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Analysis of the data center market

Analysis of the data center market Analysis of the data center market
Release date 03.03.2022
Number of pages 105
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 79000 ₹

The relevance of research

The main drivers of the data center market are the digitalization of all sectors of the economy and the use of digital services by businesses. Gradual understanding by consumers of the benefits of using data center services is moving this market to a qualitatively new level. Following the innovators, more conservative consumers also turn to the services of data center

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the data center market in India, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors



1. Current State of the Commercial Data Center (CDC) Market in India

1.1. Key indicators of market development (2018-2021)
1.1.1. Development dynamics
1.1.2. Capacity growth
1.1.3. Services
1.1.4. Venue format
1.2. Market leaders kdata center
1.3. Geographical structure of the market

2. Regional data center Markets in India (2021)

3. Trends in the development of the data center market in India

4. Consumer Behavior: Factors in Choosing a Data Center Site (2021)

4.1. Criteria for choosing data center by consumers
4.2. Analysis in the needs of the services of data center
4.3. Criteria for assessing the quality of service in data center
4.4. Analysis of the need for data center services in the future 10 years

5. Competitive situation (2021)

5.1. Major market players
5.2. Analysis of the list of services offered by data center
5.3. Analysis of the pricing policy of data center
5.4. Segmentation of the main data centers
5.5. Analysis of commercial data center projects in 2020-2021
5.6. Analysis of competition in the data center market in India, taking into account the newly introduced data centers
5.7. Plans for the construction of new data centers

6. Profitability indicators of existing data center projects (2018-2021 (est.)

7. Legislative factors

7.1. The impact of legislation on the data center development market
7.2. Forecast of further development in this area

8. Forecast and prospects for the development of the data center market in India until 2026

9. Development of the data center market in the West

9.1. History of development
9.2. Key indicators of market development
9.3. Analysis of data center services

10. findings

Research excerpt 


1. Current State of the Commercial Data Center (CDC) Market in India

1.1. Key indicators of market development (2018-2021)
1.1.1. Development dynamics
During the presented period, the data center market ... The main drivers of this market were …
So far, the key consumer of data center services remains ... business ...
Estimated in 2021, the market increased by …% compared to 2020 and reached the level of … billion Rs. According to GidMarket calculations, in general for 2013-2021. revenues of Indian CDCs grew … times.

Diagram 1. Dynamics of income of data centers in India, 2013-2021 (est.), billion Rs.

There is talk of a steady high demand for commercial data center services from customers ... Indian businesses are actively …
… said: “There is … in the capital market, and we are striving for …”.
According to …, there is currently a shortage of …
The imbalance in both the data center market and in many other sectors of the Indian economy was brought by the covid-19 pandemic that began in 2020. It changed both key influencing trends and …
If among the factors stimulating the development of the data center market in India in 2019, mainly internal drivers stood out:

And external factors had mainly ... influence:
In today's conditions, the influence of factors on the market is multi-vector, and the cumulative force of influence determines the results of market development annually.
Experts … add: among the factors driving the growth of the data center market in India, and above all in India, it should be noted that …
Some of the limiting factors include...

1.1.2. Capacity growth

In 2017-2019 in the data center market annually … was observed not lower than …% per year. This confirmed the high ... According to …, the number of racks in data centers in India at the end of 2019 amounted to … thousand units, having increased by …% compared to 2018.

The high dynamics of capacity growth of Indian data centers, first of all, was associated with the implementation of …
During 2020, the number of rack spaces intended for commercial operation (colocation) in India, …% compared to 2019 - …
The coronavirus pandemic did not lead to a drop in demand for commercial data center services, but the slowdown …

1.1.3. Services

According to GidMarket, in 2021, colocation services accounted for about …% of data center revenues, while cloud services accounted for …% of data center revenues. The share of colocation services is systematically …
Additional conditions for the described trend are created by:

Diagram 2. Structure of revenues of data centers in India by types of services, 2015-2021 (est.), %

The trend ... has two vectors. One side, …
According to representatives of the company …, the annual growth in the volume of stored and processed data is the main driver of …
The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated trend towards remote work will help companies evaluate …
… Another factor driving demand growth in the short term is massive migration …

1.1.4. Venue format

In addition to this classification, there are several more divisions of data centers. One of them (the most relevant recently) is the classification of data centers according to the Data Center Site Infrastructure Tier Standard…
Tier I: basic level. …
Tier II: reserve capacity. …
Tier III: parallel repair. …
Tier IV: fault tolerance. …
According to the Uptime Institute, a data center must have three certificates:

1.2. Market leaders data center

According to the results of the 1st half of 2021, the leader in the Indian market of data centers in terms of the total number of rack spaces was …, it accounted for …%. In second place is…
The 4th place was taken by ... In total, the TOP-5 players accounted for …%. Back in 2018, the Indian data center market was …

Diagram 5. Shares of the largest data centers in India by number of rack spaces at the end of H1 2021, %

Thus, processes … are traced in the Indian data center market, which are also characteristic of the Indian economy as a whole.
1.3. Geographical structure of the market

As for the prospects for the regional development of the data center market, according to ..., the Far East is ...

