Active Alumina Market Analysis
The relevance of research
The growth in demand for active alumina is due to the fact that such oil refining processes as hydrotreating and other similar processes are developing. Here catalyst substances are used, which contain 80-90% of such a substance. In addition, he found wide use of it in adsorption processes.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the active alumina market, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the active alumina market
Part 1. India Active Alumina Market Overview
1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Assessment of factors influencing the market (including seasonality factor)
1.3. Volume of production
1.4. Share of exports in production
1.5. Market share of imports
1.6. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market in 2016-2018
1.7. Market structure by types of active alumina (and areas of its application)
Part 2: Competitor Analysis
2.1. Major players in the active alumina market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Product range of main competitors
2.4. Prices of the largest players
Part 3. Consumption analysis
3.1. Analysis of consumer preferences
3.2. Market structure by consumption sectors
3.3. TOP-10 main consumers of active alumina for each of the TOP-3 main consumption sectors
3.4. Base of 100 consumers of active alumina (in addition to clause 3.3.)
Part 4. Consumption forecast until 2024
Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions
Research excerpt
Part 1. India Active Alumina Market Overview
1.1. Main characteristics of the market
The object of this study is active alumina, as well as catalysts for the Claus and Sulfren processes. Also, the object of this study is active alumina, which can act as a carrier for catalysts.
GOST applies in the industry ... Specifications - a standard that ...
According to the standard, active alumina, depending on the application ...
According to the main indicators, active alumina must comply with the standards specified in table 1.
Also, representatives of the industry produce active alumina according to specifications ...
Development … determines the growth in demand for active alumina … At the same time, the industry for the production of active alumina and catalysts based on it has such problems as: …
Prospects for the development of the market for active alumina and catalysts based on it create …
In addition, market development prospects are created by …
1.2. Assessment of factors influencing the market (including seasonality factor)
Let's consider the macrofactors influencing the development of the analyzed market.
The dynamics of GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation.
As shown in Chart 1, in 2014 observed...
According to the results of 2017 - 2018. GDP growth...
Diagram 1. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2014-2018, % to the previous year
Table 3 STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting Active Alumina Market
According to the results of the assessment, macro-environmental factors have … influence on the active alumina market ... Social and environmental groups of factors have … influence on the development of the active alumina industry. Economic, political and environmental groups of factors have an impact on the development of the industry. Among the positively influencing factors, one can single out ... Among the negatively influencing factors: ...
1.3. Volume of production
The total production capacity of major Indian manufacturers in the study market is presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Total production capacities of large Indian manufacturers of active alumina and catalysts based on it
Thus, the total capacity for the production of aluminum oxide and catalysts of large Indian enterprises is … tons per year, however, the level of utilization of total capacities is …
The calculation of the volume of production within the framework of the object of study (active alumina and catalysts for the Claus and Sulfren processes) was performed using the …
The volume of production of active aluminum oxide products within the framework of the research object in 2018 in value terms amounted to … rupees, … by …% relative to 2017. For the period 2016-2018 volume of production in monetary terms …%.
The volume of production of active alumina and catalysts for the Claus and Sulfren processes in 2018 in physical terms amounted to … t, … by …% relative to 2017. For the period 2016-2018 volume of production in physical terms …%. Higher production growth rates…
1.4. Share of exports in productionе
The export of active alumina is represented by … and amounts to … tons at the end of 2018 … an enterprise exporting active alumina on a permanent basis … Recipients …
Thus, the share of exports in the production of active alumina within the studied market currently amounts to …% in the structure of industrial production of active alumina.
1.5. Market share of imports
The volume of imports of aluminum oxide in 2018 to India amounted to … thousand tons for the amount of … mln Rs. The largest importer is …, whose share in the volume of imports is …% in 2018. Used by the company as …
In calculating the share of imports in the analyzed market ...
Thus, the share of imported products in the active alumina market is …% in physical terms and …% in value terms, which is due to ...
1.6. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market in 2016-2018
Calculation of the market volume of active alumina and catalysts of the Claus, Sulfren processes was made according to the data … At the end of 2018, the market volume of active alumina and catalysts of the Claus processes, Sulfren amounted to … Rs., … relative to 2017 by …%, in 2017. growth …
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the volume of the market of active aluminum oxide and catalysts for the processes of Claus, Sulfren, billion Rs.
