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Analysis of the bell pepper market in India

Analysis of the bell pepper market in India Analysis of the bell pepper market in India
Release date 16.11.2020
Number of pages 63
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Bell pepper is one of the varieties of capsicum. Bulgarian pepper contains vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C (the maximum amount among peppers), E, ​​PP and K. Minerals: potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, manganese, zinc and iron

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the bell pepper market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of bell pepper


Part 1. Overview of the bell pepper market in India

1.1. Description of bell pepper
1.2. Key Features of the Indian Bell Pepper Market
1.3. Bell pepper production volume
1.4. Share of exports in production
1.5. Market share of imports
1.6. Dynamics of market volume 2017-2020 Potential market capacity
1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.8. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.8.1. Social factors
1.8.2. Technological factors
1.8.3. Economic forces
1.8.4. Political factors
1.8.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
1.9. Market structure
1.9.1 Market structure by type of bell pepper
1.9.2 Market structure by union territories
1.10. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

Part 2. Competitive analysis of TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market
2.2. Major players in the market
2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors
2.5. Analysis of the assortment of bell peppers of the main producers
2.6. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 3. TOP-5 announced investment projects in the industry under study

Part 4. Consumption analysis

4.1. Market saturation
4.2. Key consumer trends in India
4.3. Estimated per capita consumption of bell pepper
4.4. Largest consumers
4.5. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

Part 5. Price Analysis

5.1. Prices of domestic producers
5.2. Retail prices
5.3. Analysis of prices for imported products

Part 6. Analysis of the industry in a crisis

Part 7. Forecasts and conclusions

7.1. Barriers in the market
7.2. Market Growth Drivers
7.3. Market development forecast until 2024
7.4. Go-to-Market Recommendations
7.5. Key findings from the study

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the bell pepper market in India

1.1. Description of bell pepper

Bell pepper is one of the varieties of capsicum. The shrub is a perennial but is grown as an annual plant. The fruits are large, hollow, with thick fleshy and juicy walls (up to 6 mm) with a sweetish taste. They come in red, yellow, orange and green.

Bulgarian pepper contains vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C (the maximum amount among peppers), E, ​​PP and K. Minerals: potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, manganese, zinc and iron.
The most popular varieties of bell pepper in terms of popularity are: ""California miracle"", ""Bogatyr"" and ""Swallow"".

It is possible to collect seed material (harvest seeds) only from varietal peppers, hybrid seeds are not suitable for re-sowing.

The yield and taste of the fruit depend on proper agricultural practices: moderate humidity, warmth, free access to sunlight and regular watering are the main aspects of successful pepper cultivation.

To obtain a stable crop, it is best to plant bell peppers in a greenhouse. Moreover, varieties of pepper for greenhouses, approved by the State Register of India, guarantee that farmers will not be left without a harvest in any region of India.

To create a special microclimate in the greenhouse, which is especially important during the period of active vegetation and fruiting of peppers, it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room - the norm is 70-80%, the ambient temperature - within the ""plus"" 20-25 ° C. Regular airing, the use of water containers to maintain humidity, or the use of electric heaters in case of bad weather and cold snap will be required - these measures will help to avoid falling ovaries, the spread of fungal diseases and reduce crop losses.

1.2. Key Features of the Indian Bell Pepper Market

The Ministry of Agriculture sets the task of increasing the commercial production of greenhouse vegetables in order not only to provide the domestic market, but also to increase the export potential. It is important not only to produce, but also to sell the manufactured products. The dynamics of demand for food in general and for greenhouse vegetables in particular is weak. There is no growth in incomes of the population, the consumer saves. 

In the long term, the development of bell pepper production will be mainly associated with an increase in household incomes and a shift in consumer demand towards a healthy diet. It is important to provide all regions of India, including the Far East, with bell pepper. The development of the greenhouse industry in the Far East has become even more acute due to the coronavirus problem, as bell pepper was imported there from China and its import became impossible. It is necessary to create conditions for the inhabitants of the Far East to receive high-quality domestic products of protected ground.