Traditionally, the largest data centers are located in and MO. The structure of the location of data centers in the union territories, without reference to the number of racks in each data center, is as follows: 
Central Union Territories – …%;
Northwestern Union Territories – …%;
Siberian Union Territories – …%;

2. Regional data center Markets in India (2021)

2.1. Basic Information
2.2. Information by region

3. Trends in the development of the data center market in India

4. Consumer Behavior: Factors in Choosing a Data Center Site (2021)

4.1. Criteria for choosing data center by consumers
When characterizing the criteria for choosing a data center, it is necessary to focus on the criteria ... This criterion needs a little attention ...
With the expansion of the range of offers on the data center market, consumer requirements become ...
At the same time, the availability of certification still remains ...
The situation varies depending on the category of customers. So, cost is the most important for…
Among consumer preference trends in 2021-2022. are the following:…
A survey of potential customers for commercial data center services showed that the key factors in choosing a data center are …
…% of respondents noted the criticality of the requirements… In general, the presence of a certificate is serious… Companies that offer services of Tier IV certified data centers will be able, according to market participants, to …
4.2. Analysis in the needs of the services of data center

In 2020, a panel study was conducted, which included more than 100 of the largest companies in India. Questions were asked about plans for the development of ICT infrastructure.
…% of large domestic businesses do not place their equipment in a data center and do not rent the infrastructure of cloud providers. Wherein …
Regarding development plans: of those …% that have not previously worked with data centers or cloud providers, of which …% planned to place equipment in data centers or rent infrastructure in 2020-2021. These are the new customers who will generate new demand. 
At the same time, of those who already have experience of cooperation with data centers or cloud providers (their …%), …% plan to increase the amount of infrastructure hosted in the data center or rented from a cloud provider. This is the potential to expand existing demand.
4.3. Criteria for assessing the quality of service in data center

4.4. Analysis of the need for data center services in the future 10 years
Today, there is a clearer trend when not only economic giants, but also developing companies resort to the services of data centers. Long-term practice confirms that the consolidation of information storage facilities in a data center reduces the cost of operating IT resources, while increasing the security of information storage.
The analysis of the demand for data center services was carried out on the basis of the forecast dynamics of the development of the cloud services market, the work of which is based, as a rule, ... According to the forecast, in 2026 the volume of the Indian cloud services market will amount to … billion Rs., CAGR for the period 2022-2026 will be …%. Over the forecast period, the growth rate of the cloud services market will be …

The GidMarket company estimates that in 2031 the volume of the cloud services market will exceed … billion Rs.
Cloud platforms are becoming a tool for growth, as the study report notes... Increasing data volume and load on online services, as well as an increase in the number of pilots and experiments, are increasingly leading companies to …
The main factors in the transition to cloud platforms in 2020, the respondent companies called the increase in … (…%) and … Also, the respondents noted an increase in the number of business experiments and pilot projects (…%), an increase in the number and importance of …
According to respondents, the use of clouds contributes to the transformation ...
In the near future, the data center market will be in demand for solutions aimed at reducing the cost of …

5. Competitive situation (2021)

5.1. Major market players
After the completion of the transaction ... the size ... grew to ... thousand rack spaces in ... data centers across India in 2019. In fact, at the end of H1 2021, the company’s capacity … 
Today we can talk about one dominator and several players of the second level, which include ...
2020-2021 (1st year) for … can be characterized as successful. The cumulative increase in capacity over 1,5 years amounted to … thousand rack spaces. According to the planned indicators for the 2nd half of 2021, more …

Table 9. TOP-15 data center service providers in India by number of racks at the end of H1 2021 and at the end of 2021 (ex.), units

The second top five companies are…
5.2. Analysis of the list of services offered by data center
5.3. Analysis of the pricing policy of data center

5.4. Segmentation of the main data centers
Based on the results of the analysis of the largest players in the Indian data center market in 2021, a table has been formed with the following sections…
5.5. Analysis of commercial data center projects in 2020-2021
Projects 2020
In 2020, … thousand racks were put into operation. 
The undisputed leader in terms of the number of rack spaces put into operation in 2020 was the … group, among whose key facilities is the complex ... By the end of 2020, it accounted for … rack spaces. In 2020, the operator launched more than … thousand rack spaces, most of which were in the new data center in …
Projects 2021

