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Analysis of the apple market in India

Analysis of the apple market in India Analysis of the apple market in India
Release date 04.06.2020
Number of pages 78
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The apple tree is the most common fruit pome crop grown in India. The fruits of the apple tree have many valuable properties. Fruits are consumed fresh and in the form of dried fruits; they are also suitable for various types of processing: obtaining juices, compotes, jelly and fruit wine, cider, making jam, and due to the content of pectin - jams, marmalade, jelly and mousse. Apples are baked with sugar in dough, fillings are prepared for pies, cakes and pastries, apple pies are very popular. The fruits contain malic, tartaric, citric and other organic acids, sugars (glucose, sucrose and others), vitamins C, A, B1, carotene, tannins and pectin, trace elements (iron, copper), macronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium and others), essential oil, and other substances

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the apple market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the apple market


Part 1. Overview of the Indian apple market

1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Dynamics of the volume of the apple market in 2014-2018 Potential market capacity
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.4. Apple Market Life Cycle Stage
1.5. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Competitive analysis in the apple market

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players

Part 3. Analysis of apple production

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of apples
3.2. Share of exports in apple production
3.3. Segmentation of apple production by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
3.3.2. Production by states of India

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of apples

4.1. Volume and dynamics of apple imports
4.2. Import structure
4.3. Volume and dynamics of apple exports
4.4. Export structure

Part 5. Analysis of apple consumption

5.1. Dynamics of apple consumption volume
5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories
6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the apple market until 2023

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the Indian apple market

1.1. Main characteristics of the market

An apple is the fruit of an apple tree that is eaten. The apple tree is the most common fruit pome crop grown in India. At present, the share of apple plantations in the structure of pome plantations is …%, the share of pome plantations in the structure of perennial plantations in general (including berries, grapes, tea and hops) is ...%. Thus, growing apples ...

In the gross harvest of fruits, berries and grapes in India, apples account for at least …% (Diagram 1), while the indicator tends to …

Diagram 1. The share of apples in the gross harvest of fruits, berries and grapes in India, 2015-2019, %


The fruits of the apple tree have many valuable properties. Trees withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, and such frosts are not uncommon in India. Besides, …

Fruits are consumed fresh and in the form of dried fruits; they are also suitable for…

The fruits contain apple, wine, lemon and other ...

Dried apples are a good source…

In the world ranking of the largest apple producers in 2018, India occupies the …th place (according to …), while due to the high population and the well-formed culture of apple consumption, India ranks …

The most important events for the apple market in 2013-2019 were …

The share of imported apples in the market in India for the period under review tends to …: in 2014 it was …%, in 2019 already …%. It is related as...,...

The prospects for the development of the apple growing industry also depend on the availability of appropriate conditions for …

There are many large projects, production is growing, and the issue of product storage has long been raised. … believes that providing companies with refrigerators is the most painful issue in the industry. There is a subsidy...
... states that new storage facilities have been built so far ...

1.2. Dynamics of the volume of the apple market in 2014-2018 Potential market capacity

Consider the dynamics of the volume of the apple market in India in physical terms.

During 2014-2017, the volume of the apple market, including fruits both for personal consumption and for further processing, showed ... dynamics. In general, the growth rate amounted to …%. This is due to two factors: ... At the end of 2019, the market remained …, an increase of …%, the volume amounted to … million tons.

The potential capacity of the apple market in India as of the end of 2019 is estimated at … thousand tons, or …% more than the current market volume. Potential capacity can be reached under the condition ...

According to ... ""the industry has room to grow, since ...

If we focus on the recommended consumption rate per person per year recommended by the Ministry of Health ...

The complexity of assessing the apple market lies in the fact that about …% of the production is produced (and often consumed) ... The assessment of the shares of federal districts was made by GidMarket on the basis of data on the gross harvest in the union territories (among agricultural enterprises, peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs) and average annual producer prices , that is, it does not take into account ...

The largest share of proceeds from the sale of apples falls on ... Union Territories, where ... are located - ...%, the second place belongs to ... Union Territories (...%), the third ...

For the period 2015-2019, the share of … Union Territories decreased, the share of … Union Territories increased.

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Macroeconomic factors affect the dynamics of all sectors of the Indian economy, including the sale of food products. The main groups of factors are: economic, political, social and technological.


GDP (gross domestic product) is used to determine the rate of economic development of any state. GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the total value of goods, works and services that were produced and provided in the country in a year. Gross domestic product is the main indicator on the basis of which the level and pace of the country's economic development are determined.