During the period of self-isolation, many new delivery services for fruits, vegetables and other products have appeared. 

1.3. Bell pepper production volume

The production of bell pepper by agricultural organizations, farmers and individual entrepreneurs in India is within ... thousand tons. According to GidMarket, in 2019, production amounted to about ...

Chart 1. Dynamics of bell pepper production, 2017-Jun. 2020, thousand tons

In terms of federal districts, almost half of the volume of bell pepper is produced in the Southern Federal District - about ... thousand tons. 

Table 1. Bell pepper production by union territories, 2019, tons

Among the regions for the production of bell pepper in India, there are three clear leaders: ...

1.4. Share of exports in production

At the end of 2019, exports amounted to ...% of production ...

1.5. Market share of imports

Even during the summer season, there are not enough bell peppers grown by domestic producers on the market. Imported products on the market are within ...%. 

The leader in import supplies of bell pepper in 2019 ...

Year-round greenhouses can partially replace imports and create new consumption volumes in the winter.

1.6. Dynamics of market volume 2017-2020 Potential market capacity

The volume of the market is mainly influenced by import deliveries. ...

Diagram 5. Dynamics of the bell pepper market volume, 2017-2020, thousand tons

A number of researchers suggest that, with some support, import substitution will make it possible to achieve the necessary level of food security in India if the country's domestic market is supplied with domestic products similar to imported ones or with higher consumer properties. Of fundamental importance is the cost of production, which should not exceed the cost of imported products. 

1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

Growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle. Launch of lines of organic, dietary and vegan products; 
Growth in online sales and the number of stores specializing in the sale of fresh vegetables, including bell peppers; 
Growth of the network segment with its overestimated requirements for supplies, as well as the desire to get the maximum margin while reducing the prices of supplies from the manufacturer;
Reduced support for the greenhouse industry;
Deficiency of bell pepper in winter; 
Expansion of the geography of vegetable sales, which is typical for large greenhouse holdings with huge volumes of year-round production;
Increasing the importance of pre-sales preparation, including packaging and work with retail chains.

Changing gastronomic preferences. With the growth of incomes of the population, consumers will gradually switch from ordinary tomatoes and cucumbers to cherry tomatoes and gherkins, will begin to replace other vegetables they are used to with peppers and eggplants;
Decreased investor interest in the greenhouse industry due to the saturation of the market for traditional indoor vegetables;
Diversification of production due to the same saturation of the market with cucumbers and tomatoes. Large greenhouse complexes will definitely try to enter fundamentally different sectors of the industry: the production of niche products such as eggplant or pepper; 
Expansion of interregional exports. From large greenhouse complexes to the farthest corners of the country, due to which there will be an increase in competition between domestic producers in different states of India; 
Development of greenhouse vegetable growing in Siberia and the Far East and, possibly, in some northern regions of the country.

1.8. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Consider the main factors affecting the market and, accordingly, demand.

1.8.1. Social factors
Population decline

Real disposable money income
Real disposable money income per capita is income minus mandatory payments, adjusted for inflation. This factor determines the level of effective demand of buyers, is one of the key reasons for the formation of the dynamics of both retail turnover and demand for services.

The Ministry of Labor of India is going to reduce the unemployment rate in the country to pre-crisis levels by the end of 2021. The Ministry of Labor is developing an additional package of measures to support employment: it monitors the labor market, organizes additional education for the unemployed and those at risk of dismissal. For 2021, officials have planned to create an online showcase of internships and practices for students and graduates.

In addition, temporary jobs have already begun to be created in the regions. 

Unformed culture of consumption of peppers
Since Soviet times in India, greenhouse complexes have been producing cucumbers in large volumes, and therefore people have formed a strong habit of consuming them during the off-season. Now the Indians continue to buy this traditional group of vegetables by inertia. In Europe, for example, the situation is quite different. Bulgarian pepper is in higher demand there. In terms of production, it is twice the harvest of cucumbers and is comparable to the harvest of tomatoes.

1.8.2. Technological factors

Depending on the timing of ripening, early varieties can be harvested after 60 days of vegetation, mid-season - after 90 days, and late peppers - after 4 months. 

