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Analysis of the agricultural machinery market in India

Analysis of the agricultural machinery market in India Analysis of the agricultural machinery market in India
Release date 28.01.2019
Number of pages 17
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

In our time, the level of development of world agricultural technology is so high that it can be compared with the level of development of space and aviation technology. The fields of the planet are criss-crossed by agricultural machines capable of impressing with electronic intelligence, perfection of forms, and design.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the agricultural machinery market, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the agricultural machinery market.


Part 1. Overview of the primary market for agricultural machinery in India

1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.3. Market share of imports
1.4. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market, 2016-2017, with a forecast up to 2021 
1.5. Agricultural machinery market share in India's GDP
1.6. Market structure by types of agricultural machinery

Part 2. Manufacturer analysis of the agricultural machinery market in India

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Dynamics of market shares of the largest competitors, 2016-2017 
2.3. Analysis of foreign manufacturers on the market (XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX) 
2.3.1. Dynamics of the shares of international players in the market, 2016-2017 
2.3.2. Dynamics of sales volume, 2016-2017, with a forecast up to 2021 

Part 3. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the primary market for agricultural machinery in India
1.1. Main characteristics of the market
The agricultural machinery industry has a double value for the Indian economy. On the one hand, it contributes to the implementation of the tasks that are set for domestic agriculture by the Food Security Doctrine of India approved by the Government in 2010: the industry is charged with the task of reducing dependence on imported equipment and technologies, as well as ensuring the modernization of the country's agriculture in order to increase output. basic agricultural products. On the other hand, the industry is significant as an independent sector of the economy that contributes to the state budget and provides employment for the population ...
In 2016, the efforts of the state helped overcome the downward trend in production that had been observed for several years. However, all this became possible not just as a result of any institutional changes in the work of the industry, but only in conditions of very significant direct financial support from the state ...
The main trends among Indian agricultural machinery manufacturers include:
• Growth in production volumes.
• Increase in the nomenclature.
• Emergence of new manufacturers.
• Activation of work on export.
• Technical re-equipment.
• Manufacture of spare parts.
To the development of the characteristics of agricultural machinery in the Indian market, experts include such areas as:
• Minimization of losses.
• Differentiated application.
• Application accuracy.
• Minimization of the human role.

1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market 
The strengths of the agricultural machinery market in India are:
• Presence since the Soviet times of a developed industry, accumulated experience and developed economic ties.
• Priority attention from the state.
• Existing support in the form of a significant domestic market.
• Compared to the most developed European countries, lower production costs in terms of labor costs.
Weaknesses in the industry include:
• Technological lag behind the world's leading manufacturers.
• High dependence on the availability of government support.
• Significant remoteness from the world's leading sales markets, which predetermines high costs for supply logistics.
• Until now, an undeveloped export sales channel, practically limited by a narrow list of CIS countries.
Among the main opportunities of the Indian market are:
Among the threats to the Indian market, experts identify:

1.3. Market share of imports
Diagram 1. Share of imports in the agricultural machinery market in India, 2017, %

1.4. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market, 2016-2017, with a forecast up to 2021
According to GidMarket estimates based on data from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Indian agricultural machinery market … 

1.5. Agricultural machinery market share in India's GDP

1.6. Market structure by types of agricultural machinery
Diagram 5. Structure of the agricultural machinery market in India by type, 2017, %

Part 2. Manufacturer analysis of the agricultural machinery market in India
2.1. Major players in the market
The key segments of the Indian agricultural machinery market are ..., respectively, the leaders in these segments determine the main players in the industry as a whole. 

2.2. Dynamics of market shares of the largest competitors, 2016-2017

2.3. Analysis of foreign manufacturers on the market (XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX)
2.3.1. Dynamics of the shares of international players in the market, 2016-2017
Chart 7. Shares of foreign manufacturers in the agricultural machinery market in India, 2016-2017, %

2.3.2. Dynamics of sales volume, 2016-2017, with a forecast up to 2021
None of the companies disclose data on the sale of agricultural machinery in leasing, however, GidMarket estimates the share of leasing in their sales at about …

Part 3. Recommendations and conclusions


Diagram 1. Share of imports in the agricultural machinery market in India, 2017, %
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the volume of the agricultural machinery market in India, 2016-2021, billion Rs. 
Diagram 3. Potential for growth of the agricultural machinery market in India, 2017, billion Rs. 
Diagram 4. Agricultural machinery market share in India's GDP, 2017, %
Diagram 5. Structure of the agricultural machinery market in India by type, 2017, %
Diagram 6. Shares of the largest competitors in the agricultural machinery market in India, 2016-2017, %
Diagram 7. Shares of foreign manufacturers in the agricultural machinery market in India, 2016-2017, %
Diagram 8. Sales volume of foreign manufacturers in the agricultural machinery market in India, 2016-2021, billion Rs.


Table 1. Top players in the agricultural machinery market in India, 2017

Research benefits

The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.

Directions for using the results of the study

To bring a new product to the market, organize a new production, correct the current strategy of the company or develop a new one, to make various decisions


For senior and middle managers, marketing specialists, investors, business owners

Additional options

Create a customized ppt presentation 
Extended update of the report ""according to the goals and objectives of the Customer"" 
Business plan development

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