. Volume and dynamics of imports in physical terms, 2012-2017 
Diagram 16. The volume and dynamics of imports of condensed milk in monetary terms, 2012-2017 
Diagram 17. Structure of condensed milk imports by countries in 2017 
Diagram 18. The volume and dynamics of exports of condensed milk in monetary terms, 2012-2017 
Diagram 19. The volume and dynamics of exports of condensed milk in physical terms, 2012-2017 
Diagram 20. Balance of exports and imports
Diagram 21. The structure of exports of condensed milk by countries for 2017 
Diagram 22. Dynamics of consumption of condensed milk in physical terms, 2012 - 2017 
Diagram 23. Dynamics of consumption of condensed milk in monetary terms, 2012 - 2017
Diagram 24. Forecast of the market volume of condensed milk in 2018-2022, billion Rs. 


Table 1. Requirements for condensed milk 
Table 2. Standards for condensed milk 
Table 3. Industrial production index by state of India (in % of the previous year), 2011 - 2017 
Table 4. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2015-Jul. 2017, Rs. for 1 US dollar 
Table 5. Dynamics of the inflation rate, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of India and the key rate of the Central Bank of India, 2011-Feb. 2018
Table 6. Weighted average interest rates of credit institutions on credit operations in rupees (% per annum), 2013-2017 
Table 7. STEP analysis of factors affecting the condensed milk market 
Table 8. Comparative characteristics of products 
Table 9. Main companies participating in the condensed milk market 
Table 10. Profiles of companies participating in the condensed milk market, 2017 
Table 11. Dynamics of condensed milk production in India by regions, ths cond. cans 
Table 12. Data on tenders for the purchase of condensed milk over Rs 500 thousand, announced from 01.02.18/05.03.18/ to / /  
Table 13. Average producer prices for condensed milk across the Union Territories, 2012-2017, thousand Rs/thous. conv. cans 
Table 14. Average consumer prices for condensed milk by states of India, 2012-2017, Rs./conv. jar
Table 15. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the condensed milk market

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