Diagram 21. Commissioning of racks in operation of the main data centers in 2021

As of the end of H1 2021, the main data center operators actually commissioned only … racks out of the planned …, which amounted to …%. 
Total …, for 2021 introduced …
5.6. Analysis of competition in the data center market in India, taking into account the newly introduced data centers
5.7. Plans for the construction of new data centers
The activity of the Group of Companies will have a significant impact on the further development of the Indian data center market … One of the factors in the current dominance of the state operator was the purchase of …
The market leader continues... 
As of July 2020, it was known that … had started building a -rack data center in …
The data center under construction will be Tier IV. In 2021 Data Center Capacity …

Current and future projects will allow ... to further strengthen the competitive position in the data center market.
According to the company's long-term development strategy, data centers are one of …
 “…” started construction of a data processing center in … The cost of the project will be … billion Rs. without taking into account the cost of equipment. The data center will receive a Tier-III certificate and will have to become the largest in the Volga region.
The direct construction of the data center began in 2020. The project is being implemented…
The following projects have also been announced:

6. Profitability indicators of existing data center projects depending on various criteria (region, volume, list of services) (2018-2021 (est.)

As a rule, highly profitable operation of a data center while maintaining its reliability begins with …% capacity utilization. At the same time, the full load of computing power ...
According to …, the optimal capacity load is in the …% range. In this scenario, the operator receives ...
The analysis of the profitability of the Indian data center market was carried out by the analysts of the GidMarket company based on the profitability indicators of the main market operators according to the official reporting of enterprises ...
Profitability of sales - an indicator of the financial performance of the organization, showing what part of the organization's revenue is profit from sales
As shown in the table, if most of the largest data center operators declared …, then since 2019 the return on sales has turned into ... At the end of 2020, the average return on sales among the main operators of the data center market is …%.

Diagram 24. Comparison of the profitability of sales of the sphere of data centers with the profitability of sales of the industry 61.1 ""Activities in the field of communication based on wire technologies""

As for the comparison with the industry average indicators of similar sectors of the economy, the profitability of sales of the data center sector back in 2018 was …
Profitability before tax - an indicator of the financial performance of the organization, showing what part of the organization's revenue is profit before tax.
Profitability indicators before tax differ significantly from year to year. At the end of 2019, the average profitability before tax among data center market operators amounted to …%, which became ... Under the influence of the economic crisis, the indicator of some market companies moved to … at the end of 2020, and on average for the companies represented amounted to …%. 
In 2019 alone, the profitability of profit before tax in the data center sector exceeded ...
If we trace the dynamics of the profitability of fixed assets of the data center industry since 2014, we can see the amplitude fluctuations of this indicator from …%, which is caused by a large number of ... As of 2020, the average profitability of fixed assets of the main market participants amounted to …%.
The value of the profitability indicator of fixed assets indicates that in the field of data center in 2019, fixed assets were used ...
Thus, in the field of data processing centers, the indicators of profitability of sales, profit before tax, fixed assets have …

7. Legislative factors

7.1. The impact of legislation on the data center development market
7.2. Forecast of further development in this area

8. Forecast and prospects for the development of the data center market in India until 2026

9. Development of the data center market in the West

9.1. History of development
The prototypes of data centers are ...
One of the forefathers of data centers is the Computer Center ...
One of the first commercial data centers is the center for the reservation system 
The actual development of data centers has received ...
In India, the first data centers began to appear at the beginning ... One of the first large companies - owners of a data center was ...
According to, there are already more than ... data centers in the world today.

Table 18. The largest data centers in the world by area

9.2. Key indicators of market development
Many governments support the construction of data centers as strategic…
Spending on data center systems makes up a significant share of total information technology spending, but dynamics ... Double-digit growth in 2018 was replaced by ... - according to data ... $ ... billion was spent on infrastructure and data center systems that …% more than … Stagnation … is connected, on the one hand, with the fall in prices for servers, and on the other hand, with …
The crisis and reduced funding led to a drop in global spending on data centers by …% in 2020. 
Sales of systems for data centers in the current 2022 …%, up to … billion dollars. In 2021, growth amounted to …
Even oppositely directed trends, such as the processes of globalization and nationalization of economies, have a component related to ...

The desire of global providers to expand their presence in local markets, reinforced by the development of edge computing Internet of things technologies, significantly increases the demand for …
At the same time, the pandemic of 2020-2021, having a dual impact on the data center market, rather supported … According to the report “…” of the company …, there are significant investments in the data center market from …
According to the research …, in 2019 the number of M&A deals in the field of data centers in the world …

According to the report of the analytical company …, the size of the data center market, including the costs of IT, engineering infrastructure, construction, as well as services for design, installation of equipment, commissioning and physical security by 2026 will amount to … billion US dollars, showing growth in …% CAGR for 2021–2026
The main customers - the companies that have made the main contribution to the construction of new data centers - are the largest ...
The global data center construction market is being driven by technologies aimed at…
In terms of data center space, the market is dominated by …, followed by … Hyperscale data center construction is on the rise, a significant share of investment comes from …
Considering the question of where data centers are being built, we can say that by a wide margin from other countries in terms of the number of commercial data centers, the leaders are ..., in which there are ... data centers. Following by a wide margin is…
9.3. Analysis of data center services