Pepper harvesting times differ depending on whether the soil is open or protected, and under what climatic conditions it grows. In the middle lane, the beginning of the harvest, on average, falls on the beginning or middle of August.

The fruits of early-ripening varieties of pepper begin to ripen from the middle, sometimes from the beginning of July, 30-45 days after setting. Fruiting continues until the cold August nights, when the development of plants ends. 

To increase the yield, it is customary to pick peppers in green form, when they have a glossy sheen, at the stage of so-called technical ripeness.

New varieties
In 2018, breeders from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (ICiG SB RAS) bred a new variety of Egyptian Power pepper. 
The Egyptian Power pepper has been identified as having a very high content of vitamin C. Usually this figure is highly dependent on the weather and therefore fluctuates from year to year. The ""Egyptian Force"" - regardless of weather conditions - the content of ascorbic acid is annually higher than that of other varieties.

The high content of vitamin C, experts believe, allows us to recommend a new variety for functional nutrition that is popular today. The yield of the variety is 5-6 kg / m2.
The pepper variety got its name for the pyramidal shape of the fruit, which evokes associations with the Egyptian pyramids, the institute explained.

In 2020, ""Tiraspol"" pepper began to be grown in Siberia. A new variety was bred in Novosibirsk. Breeders worked on it for 15 years. 
New developments have a positive effect on the development of the market. 

Low yield
There is an imbalance in the vegetable market in favor of tomato and cucumber, which has developed due to their higher yield compared to bell pepper. In particular, with the year-round use of light culture in modern greenhouse complexes, up to 100-150 kg of cucumbers and 70-110 kg of tomatoes can be grown per square meter per year. Whereas the yield of peppers for a similar period of time from the same area, other things being equal, will be from 50 to 70 kg. 

1.8.3. Economic forces

GDP dynamics
Data on the dynamics of GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation. 

The dynamics of India's GDP is decisive in the vector of development of the entire economy of the country and determines the key trends in consumer effective demand and economic activity.

Regarding India, experts predict a difficult and unpredictable period. Firstly, because the entire global economy has entered a recession triggered by the coronavirus. Secondly, there was a drop in world oil prices, which is extremely painful for the Indian economy. The strength and duration of the impact will depend on: the degree of decline in demand for oil and gas and the level of world prices for them, the duration of the period of low prices, as well as the duration of the coronavirus pandemic in the world and India.

Let's take a look at some expert opinions: ...

Currently, the factor of the decline in GDP in 2020 has a negative impact on the industry in question.

Dollar rate
Rising energy costs
Retail turnover

1.8.4. Political factors
State support
Concessional lending has become one of the most popular and effective instruments of state support for Indian farmers. 

Tax legislation aimed at supporting and stimulating the development of agriculture is moving towards simplifying and reducing the number of taxes. Over the 25 years of existence of the Indian tax system, a general preferential approach to the taxation of agriculture has been developed, which provides for the use of a general taxation system, a simplified system and a special tax regime.

The single agricultural tax is a system of taxation for agricultural producers, which can be used by those enterprises that meet the requirements of the tax legislation. 

Development of greenhouse complexes

In general, the development of greenhouse complexes has a positive impact on the market, and the situation with the abolition of subsidies for the greenhouse industry can become a catalyst for the development of innovative solutions and production optimization.

1.8.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
From the side of environmental factors, the Indian bell pepper market is more negatively affected. The negative impact of factors is expressed in the fall of GDP, the devaluation of the national currency, the growth of energy costs, seasonality, low yields, the fall in retail trade turnover, the unformed culture of pepper consumption, the reduction in population, the decrease in real incomes of the population, which hinders the formation of solvent demand for the product. Among the positive factors, the most significant are state support, the development of greenhouse complexes, and the breeding of new varieties. 

Table 3. STEP analysis of factors affecting the bell pepper market

1.9. Market structure

1.9.1 Market structure by type of bell pepper
Of the total production of bell peppers by Indian producers in 2019 ... thousand tons ...