Chart 6 shows India's GDP growth rate from 2014 to 2019 at comparable prices (at 2016 prices). Until 2014, the growth rate was …, but constantly …

Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2014-2019, billion Rs., % to the previous year


In 2015, which was the peak of the crisis in the state, the decline in GDP amounted to …% compared to the previous year in 2014, and since the dynamics of GDP …

In 2016 GDP …

According to …, the acceleration of India’s GDP growth rates to …% in 2018 is largely due to …

In general… the influence of this factor.

Demographic (social)



All considered factors are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. STEP analysis of factors affecting the apple market in India


In general, the impact of macro factors on the apple market in India is assessed by GidMarket as ... It contributes to the development of the market ... At the same time, certain negative factors hinder the development of the market. For example, …

1.4. Apple Market Life Cycle Stage


1.5. Competition from substitute products


Part 2. Competitive analysis in the apple market 

2.1. Major players in the market 

The largest players in the apple market are located in ... the Union Territories (...), in ... the region and ... the republic. The level of competition in the domestic market…, opportunities exist..

The largest operators (producers) of the apple market, as a rule, have …

Among the leaders of the Indian market in 2019 are …, …, …

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors 

The assessment of the share of the largest competitors in the apple market in India was carried out by GidMarket using data on their total …

Diagram 16. Shares of the largest competitors in the apple market in 2019, %


According to GidMarket, in 2019 … accounts for …% of the market, … accounts for …%, … Other companies account for …% of the market, while each of them occupies a market share of no more than …%. The market is...

Estimating market shares is complicated by the existing error, which is associated with …

2.3. Profiles of major players

Part 3. Analysis of apple production

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of apples

Diagram 17 shows the volumes of apple production.

The dynamics of apple production in physical terms in the period under review had … character. In 2015, … took place, by …%, up to … thousand tons, which was caused by …

In 2019, the level of gross harvest showed the maximum performance for the period from … year.

Currently, about …% of apple production (of the gross harvest) falls on the households. At the same time, according to the results of 2019, for the production of apples in agricultural. organizations account for …% of the total production volume. 

Between 2014 and 2018, the situation gradually …

At present, the area occupied by apple plantations is about … thousand hectares. There were no significant changes in the area of ​​apple plantations in 2014-2017, however, the dynamics of the last two …

Note that for the period 1990-2019. apple plantations...

Over the past 28 years (since 1990), apple yields in India have increased by more than ... In 2019, apple yields amounted to … t/ha. For comparison, in 2012-2016 Poland was recognized as the largest producer of apples in Europe. However, according to Polish experts and data from the … portal, national crops …

The revenue of the largest apple producers for the period from 2015 to 2019 grew, except for …

3.2. Share of exports in apple production

In general, the share of export in apple production ranges from …% to …% in the period under review. 

The volume of export operations with apples is … 

Diagram 22. The share of exports in production (in physical terms) for 2014 - 2019, %


3.3. Segmentation of apple production by regions

3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
Table 7 presents data on production volumes, broken down by union territories.

If we consider production by regions, then the main share of produced apples is produced in ... the federal district. In absolute terms, the production amounted to more than … thousand tons. Leadership of… the Union Territories is undeniable and long lasting, since in this region the most favorable…

3.3.2. Production by states of India
Apple trees are grown in most areas with ...

Chart 23 shows the shares of Indian states in terms of gross apple harvest in all types of farms. The diagram shows the states of India that have apple production shares of at least …%. The leading state of India in the production of apples is …, its share in 2019 is …%. The top 10 states of India occupy a total share of …%. 

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of apples

4.1. Volume and dynamics of apple imports

The Indian apple market is dominated by … products and their share of …

Diagrams 24 and 25 show data on import volumes of apples over 6 years.

Diagram 24. Volume and dynamics of imports of apples in physical terms in 2014-2019, thousand tons 


The dynamics of apple imports to India in physical terms has … character. The volume of imports of apples in 2014-2016 … due to a decrease in purchasing power, …

In 2017 and 2018, the number and amounts of transactions with imported products …, however, the level of imports in physical terms in 2015 ... At the end of 2019, imports amounted to … thousand tons, which is higher than …

The dynamics of imports in value terms is more stable compared to …

In general, the market for the Indian manufacturer is now formed …

4.2. Import structure

Table 8 shows the structure of imports by country.

In the structure of apple imports to India in physical terms in 2019, …% falls on the CIS countries and …% - on non-CIS countries. At the end of 2019, the main importer of apples to India was … (…%), followed in descending order by … (…%), …

The main country of origin of Indian apple imports has traditionally been…

Then there was the return of Crimea to India, sanctions were imposed on the country and countermeasures were taken ...

Under the embargo were...

4.3. Volume and dynamics of apple exports


4.4. Export structure


Part 5. Analysis of apple consumption

5.1. Dynamics of apple consumption volume

Table 9. Key figures for apple consumption in India in 2019, units rev.