10. findings


Diagram 1. Dynamics of income of data centers in India, 2013-2021 (est.), billion Rs.
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the number of data center racks in India, 2013-2021 (est.), thousand units
Diagram 3. Structure of revenues of data centers in India by types of services, 2015-2021 (est.), %
Chart 4. Number of data centers in India with Tier III certification, 2015-2021
Diagram 5. Shares of the largest data centers in India by number of rack spaces at the end of H1 2021, %
Diagram 6. Regional structure of the data center market in India by number of racks, 2015-2019, 2020 (est.), 2021, 2021 (est.), %
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the total number of racks of data centers, 2016-2020
Figure 8. Geography of location of the main data centers in the Indian regions
Figure 9. Geography of location of the main data centers
Figure 10. Geography of location of the main data centers in and LO
Diagram 11. Ranking of criteria for choosing data center by consumers
Figure 12. Typical scheme for making a decision to purchase data center services
Diagram 13. Distribution of answers to the question ""If you were planning to host on commercial sites, what requirements for the data center would you mark as the most important"", % of the number of those who use their own servers on their site""
Diagram 14. Distribution of answers to the question about the criticality of Tier III level requirements, %
Diagram 15. Distribution of answers to the question “Do you plan to place equipment in a data center and / or rent cloud provider infrastructure in 2020-2021”, % of those who have not used it before
Chart 16. Distribution of answers to the question ""Do you plan to increase the amount of infrastructure hosted in a data center or rented from an IaaS provider in 2020-2021"", % of users
Diagram 17. The most common causes of deterioration in the quality of service, %
Chart 18. Dynamics of the cloud services market, 2018-2021 (est.), Forecast of the dynamics of the cloud services market until 2031, billion Rs.
Chart 19. Revenue structure of Indian data centers by type of service, 2021 (est.), %
Diagram 20. Commissioning of racks in operation of the main data centers in 2020
Diagram 21. Commissioning of racks in operation of the main data centers in 2021
Figure 22. Geography of development of the Rostelecom data center network
Figure 23. Scheme of existing and planned data centers and infrastructure sites of Rosatom
Diagram 24. Comparison of the profitability of sales of the sphere of data centers with the profitability of sales of the industry 61.1 ""Activities in the field of communication based on wire technologies""
Diagram 25. Comparison of profitability before tax of the sphere of data center with indicators of profitability of profit before tax of industry 61.1 ""Activities in the field of communication based on wire technologies""
Diagram 26. Comparison of the profitability of fixed assets of the sphere of data centers with the profitability of fixed assets of the industry 61.1 ""Activities in the field of communication based on wire technologies""
Diagram 27. Forecast of the number of data center racks in India, 2022-2026, thousand units
Diagram 28. Forecast of income of data center in India, 2022-2026, billion Rs.
Chart 29. Worldwide spending on data centers, 2017-2023 (est.)
Diagram 30. Number of M&A transactions in the global data center market, 2017-2019
Diagram 31. Growth dynamics of commercial data centers in the world, mln sq. m
Diagram 32. Number of commercial data centers in different countries
Figure 33. External view of the QTS Groningen data center


Table 1. Factors influencing the development of the data center market, 2021-2022
Table 2. Large data centers
Table 3. Large data centers
Table 4. Main data centers of the cities
Table 5. Main data centers in cities
Table 6. Penetration of data center services and cloud providers in the segment of large business in India in 2020
Table 7. Mandatory SLA parameters and their impact on the price of data center services, 2018-2021
Table 8. Optional SLA parameters and their impact on the price of data center services, 2018-2021
Table 9. TOP-15 data center service providers in India by number of racks at the end of H1 2021 and at the end of 2021 (ex.), units
Table 10. Range of services offered on the qDPC market by the main market operators
Table 11. Offers of market operators regarding the cost of renting a rack, depending on the number and capacity, Rs. with VAT per month
Table 12. The cost of renting a rack, depending on the number and capacity, Rs. with VAT per month
Table 13. Analysis of the largest players in the Indian data center market in 2021
Table 14. Timetable for the development of the data center market in India according to the announced plans of market operators, 2022-2025
Table 15. Dynamics of sales profitability of key market operators, 2017-2021 (est.), %
Table 16. Dynamics of profitability of profit before tax of key market operators, 2017-2021 (est.), %
Table 17. Dynamics of profitability of fixed assets of key market operators, 2017-2021 (est.), %
Table 18. The largest data centers in the world by area

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