1.9.2 Market structure by union territories
Most bell peppers are consumed in the Central Federal District.

1.10. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

According to GidMarket's calculation, based on data on the financial performance of key market companies, the gross margin in the bell pepper market in India in 2017-2019 below the level of similar financial ratios for the economy of all industries as a whole. 

Values ​​of current liquidity in the period 2017-2019 in the bell pepper market testify to the sufficient solvency of the industry: above the “2” mark.  

For Indian companies, the normative value of the absolute liquidity ratio is in the range of Kal > 0,2-0,5, which allows us to speak about the company's ability to repay current (short-term) obligations at the expense of cash, funds on current accounts and short-term financial investments. In the bell pepper market, this indicator is above the normative value, which indicates inefficient and irrational use of funds that could be directed to the development of the enterprise. It also indicates the presence of unclaimed amounts of money in the accounts.

In the bell pepper market, financial stability indicators are higher than the normative value, which indicates a sufficient amount of own working capital in the industry, which is necessary for its financial stability. Sufficient financial stability means that most enterprises use borrowed sources of financing only to the extent that they can ensure their timely return.

In general, the analysis of sectoral financial ratios in the bell pepper market shows profitability ratios that are lower than other industries, while the use of current assets is not efficient enough.

The industry has high cash volumes and is financially stable, which indicates the attractiveness of the industry in terms of financial and economic indicators. However, we note that in companies, the production of peppers occupies an extremely low share relative to the production of other vegetables, in connection with this, financial ratios may actually be worse, as companies that have tried to produce Bulgarian pepper noted the financial unattractiveness of growing this type of vegetable. 

Part 2. Competitive analysis of TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market

According to a report by IndexBox,...

Competition in the global market is notable. The world's largest exporter of pepper is ...

There is no tangible competition at the national level.

Many importers (about 600 firms) operate in the Indian market, which create regional and local types of competition in the bell pepper market. However, experts note that there are not enough imported products on the market either. 

From the point of view of competitive concentration, the market is classified as low-concentrated (Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI < 1000). Mergers and acquisitions are allowed without hindrance.

2.2. Major players in the market

The Indian bell pepper market is dominated by foreign companies both in terms of revenue and production volumes. The shares of bell pepper production in the overall production structure of Indian companies are extremely low and do not exceed ...%. 

Here are the TOP-5 Indian manufacturers, as well as the TOP-5 foreign ones. 

2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors

The largest competitors in terms of revenue in the bell pepper market are imported producers. 

The presented shares of the largest competitors are low, which is explained by the large number of imported manufacturers on the market.

Chart 18. Shares of the largest competitors in the bell pepper market in 2019, %

2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors  

Imported producers excel in the bell pepper market... 

The volumes of bell pepper production by Indian companies are extremely small. 

2.5. Analysis of the assortment of bell peppers of the main producers

The success of the future harvest largely depends on the correctly selected variety. It is important to pay attention not only to the yield, but also to the conditions under which the cultivation of these crops is optimal. It is not recommended to grow some varieties of bell pepper in open ground, as they are too thermophilic and make high demands on air humidity. Other pepper varieties are productive but not suitable for canning. Still others are suitable for open ground, but ripen too late.

Thus, Indian growers are opting for hybrid varieties. This is because hybrid peppers tend to be more disease resistant and always produce decent and consistent crops.

2.6. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Here are the strengths and weaknesses separately for the largest Indian manufacturers:

Thus, in general, the main threats to current market participants are a decrease in the purchasing power of the commercial sector and a decrease in demand from food retail, as well as rising costs.

Among the opportunities worth noting are the development of technology, the development of online sales and the possibility of entering new markets.

Part 3. TOP-5 announced investment projects in the industry under study     

The development of the niche greenhouse vegetable industry takes time. According to experts, the development of the niche vegetable market will begin after 2020. By this time, overproduction of tomatoes and cucumbers will lead to a decrease in demand and prices for products, which will lead to the need to retrain production and free investors' attention to niche products, including Bulgarian pepper. However, a new economic crisis will delay the development of this industry until the income of the population is restored. 