According to the results, … most often apples are purchased in … and … Union Territories, while the purchase volume is average for India in these Union Territories, therefore, annual consumption in volume and value terms exceeds …

Least of all, apples are purchased in …, but since the volume of a one-time purchase is above average (… kg), the annual consumption ...

The seasonality of apple consumption (purchased from outlets) in India is shown in Table 10 and Chart 31.

The dynamics of the purchase of apples in retail outlets in India has a pronounced ... character. The smallest sales are observed during the season …, then they grow... The most significant differences in purchase volumes are shown by … Union Territories (March …%, August …%).

In all federal districts, buyers prefer … consumption of apples … (not less than. by …%). Percentage of use...

5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

For the period from 01.01.20/13.04.20/ to / / , more than …tenders were announced for the purchase of apples for amounts up to … million Rs. Very often, in addition to apples, the list of purchased products under the tender includes ... More than ...% of tenders containing apples in their subject of delivery are announced by ... institutions ...

Analysis of information on competitive procurement of apples, available in the public domain, showed that:
- Customers are more interested in...
- Data on apple purchases are placed in a single system ...
- In general, following the results of the procedures, the final discount can be ...
- Under the terms of the procedures, customers are interested in ...

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories

Consider producer prices according to various sources.

Table 14 presents data on average annual producer prices for the union territories based on Rosstat data.

When analyzing the given prices, it should be noted separately that the prices for calculation include apples ...

Thus, according to official statistics, average producer prices in 2019 are the lowest in … Union Territories - … thousand Rs./t, the highest in … Union Territories - … thousand Rs./t. 

The change in producer prices across the union territories in 2019 compared to 2015 and 2018 was uneven: growth rates …

Low prices in 2019 are shown to …Union Territories, …Union Territories (producer prices are below the average for India). Producers in the rest of the Union Territories sell …

If the dynamics of prices in different Union Territories is ... and periodically out of the general trend, then the dynamics in India is more ... It should be noted that in January-February 2020, prices far exceeded ...

Detailed weekly price statistics are maintained by the portal ... The charts show the price dynamics for the period from August 2, 2019 to April 10, 2020 for 3 varieties of apples.

Chart 37. Dynamics of minimum, average and maximum producer prices for Golden Delicious apples for the period from August 2, 2019 to April 10, 2020, Rs./kg


According to ... for Golden Delicious variety, the minimum price ranged from ... to ... rupees per 1 kg, the average - from ... Rs./kg, the maximum - from ... Rs./kg. During the period under review, a lower price level was observed from the middle of … to the beginning of … 2019, the highest prices were in … 2019 and the second half of … 2020.

For the entire period presented, the average minimum price was … Rs., the average average price was… Rs., the average maximum price was … Rs.

Note that in most of the proposals indicated in the table, there is no information ...

Prices for apples, indicated in the table, have a significant variation - from ... rupees per 1 kg to ... Rs./kg. This is due to many factors:
- Quality …
- Country of Origin. …
- ...

Thus, according to GidMarket analysts, the data ... at producer prices ...

In the apple market, prices are very dependent on …

6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India

Table 18 presents consumer prices for apples.

The change in consumer prices for apples across the states of India occurred ... both during the period from 2015 to 2019, and over the last year. Over 4 years (2015-2019), the maximum price increase was observed in … (by …%), a decrease by …% - in the republic... In 2019, compared to 2018, the maximum price increase was observed in … regions (by …%) , decrease by …% in … area.

The spread of consumer prices for apples across the states of India is ... The average price in 2019 is ... rupees per 1 kilogram. At the same time, the lowest price is in the traditional ""apple"" regions: in ... reg. (… Rs./kg), … reg. (… Rs./kg), Rep. … (… Rs./kg). The highest price observed in … is … Rs./kg, which is …

In general, in India, the average price for apples in 2019 compared to 2018 …%. Over the period from 2015 to 2019, the price of apples increased by …%, which is significantly …

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

… factors of the investment climate of the apple market dominate over ... A comprehensive assessment of the factors of investment attractiveness is ... points - ... the investment climate. This means that within the considered perspective and development potential…