The growth drivers of the active alumina market are …
Currently existing production facilities…
1.7. Market structure by types of active alumina (and areas of its application)
The structure of the market by product type is dominated by …
Part 2: Competitor Analysis
2.1. Major players in the active alumina market
As noted above, imported products ... The largest market operators are ..
The market has features typical for … – … the largest competitors collectively account for more than …% of the market volume, …
According to GidMarket, the largest competitors within the research object are …
Second-tier competitors are...
Table 9. Major players in the active alumina market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
The assessment of the shares of competitors in the analyzed market was carried out by GidMarket in terms of market value, based on data regarding ...
Diagram 9. Shares of the largest competitors in the active alumina market, 2018, %
According to GidMarket, the market leader of active alumina and Claus process catalysts, Sulfren is …, occupying a share of …% of the analyzed market, the second largest market operator is …
Next, in descending order of market share, are…
TOP-10 operators of the market of active alumina and catalysts based on it occupy more than …% of the market volume.
2.3. Product range of main competitors
Table 10 presents the product range of the main competitors within the framework of the object of analysis of this study, as well as an indication of the purpose of using this name, according to the manufacturer.
2.4. Prices of the largest players
The prices of the largest players in the active alumina market are in the range from … thousand Rs./ton … Thus, the range of price discrepancies for typical products is from …%.
The price for imported alumina, which is used for further production of this market, by enterprises … is … thousand Rs./t. The import price of active alumina, which is used by importing companies for their own needs or for subsequent sale, is largely determined by …
Part 3. Consumption analysis
3.1. Analysis of consumer preferences
For users of active alumina, the important selection criteria are: …
An example of the characteristics of the requirements for the supplied products of a gas processing industry company is presented in Table 14.
3.2. Market structure by consumption sectors
According to GidMarket, in the market structure of active alumina and catalysts for Claus processes, Sulfren is dominated by consumption sectors by … These three industries account for more than …% of total consumption.
3.3. TOP-10 main consumers of active alumina for each of the TOP-3 main consumption sectors
3.4. Base of 100 consumers of active alumina (in addition to clause 3.3.)
The sources for the formation of the consumer base were information ...
If there is information about the volumes or the name of the purchased products (active alumina or catalysts for the Claus, Sulfren processes), this information is given next to the name of the consumer.
Table 17. Base of 100 consumers of active alumina and catalysts based on it
Part 4. Consumption forecast until 2024
Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions
Diagram 1. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2014-2018, % to the previous year
Diagram 2. Industrial production index of India, 2014 - 2018, in % of the previous year
Diagram 3. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2014 - July 2019, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 4. Dynamics of oil refining depth in India, in 2010, 2017, 2018, %
Diagram 5. Production of active alumina and catalysts for the Claus and Sulfren processes in India, 2016-2018, billion Rs.
Diagram 6. Production of active alumina and catalysts for the Claus and Sulfren processes in India, in 2016-2018, thousand tons
Diagram 7. Import share of active aluminum market
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the volume of the market for active alumina and catalysts for Claus and Sulfren processes, billion Rs.
Diagram 9. Shares of the largest competitors in the active alumina market, 2018, %
Diagram 10. Market structure by consumption sectors
Diagram 11. Forecast of consumption in the market of active alumina and catalysts for the processes of Claus, Sulfren until 2024, billion Rs.
Table 1. Requirements for the main indicators for active alumina according to GOST 8136-85
Table 2. Standards for the main indicators for active alumina according to TU 2163-015-94262278-2009
Table 3. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Reactive Alumina Market
Table 4. Total production capacity of large Indian manufacturers of active alumina and catalysts based on it
Table 5. Share in the revenue of the main manufacturers, which is accounted for by products within the object of study
Table 6. Export of active alumina from India, 2018
Table 7. Import of active alumina, 2018
Table 8. Market structure by types of active alumina and its areas of application
Table 9. Major players in the active alumina market
Table 10. Product range of main competitors
Table 11. Prices of the largest manufacturers for products supplied to the domestic market
Table 12. Producer prices of active alumina for export deliveries
Table 13. Prices of importers of active alumina for deliveries to India
Table 14. An example of the requirements for the supplied adsorbents by the gas processing industry in terms of technological indicators
Table 15. An example of the requirements for the supplied active alumina in terms of quality assurance indicators (JSC according to STO 61182334-014-2012 with amendments 1-2) by a gas processing industry enterprise
Table 16. The main consumers of active alumina for each of the TOP-3 main consumption sectors
Table 17. Base of 100 consumers of active alumina and catalysts based on it
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