The developers intend to minimize human involvement in production. In addition, experiments on growing strawberries, cherry tomatoes, radishes, sweet and hot peppers will be completed in the near future, iFarm says. 

Part 4. Consumption analysis

4.1. Market saturation

The main place to buy bell peppers is in supermarkets. Vegetable stalls in large cities are being cleaned, and markets and hypermarkets are not always within walking distance on the way from home to work and back. According to a study conducted by the FDFgroup company, most often vegetables in supermarkets are bought by ...% of consumers. 

Retailers are interested in uninterrupted supplies of bell pepper throughout the year. This can only be provided by greenhouse complexes. 

According to the Greenhouses of India Association, the provision of the population of India with vegetables during the off-season period in 2019 amounted to ...% (2018 - 53%). Local production of greenhouse vegetables differs significantly across the regions of the country, which is associated with the geographic priorities of investors in new large industrial greenhouses. 

4.2. Key consumer trends in India

Among the main consumer trends in India, we highlight a few: 
Consumers are increasingly paying attention to the amount of plant protection products and other preparations used in cultivation.

Consumers want to do less harm to nature. The importance of sustainable packaging is growing.

More and more Indians are making a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle. 

Growing demand for frozen vegetables. 

Consumers are tired of the mass market and are looking for a local manufacturer. 

Consumers make choices based on recommendations from influencers. Consumers are increasingly looking for a person on a social network who can recommend a particular product, and also pay very little attention to the analysis of the information they receive due to its volume, which forces them to work on digital ways to keep their attention.

Consumers are interested in products that focus on mental well-being, preventing the physiological effects of stress, insomnia, anxiety.

Products positioned to improve mood, relaxation, relieve stress and increase brain activity are becoming more widespread.

Consumers are still not very willing to visit crowded places unnecessarily. Before the coronavirus, attractive signs at the entrance to the store, hot offers at the time of purchase, and all branding in general were important elements in the process of interacting with the client. Now this role has become occupied by security.

4.3. Estimated per capita consumption of bell pepper

The overall dynamics of the bell pepper consumption market has a positive trend. 

4.4. Largest consumers

Clients for the purchase of bell peppers are supermarkets, wholesalers and retailers, catering points, local stores. Of the processors, the customers are canneries and vegetable processing enterprises.

Among the TOP-20 regions, the largest recipients of imported sweet peppers, fresh or chilled, are Krasnodar Territory and Zabaikalsky Territory. 

4.5. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

For the period from Jan. 2020 to Aug. In 2020, about 1700 tenders for the purchase of bell pepper were completed. In addition to pepper, the list of products purchased under the tender often includes other types of vegetables. 

Among the customers of bell pepper in Jan. 2020-Aug. 2020 in auction worth more than 100 thousand Rs. In terms of the total amount of concluded contracts, the leaders are ...

Diagram 22. Shares of regions for the supply of bell pepper by the total amount of contracts among tenders worth more than 100 thousand Rs., concluded in January. 2020 - Aug. 2020, %

Part 5. Price Analysis

5.1. Prices of domestic producers

Wholesale prices for Bulgarian pepper are formed mainly under the influence of the seasonality factor. In winter and early spring, mostly imported peppers are sold on Indian stalls, as there is not enough supply, and the cost of this product is high. In summer and autumn, prices for these vegetables are reduced, as domestic products grown in greenhouses and open ground appear on sale. 

5.2. Retail prices

At the same time, the average retail prices in the network retail for the same Bulgarian pepper all year round are not lower than ... Rs./kg, and in winter they rise to ... Rs./kg. The high cost is kept due to low competition in this segment. And if Indian enterprises are ready to supply peppers to the chains all year round at a price comparable to that offered by foreign producers, then the products will be in demand, and if its consumer price remains at the same level as now, then production will pay off. Now many farmers grow peppers in the open field and in greenhouses, they are not ready for year-round supplies. Networks with such enterprises are not interested in working, and only year-round greenhouses can provide uninterrupted supplies. 

Table 18. Average retail prices for fresh bell peppers, seasons 2018-2020, Rs./kg, including VAT

5.3. Analysis of prices for imported products

Seasonality also affects the import prices of bell pepper.  