The most significant positive factors. …

The most significant negative factors. …

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the apple market until 2023 


Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions 



Diagram 1. The share of apples in the gross harvest of fruits, berries and grapes in India, 2015-2019, %
Figure 2. Nutritional value of apples
Diagram 3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the apple market in 2014-2019,%
Diagram 4. Dynamics of the volume of the apple market in India in 2015 - 2019, thousand tons
Diagram 5. Revenue (net) from the sale of apples in the Union Territories for 2015 - 2019, %
Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2014-2019, billion Rs., % to the previous year
Chart 7. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2019, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 8. Dynamics of India's IPP in 2014 - 2019, % to the previous year
Diagram 9. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011 - 2019, % to the previous year
Diagram 10. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, 2013 - 2019, % to the previous year
Diagram 11. Index of agricultural production for all categories of farms in India, 2013-2019, % to the previous year, in comparable prices
Diagram 12. Population dynamics in India, 2010-2019, million people, %
Diagram 13. Monthly dynamics of apple imports to India, 2015-2019, thousand tons
Figure 14. Stage of the life cycle of the apple market
Figure 15. Main apple substitute products
Diagram 16. Shares of the largest competitors in the apple market in 2019, %
Diagram 17. Dynamics of apple production in India in 2014 - 2019, thousand tons
Diagram 18. Structure of apple production by farm type in India in 2015-2019, %
Diagram 19. Dynamics of the area under apple plantations, 2015-2019, thousand ha
Diagram 20. Dynamics of apple yield in India in 2015-2019, t/ha
Diagram 21. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest producers (TOP-5) of apples in India, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 22. The share of exports in production (in physical terms) for 2014 - 2019, %
Diagram 23. Structure of apple production by Indian states in 2019, %
Diagram 24. Volume and dynamics of imports of apples in physical terms in 2014-2019, thousand tons
Diagram 25. Volume and dynamics of imports of apples in monetary terms in 2014-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 26. Dynamics of apple exports in physical terms in 2014-2019, thousand tons
Diagram 27. Dynamics of apple exports in monetary terms in 2014-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 28. Balance of exports and imports in 2014-2019, million Rs.
Chart 29. Structure of exports by countries in 2019, %
Diagram 30. Dynamics of apple consumption in monetary terms in 2014 - 2019, Rs./person
Chart 31. The volume of purchases of apples in India in rupees in 2019 (by months),% of the total annual
Chart 32. Types of apple consumption in federal districts in 2019, %
Diagram 33. Placement of retail outlets in relation to the consumer in the Union Territories in 2019, by total volume of apple purchases,%
Diagram 34. The share of chain and non-chain outlets by the total volume of apple purchases in the Union Territories in 2019, %
Diagram 35. Monthly dynamics of producer prices in 2019-2020 (Jan.-Feb.) for the Union Territories and for India, thousand Rs. / t with VAT (10%)
Chart 36. Producer prices for the period from August to December 2019 in India according to the NEO-center, Rs./kg
Chart 37. Dynamics of minimum, average and maximum producer prices for Golden Delicious apples for the period from August 2, 2019 to April 10, 2020, Rs./kg
Chart 38. Dynamics of minimum, average and maximum producer prices for Gala apples for the period from August 2, 2019 to April 10, 2020, Rs./kg
Chart 39. Dynamics of minimum, average and maximum producer prices for Fuji apples for the period from August 2, 2019 to April 10, 2020, Rs./kg.
Diagram 40. Forecast of the volume of the apple market in India in 2020 - 2024, thousand tons


Table 1. The main economic indicators of intensive orchards in comparison with those existing in central India, units. rev.
Table 2. The main components of different types of intensive apple orchards, units. rev.
Table 3. STEP analysis of factors affecting the apple market in India
Table 4. Profitability of the industry of growing perennial crops in 2017-2018, %
Table 5. Main companies participating in the apple market in 2019
Table 6. Profiles of companies participating in the apple market in 2019
Table 7. Dynamics of apple production in India by union territories for all types of farms in 2015-2019, thousand tons
Table 8. Structure of apple imports by importing countries in 2019, %
Table 9. Key figures for apple consumption in India in 2019, units rev.
Table 10. The volume of purchases of apples by Union Territories in rupees in 2019 (by months),% of the total annual
Table 11. Distribution of the total volume of apple purchases by retail outlet locations in the Union Territories in 2019, %
Table 12. Turnover of apple purchases by income groups across the Union Territories in 2019, % of the total amount
Table 13. Tenders for the purchase of apples, for which contracts were concluded in the period from 01.01.2020/13.04.2020/15 to / / , in the amount of more than million Rs.
Table 14. Average (average annual) producer prices for apples across the Union Territories in 2013-2019, thousand Rs./t including VAT (10%)
Table 15. Producer prices across the Union Territories for apples harvested in 2018, sold in January-April 2019, thousand Rs./t including VAT (10%)
Table 16. Monthly dynamics of producer prices in 2019-2020 (Jan.-Feb.) across the Union Territories, thousand Rs./t including VAT (10%)
Table 17. Producer prices from announcements for the period from April 1 to April 12, 2020, Rs./kg
Table 18. Average consumer prices for apples by states of India in 2015-2019, Rs./kg
Table 19. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the apple market

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