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Analysis of the alternative energy market in India

Analysis of the alternative energy market in India Analysis of the alternative energy market in India
Release date 03.04.2014
Number of pages 165
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹


The introduction of advanced technologies is important both in industry and in everyday life. But the success of their application depends on the timely and reliable assessment of efficiency and demand. The specialized agency ""GidMarket"" offers a detailed expert report on current topics, compiled in 2014.

If the client requires a conclusion for the current date, the data can be updated within 25 business days.

The document offered for purchase right now includes the following sections:

  1. General analysis of the alternative energy market in India and in the world, including volume, structure, growth factors, barriers to development, forecast.
  2. Assessment of small hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal and biogas plants. In particular, the capacity and productivity, leading countries, typical characteristics of equipment, operating enterprises and projects at the implementation stage, potential, prospects, etc. are described.

Stages of the analysis of the alternative energy market in India

The study of all available information that may be useful to assess the state of affairs in this direction. Usually, for these purposes, experts use:

  • public reporting of business entities - industry participants;
  • databases of the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat, as well as sectoral ministries;
  • reference books, technical literature;
  • Internet and printed publications with an analysis of the alternative energy market in India;
  • information from insider sources.

Conducting a selective survey of key players.

Drawing up a conclusion based on the results of the study, including professional recommendations to users.

If the report from the GidMarket agency catalog does not contain the data you need, then specialists will be able to conduct an additional study of the issue according to individual criteria. To order such a service or purchase a ready-made opinion, follow the appropriate links on the site and fill out the attached forms.

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