Part 6. Analysis of the industry in a crisis

In the first half of 2020, many markets felt the impact of the pandemic and the onset of the economic crisis. Let us analyze data on the impact of recent crises on the bell pepper market (the global crisis of 2008 and the currency crisis in India in 2014).

Since the introduction of restrictive measures in India related to the spread of a new coronavirus infection, the state has been providing the necessary support measures to business representatives who have encountered objective difficulties. Some of them are systemic and apply to all organizations and individual entrepreneurs, while others are intended only for companies and businessmen working in certain sectors of the economy. 

Bulgarian pepper producers are not included in the list of so-called affected organizations that suffered financial and material losses from the introduction of the self-isolation regime. The measures described in the table are general business support measures that may be useful in the industry studied, and which can still be used.

According to the results of a survey by the Center for Strategic Research, businesses assess the sufficiency of the announced assistance as average.

However, at the same time, it should be noted that the government's plans regarding the pace and timing of economic growth after the crisis quite often do not come true. 

Part 7. Forecasts and conclusions

7.1. Barriers in the market

Based on the data obtained in the study, the main barriers to the development of the bell pepper market include: 
Competition with imported bell pepper producers;
Low yield relative to other vegetables;
High cost of production;
Low experience in growing bell pepper;
Difficulty entering retail chains;
Long shelf life (up to two months). Barrier, since despite the long-distance transportation, imported peppers do not differ much from domestic ones in appearance and taste;
Falling real disposable incomes of the population;
High energy costs;
High investments in the creation of greenhouse complexes.

7.2. Market Growth Drivers

Market drivers are: 
The emergence of technologies that make it possible to ensure the conditions for growing vegetables in greenhouse complexes with the lowest energy costs;
The growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle, including the consumption of natural products;
Growing popularity of frozen vegetables;
Selection and breeding of more productive varieties;
Large selection of sales channels and product deliveries;
Opportunity to work with state and municipal consumers;
The possibility of creating related types of business for the processing of bell pepper fruits, for example, preservation and freezing, production of fresh salads and vegetable mixtures;
Saturation of the Indian market with cucumbers and tomatoes, which will force producers to diversify their business;
Import substitution policy.

7.3. Market development forecast until 2024

Forecasting the development of the bell pepper market in India is impossible without understanding the economic situation in the country, as well as the impact of the spread of the covid-19 virus and the measures taken. 

The following factors also allow predicting the dynamics of the bell pepper market volume:

7.4. Go-to-Market Recommendations

It is more profitable for business to grow bell peppers in a greenhouse - yields are higher and fresh vegetables are harvested earlier.

Seedlings can be grown independently or bought. Self-growing is preferable, as it allows you to reduce the cost of the crop.

To grow seedlings, you will need a well-lit heated room, soil, seeds and containers. The quality of the seeds is of great importance for the yield of pepper. It is best to use hybrids that are adapted to the Indian climate, resistant to diseases and pests.

It is more profitable to register a farm as a peasant farm, since the status of a peasant farm gives the farmer the right to receive state subsidies, which are implemented by regional programs to support domestic agricultural producers. This works especially well in the case of growing import-substituting products.

The main sales channels, in addition to chain retail, can also be small grocery stores, vegetable shops located in residential areas of the city, catering establishments - restaurants, cafes, recreation centers, sanatoriums. As a promising sales channel, we can note the sale of products for pre-orders through the company's own website.

7.5. Key findings from the study

In the long term, the development of the bell pepper market will be mainly associated with an increase in household incomes and a shift in consumer demand towards a healthy diet. It is important to provide greenhouse vegetables to all regions of India, including the Far East. The development of the greenhouse industry in the Far East has become even more acute due to the coronavirus problem, as bell pepper was imported there from China and its import became impossible. It is necessary to create conditions for the inhabitants of the Far East to receive high-quality domestic products of protected ground.


