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Analysis of customs statistics

Customs statistics (TS) systematizes information on the import and export of goods across the border.
Analysis of this information shows which groups of goods are transported across the border and at what prices.

TS research helps:

  • market conditions;
  • choose partners;
  • identify current trends in the segment;
  • select export destinations
  • find out suitable importers;
  • optimize the foreign economic directions of the company's work;
  • find an attractive niche in working with a foreign market;
  • predict promising areas in your sector;

Who needs data on the movement of goods through customs:

  • exporters and importers. The TS helps them optimize their pricing policy, increase turnover, form or adjust their assortment;
  • logistics companies: to find the best routes for cargo transportation, reduce costs, and find new customers;
  • customs brokers. Professionals in this sector need accurate information to advise clients;
  • temporary storage warehouses. Up-to-date information helps them plan their work, optimize space utilization, and offer competitive terms for contractors.
  • manufacturing companies. The Customs Union helps to decide on the expansion of its own production, identifies promising areas for export

The statistics are generated by:

  • product data: extended description, brand, article, cost, FEACN;
  • information about the volume of transported products - weight, cost;
  • information about senders, and recipients.

Analysis of customs statistics is necessary in the following cases:

  1. For the sale of goods in the foreign market.
  2. When developing marketing strategies for building new product flows, both across the border and in the domestic market. Even if the company does not plan to work with exports or imports directly, it is worth considering the coverage of competitors working in the same sector with foreign partners.
  3. When entering new market sectors or expanding the company.
  4. To analyze and evaluate the performance of the company's performance in the foreign market.
  5. When working in a sector requiring interaction with customs. These can be international investment projects, import and export of goods, cargo transportation, and thematic consulting.

It is not easy to analyze TS data without special training. Even processing information, structuring it and bringing it into a readable form is a laborious task. Therefore, it is better to order the analysis of statistics with a report and recommendations for your company to professionals.