Chart 1. Dynamics of bell pepper production, 2017-Jun. 2020, thousand tons
Chart 2. Shares of bell pepper production by regions, 2019, %
Chart 3. Share of exports in production, 2017-Jun. 2020, %
Diagram 4. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the bell pepper market, 2017-Jun. 2020, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of the bell pepper market volume, 2017-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the population of India, million people, as of 01 Jan. 2012-2020
Diagram 7. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, % to the previous year, 2012-1 half of 2020
Diagram 8. Dynamics of India's GDP, % to the previous year, 2012-2 quarter 2020
Chart 9. Expert forecasts for a decline in real GDP in India in 2020 (baseline/neutral scenario), %
Diagram 10. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Rs. for 1 US dollar, 2015-Sept. 2020
Diagram 11. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, 2015-Jun. 2020, % to the previous period
Diagram 12. Market structure by types of bell pepper, 2019, %
Diagram 13. Market structure by union territories, 2019, %
Diagram 14. Profitability before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the bell pepper market in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2017-2019, %
Diagram 15. Current liquidity (total coverage) in the bell pepper market for 2017-2019, times
Diagram 16. Business activity (average receivables turnover period) in the bell pepper market, for 2017-2019, days days
Diagram 17. Financial stability (security of own working capital) in the bell pepper market, in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2017-2019, %
Chart 18. Shares of the largest competitors in the bell pepper market in 2019, %
Diagram 19. Production volumes of the largest competitors in the bell pepper market in 2019, tons
Diagram 20. Consumption of bell pepper per capita, 2017-2019, kg/person
Diagram 21. Shares of bell pepper customers in the total amount of contracts among tenders worth more than 100 thousand Rs., concluded in January. 2020 - Aug. 2020, %
Diagram 22. Shares of regions for the supply of bell pepper by the total amount of contracts among tenders worth more than 100 thousand Rs., concluded in January. 2020 - Aug. 2020, %
Chart 23. Average import prices for Bulgarian pepper 2019-July 2020, Rs./kg
Chart 24. Average prices for Bulgarian pepper by main importing countries, 2019, Rs./kg
Diagram 25. Forecast of bell pepper market volume in 2020 - 2024 - under the scenario of one quarantine, thousand tons
Diagram 26. Forecast of bell pepper market volume in 2020 - 2024 - under the scenario of two quarantines, thousand tons


Table 1. Bell pepper production by union territories, 2019, tons
Table 2. Expert forecasts for the decline in real GDP in India in 2020, %
Table 3. STEP analysis of factors affecting the bell pepper market
Table 4. Gross margin in the bell pepper market in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2017-2019, %
Table 5. Absolute liquidity in the bell pepper market compared to all sectors of the Indian economy, 2017-2019, times
Table 6. Main companies participating in the bell pepper market in 2019
Table 7. Domestic producers of bell pepper in 2019, TOP-5 in value terms
Table 8. Producing companies that imported sweet peppers, fresh or chilled to India in 2019, TOP-20 in value terms
Table 9. Strengths and weaknesses of XXX LLC
Table 10. Strengths and weaknesses of XXX LLC
Table 11. Strengths and weaknesses of the GUSP Sovkhoz ""XXX"" RB
Table 12. Strengths and weaknesses of JSC ""XXX""
Table 13. Strengths and weaknesses of SEC ""XXX""
Table 14. Largest recipients of imports of sweet peppers, fresh or chilled, to India in 2019, TOP-20 in physical terms
Table 15. Data on the largest completed tenders for the purchase of Bulgarian pepper in January. 2020 - Aug. 2020 with a contract amount of more than 100 thousand Rs.
Table 16. Average wholesale prices for fresh bell pepper, 2020 season, Rs./ton
Table 17. Average prices of domestic producers for Bulgarian pepper, August 2020, Rs./ton with VAT
Table 18. Average retail prices for fresh bell peppers, seasons 2018-2020, Rs./kg, including VAT
Table 19. Assessment of the impact of recent crises on the industry
Table 20. Analysis of the impact on the industry of the state aid proposed as of April 07.09.20,
Table 21. Forecast indicators for the basic and pessimistic scenarios for the development of the crisis, %

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